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Teaching and Researching Elementary Mathematics Methods

Teaching and Researching Elementary Mathematics Methods. Sandra Crespo Joy Oslund Amy Parks Michigan State University. Teacher Preparation at MSU. • Students enter Program in 3rd year of College • Courses prior to Admission: TE 150 - Reflections on Learning

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Teaching and Researching Elementary Mathematics Methods

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  1. Teaching and Researching Elementary Mathematics Methods Sandra Crespo Joy Oslund Amy Parks Michigan State University

  2. Teacher Preparation at MSU • Students enter Program in 3rd year of College • Courses prior to Admission: • TE 150 - Reflections on Learning • TE 250 - Human Diversity, Power, and Opportunity in Social Institutions • Required Math Courses • Math 201 - Math for Elementary Teaching (Number and Operations) • Math 202 - Math for Elementary Teaching (Geometry and Measurement)

  3. Teacher Preparation at MSU • Field-Based Course Work - TE 301: Learners and Learning in Context - TE 400 level Courses in four subject areas • Internship • Year Long Internship in one public school classroom - Graduate (TE 800) level courses in four subject areas

  4. Teacher Preparation Students • Demographics: primarily white middle class women from suburban and rural backgrounds with limited experience with poor people and people of color. • Have experienced traditionally taught school mathematics. • Have not pursued mathematics as an intellectually engaging activity. • Do not feel empowered to make sense of mathematics.

  5. Math Methods - Intern Year • Interns spend 4 full days a week in public school classroom of Mentor Teacher. • Interns take a 3 credit graduate level math methods course whose curriculum is tied closely to their work in the classroom. • Complex Instruction - Design of group work that ensures students’ equitable participation and learning of mathematics (Cohen, 1994) • Lesson Study -- focus on ways in which they can broaden participation and improve learning in their math lessons. • Design and teach a 2-week Math Unit (backward design) • Analyze the mathematical discourse in a videotaped lesson they have taught.

  6. Complex Instruction Provide purposeful groupworthy tasks Develop autonomy and interdependence within each group Raise expectations for all students

  7. Complex Instruction Provide purposeful groupworthy tasks * Task Card Develop autonomy and interdependence within each group * Lesson Study Assignment Group Norms * Role Cards Raise expectations for all students * Smartness Chart* Status Narrative

  8. Lisa Jilk Marcy Wood Helen Featherstone Cohen, E. (1994). Designing group work: Strategies for heterogeneous classrooms. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. * Boaler, J. (2006). Urban success: A multidimensional mathematics approach with equitable outcomes. Phi, Delta, Kappa, 87(5), 364-369. Boaler, J. (2006). Creating mathematical futures through an equitable teaching approach: The case of Railside School,Teachers College Records. CI Master Minds

  9. Current Research at MSU Studying the development of: • Knowledge of mathematics for teaching • Knowledge of students’ mathematics Battista, Crespo, Senk, (2006) - TNE Project Studying the development of: • Mathematics teaching practices: Posing, Interpreting, and Responding Crespo, Oslund, Parks (2006) - NSF CAREER grant

  10. Studying PIR Practices Posing 1.2. Recognize the mathematical and cognitive demand of selected, constructed, and adapted tasks 1.4. Generate questions to pose alongside a mathematical task to sustain the tasks’ cognitive demand and to engage students in productive mathematical activity and discussion. Interpreting 2.1. Listen to and for meaning in students’ mathematical ideas; 2.3. Retrace the mathematical reasoning(s) that could lead students to produce correct, incorrect, or indeterminate math results; Responding 3.1. Construct responses to students’ correct, incorrect, and novel work to probe their understanding and to extend their mathematical ideas. 3.3. Construct responses to students’ public mathematical contributions to promote a communal examination of its mathematical qualities.

  11. Studying PIR Practices Posing 1.2. Recognize the mathematical and cognitive demand of selected, constructed, and adapted tasks Novice Performance Makes task adaptations without attending to how these affect the mathematical and cognitive demand of the task. Expert Performance Considers the mathematical and cognitive implications of changes made to a task.

  12. Studying PIR Practices Posing 1.4. Generate questions to pose alongside a mathematical task to sustain the tasks’ cognitive demand and to engage students in productive mathematical activity and discussion. Novice Performance Generates predominantly factual, product oriented questions that require little cognitive work. Expert Performance Generates questions that aim to engage students in significant mathematical activity.

  13. Work of Year 1 … • Refining definitions of three practices • Mapping opportunities for learning the focal three practices across TE program • Adapting/developing instruments to study the development of these practices over time.

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