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Simple Ways To Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

Don't suffer with lower back pain. Yogashray Sewayatan shows you ways to get rid of lower back pain by Naturopathy, Yoga & Meditation.

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Simple Ways To Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

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  1. How To Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

  2. - The Natural Path exploring natural treatments given to us by our nature to get relieve from Lower Back Pain. - In Ayurveda, Lower Back Pain begins with poor digestive fire which develops Ama in the body due to irregular dietary habits and unhealthy lifestyle practices. - This aggravate VataDosha which travels throughout the body and blocked channels which governs physiological functions like movements in lower back, hips, thighs etc.

  3. Lower back provides mobility to body to bend, twists, supports muscles in the pelvis, legs and feet & responsible for rotating the hips, supports the spinal column and weight of the body.

  4. Naturopathy Treatments • Hot & Cold Fomentations • Partial Herbal Mud Lepan • Wet Sheet Pack • Spine & Shoulder Therapy

  5. AyurvedaPanchkarma Treatments • Kativasti-Retention of warm thick medicated oil over the lower back • AyurvedaAbhyangam with Svedana (Wet Heat Therapy) • Basti- Herbal Decoction in the form of therapeutic enemas

  6. Yoga Chikitsa As a Therapy Cat-Cow Pose improves posture, strengthen & stretches spine, hips, abdomen & neck. When you practice, this asana remember to move from one pose to the next as you inhale or exhale.

  7. Flax seed in diet reduce the pain, inflammation and swelling. Take more steam vegetables like Bottle Gourd, Ridge Gourd, Tomato, Carrot, Cabbage, Cucumber, Ginger, Aloevera, Beans. Lemon water should be taken as vitamin C is helpful in relieving low back pain and averting spinal disc operations. Avoid Fatty, Spicy and Fried food, Curd, Sugar, Condiments, Tea, Coffee, Tobacco, Smoking etc.

  8. MudraPranayam Sit on a chair or on a floor in Sukhasana. Back straight, shoulders relaxed press the ring finger and middle finger with the Thumb and place it on a middle of a thighs with palm facing up. Elbows are sticking to the sides of the body with slight pressure. Now do pranayam breathing that is Inhale deeply then hold the breath till you can then exhale fully and then again hold till you can. This mudra is also beneficial in removing toxins from the body both physical and mental. Do it for 10 minutes daily on an empty stomach morning and evening.

  9. Brought To You By: YOGASHRAY SEWAYATAN Naturopathy & Yoga Meditation Centre www.yogashraysewayatan.com https://www.facebook.com/yogashraysewayatan/ www.youtube.com/channel/UCrLtb_GTc8OfQXMseTCaH4w/videos The above methods, practices and suggestions in this document should not be treated as a prescription for any ailment and should be followed only after consultation of Naturopathy & Ayurveda Doctors.

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