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ITIE June 2010 Janice Carter, Director University Library Golden Gate University jcarter@ggu.edu. How Can Librarians Demonstrate the Value Libraries Bring to the Communities They Serve? Changing Attitudes Toward Library Assessment 图书馆员如何将图书馆的价值展现给服务的社区.
ITIE June 2010 Janice Carter, Director University Library Golden Gate University jcarter@ggu.edu How Can Librarians Demonstrate the Value Libraries Bring to the Communities They Serve? Changing Attitudes Toward Library Assessment图书馆员如何将图书馆的价值展现给服务的社区 Assessment as a Tool on the Journey of Inquiry 追索答案之旅中评估作为工具
Inner Journey 内省之旅 • Relax, breathe deeply 放松,深呼吸 • Recall a time when you were very happy, or imagine such a time 回想或者想象高兴的时刻 • Feel it in your bones 深深地感觉 • What do you see, hear, feel, smell, taste? 你所看、听、闻、摸、尝的事物 • Recall a time when you were looking for information to solve a problem or need回想你寻找信息或需求信息来解决问题的时候 • How did you go about it? 你如何做的? • What challenges, difficulties or gaps did you encounter on the way? 你遇到了哪些挑战、困难、差距? • How did you deal with those challenges, difficulties?你是如何解决这些挑战、困难 -- What help did you seek? 你寻求什么样的帮助? • (Discussion) 讨论
Sense Making 感悟 • In a section headed A Methodological Quest: What People Really Want, Brenda Dervin writes: “The bottom line goal of Sense making from its inception has been to find out what users … really think, feel, want, dream. The repeated failures of surveys and studies and the well-documented gap between how administrators/experts describe users and publics and the realities of what users and publics think and do, particularly when the going gets tough, became Sense making’s driving problematic.” (Dervin, 1998) • Brenda Dervin在方法探索中的一部分,人们真正需要什么写道:初期感悟的基本目标是发现用户真正想、感觉、需要、梦想的,调查和研究的重复失败及其管理者/专家所描述的用户与用户和公众所认为的实际情况之间的差距使感悟遭到了怀疑。
“The trick, Sense making assumes, is to find a way of thinking about diversity, complexity and incompleteness that neither drowns us in a tower of babel nor imposes homogeneity, simplicity and completeness. Sense making accomplishes this by using and applying a central metaphor—the metaphor of human beings traveling through time-space, coming out of situations with history and partial instruction, arriving at new situations, facing gaps, building bridges across those gaps, evaluating outcomes and moving on. “ (Dervin, 1999) • 感悟的技巧在于寻找多样性、复杂性、不完整性的思考方式,使我们即不沉没于巴比塔,又避免同质性、简单性、完整性,感悟的完成通过使用中间式比喻:人类穿越时空隧道,从历史情境和部分教导走出,到达新的环境,面对差距,构建减小差距的桥梁,评估结果并继续前进
Brenda Dervin’s sense-making metaphor (1992)感悟比喻 • Dervin, B. (1999). “On studying information seeking methodologically: the implications of connecting metatheory to method.” Information Processing & Management, 35(6), 727-750, as cited by • Godbold, N. (2006)“Beyond information seeking: towards a general model of information behaviour, IR Information Research, Vol. 11 No. 4, July 2006 , via http://informationr.net/ir/11-4/paper269.html, retrieved May 1, 2010 结果 桥梁 情境 差距
Stories of How People Negotiate the Information Gap人们如何讨论信息差距 • Can enchant us 使我们着迷 • Can help us improve library resources and services 帮助我们提高图书馆资源及服务 • Can help us demonstrate the value we bring to library users 帮助我们向图书馆用户展示图书馆价值 • For enchantment, think of the following amazing story 就着迷,看以下故事
Map is from Travels of HsuanTsang -- Buddhist Pilgrim of the Seventh Century, by Irma Marx http://www.silk-road.com/artl/hsuantsang.shtml • Retrieved May 1, 2010 唐玄奘17世纪西天取经之旅
Monkey in Journey to the West西游记 Image is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_to_the_West Retrieved May 1, 2010 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_to_the_West
Why is Journey to the West so Interesting?为什么西行记这么有趣 Discussion 讨论
Our Journey of InquiryTips for the Journey追索之旅 旅行秘诀 • Pack lightly 轻装上阵 • Leave behind 抛在后面 • Ego 自我 • Concepts this is how it is done because this is how we have always done it. • My way or the highway • Let’s take the high way! • Be open to the unexpected, the helpers along the way the stories library users provide about their journeys
