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Masih Maud (as) Day. On January 17 th 2015, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aba) wrote in reference to American Ahmadis: “People living in America are chasing money with such obsession that they are forgetting their Islamic values. May Allah give them wisdom.” Jan 17 th 2015
Masih Maud (as) Day On January 17th 2015, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (aba) wrote in reference to American Ahmadis: “People living in America are chasing money with such obsession that they are forgetting their Islamic values. May Allah give them wisdom.” Jan 17th 2015 On the commemoration of Masih Maud (as) Day, let us discuss the simple lifestyle of Promised Messiah.
The Promised Messiah (as) on Materialism • Often time trial from God takes the form that whoever forsakes him, giving himself up to carnal pleasure, setting his mind wholly on material wealth, the doors of worldly advancement are opened upon him; though from the religious and spiritual point of view he is altogether destitute and naked. He dies at last engrossed in this world, to be thrown in to eternal hell. [Ahmad The Guided One, p. 132]
Spend in the cause of Allah “Wealth does not only refer to physical goods. Rather, it refers to everything one has been bestowed with: knowledge, wisdom, medicine, etc. All of these things are included in wealth. These should also be spent in way of Allah.” [Malfuzat, Vol. 1, P. 20]
Wealth: Trial or Purification? “There are two types of wealth: one as a source of trial, and one as a source of purification. Wealth which is a source of trial is that wealth which is not only unconnected to Allah, but in fact takes one so far away from Allah that it destroys man. It is towards this that Allah directs our attention when He says, “let not your wealth destroy you”. [63:10] In essence, to earn real quality, goodness, and spiritual pleasure, only that wealth can be of use which is spent in the way of Allah.” [Tafsir Masih Maud (as), Vol. 8, P. 154]
The Promised Messiah (as) on Materialism • I do not wish to stop you from striving for worldly good, but you should not follow the ways of those who think this present world is all in all. In everything you do weather pertaining to things of this world or of the next, you should seek help and succor from God alone, and this should remain guiding principle of your life. [Our Teaching, p. 15]
Discussion Question • A 45-year-old American Ahmadi has a busy lifestyle. Working 10 hours a day, the person remains glued to a smartphone, lives in a big house, drives an expensive car, and is obsessed with expensive clothes. He/She is not regular in salat, can’t find the time to listen to Huzoor’s Friday Sermon and doesn’t recite Quran daily. The person however, attends Jamaat events, is an office holder, and also pays chanda (though not according to real income). • At a dinner, conversation turns towards spirituality. He/She remarks “In America, saintly people don’t exist any more.”
Ask the audience to share their thoughts in response to the following questions… • Is it true that saintly people do not exist in America? • What are the characteristics of saintly people? • Will this person recognize a saintly person if he/she came across one? If yes, why? If no, why not?
"Saintliness and a love of luxury cannot go together." Sometimes he did not return to his room to sleep. One follower recalls that he stayed up all night on the flat roof of the mosque with Ahmad. After some time Ahmad wrapped a sheet round his body and lay down on the bare tiled roof. "People think they cannot sleep without a bed. By the kindness of God I enjoy good sleep even on the floor," he said. "Saintliness and a love of luxury cannot go together."
Simple Life of the Messiah (as) Once he was presented with a pair of western style shoes shaped for left and right feet, Ahmad marked them so that he could know at a glance which was left and which was right, but often he put them on incorrectly, this for him was wasting of time for something that was of no consequence and he reverted to slip on sandals.
Simple Life of the Messiah (as) Ahmad wore a cap under his white turban. On one occasion having made his ablution before prayer, he asked the daughter of the friend in whose house he was to fetch the cap from room where he had made ablution. The daughter went inside and looked around but could see only an old worn cap which she was certain could not be his. She returned and said that his cap was not there, Ahmad said he was sure he had left it in there. Three times daughter went in and searched and returned with old cap. She never imagined that Ahmad would have such an old cap and live such simple life.
