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Baseline Edge Task Force Training. A KA: Arlington Educator Evaluation System. First steps . If this is your first time on Baseline Edge you need to set up your password
Baseline EdgeTask ForceTraining AKA: Arlington Educator Evaluation System
First steps • If this is your first time on Baseline Edge you need to set up your password • Go got www.baselineedge.com , put in your Arlington email address as your ID. Click on “forgot my password”. The system will send you an email to reset your password. • Evaluators and teachers need to repeat steps one and two above and set up his/her password.
Goal Setting and Educator Plan • Teachers develop at least one goal (professional practice or student achievement) that is in alignment with one or both of the indicators that are the focus of the pilot. • Teachers fill in educator plan form and signs the digital signature. • Shows up as completed form on principal’s list. • Principal adds in response in response section. • Principal digitally signs. • Teacher is notified of response.
First teachers should choose talent management tasks and they get this screen
Then they choose my staff evaluation and they get this screen
Then they choose the 14 items button and they get this screen
When teachers are finished they digitally sign and mark it complete
After they review it they need to fill out the response section
Even though it says educator response this where you fill it in.
Where do we go from here? • It’s great – the evaluator writes that and digitally sign it. Then the teacher will get a email telling them the evaluator has signed off. • Maybe the evaluator would like to add or change some of the goals. They will type that into the response section and then digitally sign it. Then the teacher will get a message saying the evaluator has signed off. • If there were changes requested the teacher who is the “owner” of this form can go back and modify it so that it reflects what the teacher and the evaluator agreed upon even if the form is “digitally signed”.
Observations • Evaluator completes five, 10 minute observations of Educator (10 minute minimum – can be longer). • You can use your IPAD or you can take notes. The form looks exactly the same on your IPAD as it does on your PC or MacBook. • If you do it on your IPAD and you are on the Net it will automatically sync. If you do it on your IPAD and you are not on the NET it will sync the next time you open the app connected to the Net.
When you finish entering the information you need to digitally sign it.
What if I want to add an attachment? Highlight which form you want to attach something to…
When the educator gets the observation they can add a comment..
Where do we go from here.. • The evaluator owns the observation and summative evaluation forms. • Therefore once the educator digitally signs their response they can not go back and change it. • But the evaluator can go back and change it if based on the meeting it seems appropriate.
Evidence Collection • During the Pilot time period, Evaluators will continue to collect evidence to document an Educator’s performance on the two indicators selected for the Pilot (Standards 1-B-1, 2-A-1) • Evaluators will fill out the “Evaluator Record of Evidence Form” • Educators will fill out the “Educator Collection of Evidence Form” and attach it to additional evidence or artifacts they wish to submit to document satisfying the criteria for the selected standards. • You upload attachments of evidence, pictures etc. the same way that you added attachments to the observation.
Evaluator Evidence Form • DO NOT sign digitally till summative evaluation point. • DO SAVE each time evaluator adds something. • Add attachments the same way as adding attachments to observations – go to the right, click on the attachment/comment button, select add attachment. • The evaluator owns this form so they can edit it even if they sign it digitally by mistake ()
Educator Evidence Form • One of these is filled out for every piece of evidence. • Attachments are added the same way they were for adding attachments to observations. • The educator owns this form. • The educator can digitally sign the form and then still edit it. • Currently there is only one form in the list for the educator. • See the next slide on how to add more forms
To add additional educator evidence forms CLICK ON THE DROP DOWN MENU NEXT TO THE ADD-TO_DO ITEM
This pop-up window will come up CHOOSE ADD TO-DO ITEMS FROM TEMPLATE
Summative Evaluation • After the five observations are completed, the Evaluator will complete a “Summative Evaluation Report Form” (Standards 1 and 2 only for the Pilot) and then meet with the Educator to discuss it. • Evaluator will select an overall rating (Proficient!) • Evaluator fills out form and digitally signs. • Educator gets notification. • Teacher may fill out an “Educator Response Form” if they wish. • All Pilot Teachers will move to Year 1 of a 2 Year Self-Directed Plan in 2013-2014.
Where do we go from here • Both evaluator and educator will digitally sign • Evaluator should print off and send hard copy to Kelly Piggot. • If after meeting there needs to be some modification, the evaluator who owns the form can go in and make those modification. • We are currently working with Baseline Edge so that any time a form is modified after it being digitally signed all parties are notified by email.
http://arlingtonevaluationtaskforce.weebly.com Here is the website where we will put this presentation if you loose it.