Open to Stories • How do people gain the information they need?人们如何获得他们需要的信息 • How can we work with them to help them make that process even more effective?我们如何和他们一同工作,帮助他们使过程更有效率 • How can we demonstrate the value libraries bring?我们如何展示图书馆的价值
“Sense making assumes that there are basically three kinds of significant questions you can ask people about their journeys …”感悟认为你可以就他们旅程提3个重要问题 1) “What in your situation is stopping you? What is missing?” 什么状况阻碍了你,丢失了什么 2) “What questions or confusions do you have?”你的困惑或问题是什么 3) “What kind of help do you hope to get?”你希望得到什么帮助 (Dervin and Clark, 1987)
ASQ: Asking Significant Questions: 所提问的重要问题 Alternative Tools for Information Needs and Accountability Assessments by Libraries (Dervin and Clark, 1987) 图书馆对信息需求及责任的评估的可代替性工具 Manual was used by 19 public libraries in California加州19个公共图书馆使用的手册 Manual was made available for others to use 手册对于其他人也可获得使用 • http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/1b/ec/e9.pdf Librarians who participated were then available as as consultants to others 参与的图书馆员发挥着咨询的角色
“Data collected using the research approaches suggested and illustrated in this manual translate library experience and potential into human terms in several senses. One sense is that the approach talks to users and potential users in their own human terms, rather than in library or system terms. The other is that the resulting data is useful in translating library experience and potential beyond counts of library inputs and outputs and the sheer movement of non-human materials into the terms of human experience that speak eloquently to voters and policy makers. (Dervin and Clark, 1987, p. 1)
Reflection Papers in Academic Setting 学习环境中反映文章 Ask students to reflect on their research process 提问学生,反馈他们的研究流程 • Avoids plagiarism 避免剽窃 • Helps students develop metaskills, including awareness of their own research process 帮助学生发展他们的元能力,包括意识到他们的研究过程 • Helps us understand their journey and how we can help them and their colleagues better in the future (Browning and Carter, 2000) 帮助我们理解他们的历程及其将来我们如何帮助他们和他们的同学
Exploring Research Process with Lego Serious Play用乐高积木游戏探索研究流程 • Participants build their Research Process with Lego bricks, describe what they have created and why, then use ten or so Lego bricks to create a gift for the research process of the person sitting next to them.参与者用乐高积木建设他们的研究流程,描述他们创建的东西和原因,使用10左右的乐高积木为坐在他们身边的人创建用于研究流程的礼物。 • Woman in right front corner 坐在右前角落的女孩 • Rarely used the library previously 以前很少使用图书馆 • Became a library advocate, helped us build bridges to other students 成为图书馆积极分子,帮助我们建立与其它学生的桥梁 • When I asked her if I could use this picture in a flyer, she said, “Yes, who would have thought hanging out with a group of librarians would be so much fun?”当我问她我是否可以使用海报中的图片,她说,“可以,能和馆员们在一起玩,一定很有趣” To see a video of a Lego Serious Play session, go to 相关视频如下 http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=398558379344 For more information on Lego Serious Play, see http://www.seriousplay.com/
Reference Portal参考网关 Provides descriptions of Reference Desk Interactions –enables library staff to share resources, ideas, observations of student information gaps, and strategies for dealing with those information gaps 提供互动参考咨询的描述,使图书馆员工能共享学生信息差距的资源、观点、观察及其对待信息差距的战略。 5728StudentReference 学生参考30-60 min Phone SF Q: Student on team working on marketing fire alarm and safety technician training in Florida A: Worked with student to help her focus on “who would take the training?” and “how would you reach that market?” because her inclination was to superimpose what her company does in a very different market. We searched EBSCO BSC together for articles on fire alarm and safety technician training which provided some clues, also did Google searches together for other clues. Then library was closing, so I told her I would follow up with an e mail to her. … Recently I have been discovering in reference encounters most needed and meaningful thing I can do is to coach students to think about what they are finding and how the information they find can lead them to develop their research strategies further. 30分钟的电话咨询Q: :小组中学生研究福罗里达火警报警器和营销和安全技师培训 A: 和学生一起工作帮助她定位“谁将接受培训”和“如何接近那个市场”,因为她倾向于与她的同学做不同的市场,我们一起检索了EBSCO BSC 数据库关于报警器及安全技师培训的文章,提供了一些线索,并用谷歌搜索提供了其他线索。图书馆要关门,所以我告诉她我随后发一份电邮给她。。。最近我在咨询中发现我能做的最必要和有意义的事是指导学生思考他们想要找什么及其他们找到的这些信息如何深入发展他们的研究战略。 4/17/2010 4:30 PM JLC