Demonstrating Simplicity Abdul Karim said that on one afternoon he was in Ahmad’s room, it was the hot season and most people slept in afternoon because of the oppressive heat. He lay down on Ahmad’s charpoy, meaning to rest only for a few minutes, but fell fast asleep, when he woke, he found Ahmad sitting on the tiled floor at the foot of the bed, Abdul Karim was understandably embarrassed.
Is this even possible today? • The Promised Messiah (as) lived a simple life, but how can we live a simple life in this materialistic society? Or is it even possible to live simple life in 21st century? • What practical measures can each family take to not allow materialism to compromise our Islamic values? • What practical steps can our Jamaat take, locally, to develop a culture that does not encourage a mad pursuit of materialism? Please share your thoughts
Extra resources • The following slides are only for the education of the presenter. They are not a part of the original presentation.
How long will you live? • [63:11] And spend out of that with which We have provided you before death comes upon one of you and he says, ‘My Lord! if only Thou wouldst grant me respite for a little while, then I would give alms and be among the righteous.’
The Qur`an on Materialism • [25:68] And those who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggardly but moderate between the two
The Holy Prophet (sa) said that he was not concerned about the poverty of his Companions but was concerned lest they got inclined to materialism like the earlier people and this materialism caused their destruction like the ancients. The Holy Prophet (sa) on Materialism
Guidance of the Holy Prophet (sa) on Materialism • The Holy Prophet (sa) said that moderation in expenditure is half economy. • He also said that those who remain content during adversity will find refuge with Allah. • With great insight, he admonished that if a man owns even a valley full of gold, he would still wish for another valley. • “My Lord, make me content with what You have given me, and put blessings in it for me, and give me a better replacement for what I don’t have.” (Prayer of the Holy Prophet (sa), narrated by Ibn Abbas)
A Companion of the Promised Messiah (as) • Hazrat Maulana Sher Ali sahib (ra) was a companion of the Promised Messiah (as). He translated the Holy Quran into English, which has been acknowledged as one of the best translations. He also served as an editor of Review of Religions. Once, one of his British admirers decided to visit Qadian to meet him. When he arrived there, he asked a passer-by clad in workingman’s clothing where Mr. Sher Ali, the editor of Review of Religions, lived. This man took him to Mr. Sher Ali‘s house and asked him politely to wait. After a few minutes, Hazrat Maulana Sher Ali sahib appeared – the same man but dressed in a more formal Shalwar Qameez! The British visitor was flabbergasted and could not believe that such a great man lived such a simple and unpretentious life.
Stay within your Means! “In a society where keeping up with the Joneses (neighbors and friends) becomes an obsession, the obsession is largely abetted by advertisements of the latest models of this and that. An introduction is provided to the general public of the luxurious lifestyle of the rich by displaying the latest design of sofas, luxurious chalets fitted with the most modern kitchen and bathroom appliances and gadgets, etc. People with less means available to buy all that they want are willy-nilly turned to false plastic money to fulfill their desires. Obviously, this means that they buy far more than their earnings” [Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh)]
How to Earn Peace of Heart • Huzoor said increasing materialism has taken mankind away from moral values, religion and God. There are very few people who appreciate that all the blessings in this world are from God and it is Him alone who has given man the capacity to invent things to facilitate convenience and safety. Rather than be grateful people are increasingly opting for self-gratification and religion and God are subject to open derision. Atheism is on the increase and books purporting it are best-sellers. Many of these people are helpless in the sense that their religion has not given them the inner-peace that can not be attained apart from the One, Living God. [Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba), Aug. 24, 2007]
Learn this Final Lesson Before it’s Too Late On his sickbed and during his last hour alive, Alexander the Great told his generals "After my death, when you put my body in the casket, let my arms hang over the edges with my palms wide open, so the public can see my empty hands while I am leaving the world." After he died, many dignitaries came to view the royal funeral and were very surprised to see his arms hanging over the edge of the casket with his palms wide open. They asked questions about this unique scene. A wise man told them "O People, Alexander the Great is telling us that when he ruled the world, great treasures of gold, silver and wealth came to be under his possession. Yet, indeed he is leaving the world empty handed."
Real Talk USA on Materialism https://www.alislam.org/v/704.html