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AEA 9 Second Chance Reading 2007-2008

AEA 9 Second Chance Reading 2007-2008. Second Chance Reading. . Developed by Beverly Showers. Objectives Second Chance Reading. To learn the instructional strategies and management procedures of Second Chance Reading sufficiently to begin immediate implementation in classrooms;

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AEA 9 Second Chance Reading 2007-2008

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  1. AEA 9 Second Chance Reading 2007-2008 Second Chance Reading  Developed by Beverly Showers

  2. ObjectivesSecond Chance Reading • To learn the instructional strategies and management procedures of Second Chance Reading sufficiently to begin immediate implementation in classrooms; • To understand how Second Chance Reading fits into the context of the Iowa Professional Development Model and your district’s Career Development Plan; and

  3. “Second Chance” Reading Purpose • Rapidly improve comprehension and fluency for secondary students reading two or more years below grade level • Prepare students for secondary academic work

  4. SCR Results Data: see Handout

  5. Other “Second Chance” Results Des Moines Public Schools 4 high schools, 9 middle schools, 3 alternative schools • Mean Growth (regular ed) 2.1 GLE (SDRT) • Mean Growth (mainstreamed SpEd) 1.9 GLE (SDRT) • Mean Growth (Low SES) 2.0 GLE (SDRT) • Mean Growth (self-contained SpEd) .9 GLE (SDRT)

  6. SCR Implementations • North Scott Sr and Jr High 2.0/yr • Columbus Junction MS 2.0/yr • Muscatine High 1.0/yr • Durant Jr High 1.0/yr • Des Moines (MS & HS) 3.0/yr • Wapello Jr High 1.0/yr • Winfield-Mt. Union 1.0/yr • West Burlington 1.0/yr

  7. SCR Research Base • Researched Strategies • Think Aloud • Inductive Thinking • Graphic Organizers • Questioning Strategies

  8. Researched strategies cont. • Cooperative Learning (primarily pairs) • Vocabulary (mixture of definitional and contextual, mnemonic, practice methods) • Fluency (specific, targeted strategies have positive effects; “Round Robin” has negative effects)

  9. Advocated by Reading Experts • Extensive Independent Reading (IRA, NAEP, Reading Next) • Self-selection, variety of high interest reading materials (Moore, Balfanz, Allen, Codding) • Mini-lessons on skills (Codding, Pressley, Sinatra)

  10. Advocated . . . Cont. • Cooperative Learning (Balfanz, Moore, Kucan & Beck) • Think Alouds (Balfanz, Moore, Kucan & Beck) • Specific classes for secondary struggling readers (Balfanz, Moore)

  11. Numbered Heads Together Cooperative Comprehension Dictated Writing Inductive Thinking Graphic Organizers Round Table Pair Share Skills/Fluency Teacher Book Talks Diagnosis Timed Tests Student Independent Reading Comprehension and Fluency SCR Teaching Strategies

  12. Weekly Structure - Second Chance Reading Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Independent Reading* (15-20 minutes) Pair Share* with generic questions (5-10 minutes) Vocabulary for Read Aloud (15-20 minutes) Read Aloud (model comprehension strategies and ask questions of pairs) – (15-25 minutes) Comprehension Activity (Coop Comprehension, Dictated Writing or Inductive Thinking, etc.) – (20-35 minutes) Independent Reading* (15-20 minutes) Pair Share* with generic questions (5-10 minutes) Reading Skill Lesson (context clues, fluency drills, etc.) – (20 minutes) Independent Reading* (15-20 minutes) Individual Vocabulary Cards* (10-15 minutes) Vocabulary Pairs* (10-15 minutes) Independent Reading* (15-20 minutes) Vocabulary Pairs* Vocabulary tests [Bi-weekly fluency tests] *Opportunity for teacher to work with individual students: Book talks, vocabulary tests, oral reading, etc.

  13. Read/Think Aloud for… • Modeling of comprehension strategies, especially engaging with author to determine meaning • Modeling the use of prior knowledge and making connections • Modeling fluency • Increasing student engagement with comprehension tasks

  14. Read/Think AloudProcess Overview • Select a reading selection that is interesting, complex and difficult for students. • Organize students into pairs. • Read the selection, stopping at critical points to model comprehension strategies. • Pose questions about selection to pairs to provide immediate practice in using modeled comprehension strategies.

  15. Think Aloud: Examples of Modeling • Making connections to prior knowledge • Inferring • Predicting • Summarizing • Clarifying word meanings

  16. Think Aloud Video Demonstration

  17. Numbered Heads Together for… • Vocabulary Meaning • Checking for Understanding • On-task Behavior, Individual Accountability

  18. Numbered Heads Together Process Overview • Pronounce and define words for entire class. • Organize students for peer tutoring (pairs), first modeling the strategies you want them to use as they teach each other. • Test mastery of the material learned using the “Numbered Heads Drill”

  19. Numbered Heads Together Video Demonstration

  20. Cooperative Comprehension for… • Reading Comprehension: Lower Order and Higher Order • Increased student engagement with task

  21. Cooperative ComprehensionProcess Overview • Choose reading selection. Design three to five comprehension questions, ranging from easy to difficult. The last question should measure your higher-order comprehension objective. • Organize students into pairs. The teacher reads the selection or students read it silently. • Debrief team answers with the entire class using the “Numbered Heads” drill.