Some students don’t see information gap有些学生看不到信息差距 • Think they know everything already because they use search engines like Google因为他们使用谷歌类搜索引擎,认为自己已经知道所有事情 • Report they have really good info skills, though they don’t尽管他们没有真正好的信息能力,却认为自己有
This chart compares student scores with how they rate their own research skills. 图表比较学生的分数,他们是如何评价自己的研究能力 • Horizontal axis shows number of questions on an information literacy quiz students answered correctly.水平轴显示学生正确回答信息素质问题的数量 • Vertical axis shows number of students who answered questions correctly. 纵轴表示学生正确回答问题的数量 • Colors indicate how students rated their own level of information literacy. 颜色显示学生评价自己的信息素质水平 • --Hofer and Hanson (2010) See also Gross & Latham (2009)
From a Law Professor to Dean of the Law Library从法学教师到法律图书馆馆长 • I put in two strong plugs to the students early in the semester, “If only there were people trained to help us with research who actually know where almost everything is and know how to find the other 5%...oh wait there are! And the students have finally gotten the message. … I think they previously imagined you were just slower, friendlier Google pages and now they know that you are professionally trained experts. The students have been amazed at how much you folks know and how easy the research is with your assistance…”早在学期中我给学生提供这样明确的信息,要是有训练有素的人,在研究中帮助我们,他们真正知道信息在哪,如何查找其它的5%,那太好了,啊,他们在那,学生最终得到这样的信息,我认为他们原以为你只是个慢的、友好的Google页面,现在他们知道你是个专业的训练有素的专家,学生惊奇的发现你所拥有的技能及在你的帮助下他们的研究也变的容易些。
Information Gap for Administrators管理者的信息差距 • Dervin, B. (1999). “On studying information seeking methodologically: the implications of connecting metatheory to method.” Information Processing & Management, 35(6), 727-750, as cited by • Godbold, N. (2006)“Beyond information seeking: towards a general model of information behaviour, IR Information Research, Vol. 11 No. 4, July 2006 , via http://informationr.net/ir/11-4/paper269.html, retrieved May 1, 2010 结果 桥梁 机构 差距
Encouraging Library Users to Share Their Research Journeys鼓励图书馆用户分享他们的研究经历 In a context that indicates value to community served.这样的情境中显示了服务社区的价值 For example, Golden Gate University key strategic objectives include 金门大学主要战略目标包括 • ensuring students develop the skills they need to be successful in their careers, and 2) developing the University as a learning organization 保证学生发展生涯中所需的能力,将大学作为不断发展的学习组织 So the University Library has two symposia each year The Research for the Real World Symposium in the autumn, and the Lifelong Learning and Learning Organizations Symposium in the spring大学图书馆每年两次讨论会:秋季真实世界研究研讨会;春季学习组织和终身学习的研讨会 Through sessions featuring students, alumni and faculty, these symposia showcase the value the University Library brings to the University通过以学生、毕业生、教师为主的课程,这些研讨会显示了大学图书馆的价值
Link Goals to Strategic Objectives of Community Served将服务社区的战略目标与目的关联 • For example, the University Library goals are keyed to the University’s Strategic Objectives大学图书馆的目标与大学的战略目标相合 • The Columns on next chart show a sample of下个图标的列 • Library goals mapped to University’s strategic objectives 图书馆目的映射到大学的战略目标 • Actions 行动 • Indicators of Success 成功的显示 • Responsible Persons 责任人 • Resources Needed 需要的资源 • Tools to Measure 测量的工具
What are the goals and objectives for the communities you serve?你服务的社区的目的和目标是什么? • How can you discover those goals? 你如何发现这些目标 • How can you illustrate how you promote them? 你如何阐明你怎样提高这些目标
Library Use Value Calculator From Alameda Free Library website http://www.ci.alameda.ca.us/library/valuecalculator.html retrieved May 6, 2010 “Adapted from Maine State Library http://www.maine.gov/msl/services/calculator.htm “The calculator worksheet has been adapted from original downloadable spreadsheet by the Massachusetts Library Association and then adapted for the web by Chelmsford Public Library. Maine State Library added extra accessibility coding and reformatting for ease of reading online. This spreadsheet requires either Microsoft Excel or the Excel Viewer. [Use of the calculator graphic is restricted since MSL has permission only for their site.]” Quote is from http://www.ci.alameda.ca.us/library/valuecalculator.html Retrieved May 6, 2010
