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Helping Your Students Thrive at the NIH

Helping Your Students Thrive at the NIH. build your career, shape the future. Sharon L. Milgram, milgrams@od.nih.gov. ABSTRACT.

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Helping Your Students Thrive at the NIH

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  1. Helping Your Students Thrive at the NIH build your career, shape the future Sharon L. Milgram, milgrams@od.nih.gov

  2. ABSTRACT The NIH intramural research program sponsors research training programs for high school, college and graduate students. It also sponsors postdoctoral programs in basic, translational, and clinical research. The NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE) sponsors workshops and educational programs to guide intramural trainees in their scientific and professional development. The workshops include writing courses, communication skills workshops, and leadership development programs. For college students and postbaccalaureate fellows, the OITE sponsors workshops on going to graduate and professional school. In a recent exit survey, over 50% of our postbacs were admitted to graduate school and 40% were admitted to professional school. NIH postbacd report that their time at NIH helped them define their career goals and opened their eyes to the importance of biomedical research regardless of their chosen career path. To insure that students have an outstanding experience at the NIH, university mentors and MORE Program Directors should encourage them to attend OITE orientation, download handbooks and the moving guide before coming to campus, meet their Institute training director and OITE staff, and participate in workshops throughout their internship.

  3. The National Institutes of Health “The Nation’s biomedical research institution” • Composed of 27 Institutes and Centers • Campuses in MD, NC, AZ, MI, and MT • Two divisions -- intramural and extramural • Basic, translational and clinical research

  4. Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center • The world’s largest hospital devoted exclusively to clinical research, with: • 240 beds • 7,000 inpatient admissions a year • 9,750 new patients a year • 72,600 outpatient visits a year • 900 active clinical research protocols

  5. The Intramural Research Community • 1100 Tenured/Tenure-track investigators • 1000 Staff Scientists/Staff Clinicians • 4200 Postdoctoral/Clinical Fellows • 485 Graduate Students • 100 Medical Students • 600 Postbacs • 1200 Summer Students ……. In ~1250 intramural labs

  6. Summer Internship Program • Eight+ week research experience at all levels • High School • College • Medical/Dental • Graduate (MS. PhD, PharmD, PsyD, etc) • Many workshops and other educational opportunities • Access to pre-graduate advising • End-of-summer poster session http://www.training.nih.gov/student/sip/

  7. The Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) • Provides up to $20,000/yr to cover educational expenses for undergraduates • Eligibility: • U.S. citizen or permanent resident • GPA ≥ 3.5 • Financial need • Major in a field relevant to biomedical research • Payback requirement: one summer and one year at the NIH as an employee for each year of support received https://ugsp.nih.gov/

  8. For recent college graduates • Postbac IRTA Program • One - two year focused research experience in an NIH lab (on all campuses) • Many workshops and educational programs • Pre-graduate and career advising • NIH Academy • A postbac program focused on domestic health disparities • All fellows live together near the Bethesda campus http://www.training.nih.gov/student/

  9. The Graduate Partnerships Program • Students work in NIH lab for all or part of their dissertation research • PhD is granted by home university • Two types of partnerships: • Individual agreement • Institutional agreement http://gpp.nih.gov/

  10. NIH Postdoctoral Programs • Positions in basic, translational and clinical research • For US citizens and foreign nationals • Must be within 5 yrs of receiving doctoral degree • A number of competitive fellowships are available: • Intramural Fellowship to Promote Diversity • National Research Council • PRAT Program http://www.training.nih.gov/postdoctoral/

  11. OITE Mission Helping trainees in the NIH Intramural Research Program develop scientific and professional skills to become leaders in the biomedical research community www.training.nih.gov

  12. The Office of Intramural Training & Education • We provide a comprehensive resource for career and professional development • We aim to ensure that all NIH trainees: • Have a scientifically productive experience • take part in relevant career and professional development activities • Have help planning and taking the next steps • Have a good time • Are supported during difficult transitions

  13. What Do We Offer? • Workshops and Series • Written Communication Skills • Oral Communication Skills • Grant Writing • Teaching Skills and Opportunities • Leadership and Management Programs • Career Advancement Toolkits • Annual Events • Career Symposium • CV/Resume Slam • Graduate Student Retreat • Graduate Student Symposium • Support for FELCOM and GSC activities

  14. CAT TRACKS • Academic Jobs Series • Preparing Your Job Package • Interviewing in the Academy • Negotiating & Taking Care of Yourself • Making the Transition • Mentoring and Motivating Others • Industry Job Series • Understanding Industry • On-line applications, Resumes, and Cover Letters • Interviewing Outside the Ivory Tower • Transitioning and Team Science • Careers 101 • Career exploration • Goal Setting • Informational Interviewing • Networking

  15. OITE Activities for Postbacs • Workshops and Series • Basic Science Writing • Going to Graduate School • Going to Professional School • Science Skills Development • Career Exploration Brown Bag Lunches • Personal & Professional Development Program • Annual Events • Postbac Poster Day • NIH Graduate and Professional School Fair

  16. The OITE Career Services Center • Help with career exploration/ career decision-making • Individual assistance throughout the graduate school application process • Review of CVs, resumes, and cover letters • Review of personal statements and fellowship applications • Advice and practice for informational interviewing • Networking skill development • Mock interviews • Advice on developing assertiveness and interpersonal skills • Help in self-exploration

  17. Where Do NIH Postbacs Go Next? 120 105 100 91 80 NUMBER 60 35 40 20 0 PROFESSIONAL GRADUATE OTHER SCHOOL SCHOOL

  18. Types of Graduate Programs 80 68 70 60 50 NUMBER 40 30 18 20 12 7 10 0 MS MPH MD/PhD PhD

  19. YES NO Do NIH Postbacs Publish their Research? Blood American Journal of Physiology Immunity Journal of Bacteriology Nature Neuroscience Human Brain Mapping Journal of Organic Chemistry Journal of Cell Biology Bioconjugate Chemistry Journal of Lipid Research

  20. How the NIH experience Changed Postbac Educational/Career Decisions • Decided against a PhD and research career • Realized they loved research and decided not to pursue professional school • Want to incorporate research into their clinical career • Research focus changed • Clinical focus changed • Little changed - solidified previous goals

  21. In Their Own Words: • I found out that research is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. Nothing negative about the program, it just wasn't for me. The experience here helped me find that out, and I'm VERY grateful for that! • I had a broad idea of what I wanted to study in graduate school, but was unsure as to what specific area. My experience allowed me to explore different areas of research and determine which topic I was most interested in. • I was just going for a PhD and changed to MD/PhD. • I decided to enroll in an MSTP geared more towards research. When I first arrived at the NIH, I was planning on pursuing an MD-only program. • Before my fellowship I knew I want to be a clinician, and research was somehow secondary in my future plans. During my experience I have discovered the innate curiosity and the need for discovery I wasn't aware I had. I found out that my passion for research is as great as my passion for medicine, hence I applied to MD-PhD programs. • No longer going into a research-related field. I have not enjoyed my research experience, or the dynamics in my lab, and I think I would be much happier in another field.

  22. Helping trainees thrive at NIH • OITE can help with application process • All should use the “Selecting A Mentor” workbook • Moving Guide and trainee handbooks are on-line • Orientation is a key element to finding support and learning the ropes (OITE and in their Institute) • They should get involved with the Postbac-IRTA Committee, GSC or FELCOM • They should sign up for Club-PCR and other social listserves • Give them my name and number and ask them to make an appointment shortly after they arrive (or e-mail me and I will contact them)

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