  22. Dictated Writingfor… • Higher order comprehension • Modeling of writing process

  23. Dictated WritingProcess Overview • After the Read/Think Aloud of the selection, elicit from students what they remember about critical categories. Record their comments for all to use. • Present the prompt for the first paragraph to pairs. All pairs construct one sentence they want to include in the first paragraph and record it on a sentence strip.* • As all students display their first sentence, the teacher assists the class in constructing the first paragraph and determining if it needs a summary sentence.

  24. Dictated WritingProcess Overview • Proceed with the second and third paragraph starters in the same manner. • Read through the finished product together, editing for meaning. • Students copy the finished product or one student may enter it on a word processor so all students have copies for their folders. *Paragraphs composed of sentences on sentence strips can be posted on the wall or board with tape or displayed in a pocket chart.

  25. Round Table for… • Comprehension: Recall of Factual Information • Practice of skills • Student engagement with non-fiction text

  26. Round TableProcess Overview • Organize students into pairs; provide one piece of paper for each pair. • Read article or story to students. • Recall task is timed. When reading is paused, students pass paper back and forth, alternating the writing of one fact they remember from the reading. • When time is called after the final note taking, teams count the number of items they remembered. • While teacher records, teams share one item at a time until all items are reported.

  27. Inductive Thinking for… • Identifying main ideas or central themes • Concept Learning • Development of critical thinking skills • Increased student engagement with task

  28. Inductive ThinkingProcess Overview • Identify concepts (categories or main ideas) in subject matter. • Create a data set that includes five to seven examples of each concept or category to be taught. There are usually two to four categories in a data set. • Students work with partners to categorize the data set by forming groups with items sharing common attributes. Students then summarize or name their categories. 

  29. Inductive ThinkingProcess Overview (continued) • Students report their categories (and their identifying attributes) to the entire class.  • Students apply the categories they have formed in new tasks. For our uses of Inductive Thinking, that usually means summarizing the author’s message or interpreting a reading selection.

  30. Management of Second Chance Reading • Classroom Setup • Library (organization and checkout system • Wall chart (track amount of student reading) • Reading folders (in crates with hanging files) • Vocabulary boxes, index cards, post-its

  31. Management of Second Chance Reading • Student Responsibility • Book Selection (appropriate level) • Record Keeping (reading folders) • Book Log • Vocabulary Tests • Fluency/Comprehension Tests • Book Summaries/Evaluations • Vocabulary Boxes

  32. Book Talk Video Demonstration

  33. Management of Second Chance Reading • Teacher Individual Work • Book Talks (records: wall chart, reading folder) • Vocabulary Testing • Oral Reading (diagnostic reading levels)

  34. Suggested Sequence: Teaching SCR to Students • Library Organization and Use: Selecting a book and recording it in reading folder • Independent Reading: Pair share • Numbered Heads Together; Vocabulary Cards; Vocabulary Box • Think Aloud; Cooperative Comprehension • Readers Theater (fluency skills) • Individual Vocabulary Cards; Vocabulary Pairs; Fluency Tests • Book Talks

  35. Suggested Sequence: Teaching SCR to Students (continued) • Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test • Scheduled vocabulary test for one day • Comprehension test for another day during the second week of school

  36. Weekly Structure - Second Chance Reading Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Independent Reading* (15-20 minutes) Pair Share* with generic questions (5-10 minutes) Vocabulary for Read Aloud (15-20 minutes) Read Aloud (model comprehension strategies and ask questions of pairs) – (15-25 minutes) Comprehension Activity (Coop Comprehension, Dictated Writing or Inductive Thinking, etc.) – (20-35 minutes) Independent Reading* (15-20 minutes) Pair Share* with generic questions (5-10 minutes) Reading Skill Lesson (context clues, fluency drills, etc.) – (20 minutes) Independent Reading* (15-20 minutes) Individual Vocabulary Cards* (10-15 minutes) Vocabulary Pairs* (10-15 minutes) Independent Reading* (15-20 minutes) Vocabulary Pairs* Vocabulary tests [Bi-weekly fluency tests] *Opportunity for teacher to work with individual students: Book talks, vocabulary tests, oral reading, etc.

  37. Stanford Diagnostic Reading TestMaterials • Student Booklets • Grade 6 & 7 – Purple Forms J & K • Grade 8+ – Brown Forms J & K • Answer Sheets (hand scorable) • Directions for administering (in packages of student booklets • Norms Booklets (Fall and Spring) • Scoring Stencils for Forms J & K, Purple & Brown

  38. Stanford Diagnostic Reading TestAdministration • Vocabulary and Comprehension ONLY • Monitoring (follow ITBS/ITED) • Data Entry (web site)

  39. Information on Jamestown PublishersTimed Readings • In SCR we use the Jamestown Timed Reading and the Timed Readings in Literature to check fluency and comprehension every two weeks

  40. “Second Chance”Agreements Teachers • Attend all “Second Chance” training sessions • Implement with fidelity • Collaborative planning and development • Data collection (including facilitation of data collection by students) Name: Date: School: District: ___________________

  41. Second Chance Agreements • Administrators • Schedule common planning time for teachers • Commit financial resources for training, classroom libraries, and other instructional materials • Assist with data collection • Principals attend training with teachers

  42. In addition to the 3 training days there are 4 Follow-up Days, containing the following: • 1 – Review, answer questions, develop, add Round Table, share • 2 – Begin Inductive Thinking, review, answer questions, share and develop • 3 – Continue Inductive Thinking, review, answer questions, share and develop • 4 – Graphic Organizers, review, develop, answer questions and share

  43. Any questions? Contact: Janet Stos at 563-344-6392 Or email at : jstos@aea9.k12.ia.us Deadline for 2007-2008 SCR enrollment is: May 15, 2007

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