But What About All Our Data?数据 We librarians use many assessment measures 我们图书馆员有很多评估措施 Challenges may be 挑战是 1) analyzing and synthesizing that data 分析及综合数据 2) telling the story of what that data means, and how we are using it to improve resources and services.明确数据的意义,我们如何使用它来提高资源与服务
Addressing Our Own Information Gaps • Dervin, B. (1999). “On studying information seeking methodologically: the implications of connecting metatheory to method.” Information Processing & Management, 35(6), 727-750, as cited by • Godbold, N. (2006)“Beyond information seeking: towards a general model of information behaviour, IR Information Research, Vol. 11 No. 4, July 2006 , via http://informationr.net/ir/11-4/paper269.html, retrieved May 1, 2010
GGU University Library Staff Use a Chart to Show How We Analyze and Synthesize Assessments金门大学图书馆工作人员使用图表来显示我们如何分析及综合评价 • Columns on chart on next slide show下一幻灯片图表中的列 • Subject (question) 主题(问题) • How Question Is Answered 问题是如何回答 • Who Collects Data 谁搜集数据 • What We Would Like to Add 我们应该增加什么 • What We Have Learned 我们学习到什么 • Actions Taken to Improve 采取措施提高 • Actions We Would Like to Take to Improve 我们想要采取的提高措施
We use the chart to create a report on how the University Library uses its assessment results to improve resources and services—and help us continue on our journey of inquiry 我们使用图表来创建关于大学图书馆如何使用评估结果来提高资源和服务,以帮助我们继续我们的探索之旅的报告。
Am delighted to be here to explore the journey. 很高兴在这进行探索之旅 Would love to hear about your journey. 喜欢听这路程 What forms of assessment do you use?你使用什么形式的评估 What works? 什么在起作用? Where do you see information gaps and opportunities? 你从哪可以看出信息差距和机会?
References and Other Resources参考文献及其他资源 • Browning, J, and Carter, J. (2000) “Putting Your Best Web-Foot Forward: Adapting Web -Technologies to Fit You, Your Teaching Style, and Your Students.” Teaching and Learning in a Network World. TechEd2000 Proceedings, edited by P. Hoffman and D. Lemke. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2000, pp. 19-26 • .Dervin, B. (1998) “Sense-making theory and practice: an overview of user interests in knowledge seeking and use.” Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol 2, No. 2, December 1998 • Dervin, B. (1999). “On studying information seeking methodologically: the implications of connecting metatheory to method.” Information Processing & Management, 35(6), 727-750, as cited by Godbold, N. (2006) Beyond information seeking: towards a general model of information behaviour, IR Information Research, Vol. 11 No. 4, July 2006 , retrieved via http://informationr.net/ir/11-4/paper269.html, May 1, 2010 • Dervin, B., and Clark, K. (1987) ASQ: Alternative Tools for Information Need and Accountability Assessments by Libraries. A Publication of the Peninsula Library System, Belmont, California, for California State Library Sacramento, California, July Retrieved May 1, 2010 from http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/1b/ec/e9.pdf • Gross, M., & Latham, D. (2009). Undergraduate Perceptions of Information Literacy: Defining, Attaining, and Self-Assessing Skills. College & Research Libraries, 70(4), 336-350. doi:VL – 70 • Hofer, A., & Hanson, M. (2010, April 9). Upstairs-downstairs: Working with a campus assessment coordinator and other allies for effective information literacy assessment. Presented at the CARL 2010 Conference. • Image of Monkey and Journey to the West from “Journey to the West,” http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Xyj-sunwukong.jpg from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_to_the_West retrieved May 1, 2010 • Map is fromTravels of Hsuan-Tsang -- Buddhist Pilgrim of the Seventh Century, by Irma Marx, http://www.silk-road.com/artl/hsuantsang.shtml retrieved May 1, 2010