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RefWorks. May 2014. What is RefWorks. A web-based bibliographic citation manager It allows you to collect, save and organize bibliographic citations to journal articles, books, web sites and other sources that you have found during your research
RefWorks May 2014
What is RefWorks • A web-based bibliographic citation manager • It allows you to collect, save and organize bibliographic citations to journal articles, books, web sites and other sources that you have found during your research • You can create correctly formatted bibliographies in your preferred style of output eg. Harvard • It is available free of charge to all Unisa students, staff and faculty • Is accessible both on and off campus • To use the software, you will need to create an account.
Create a RefWorks account • Connect to RefWorks at http://www.refworks.com/refworks/ • Click on Sign up for an Individual Account • Complete all fields in the Registration form • Click on Register • Once your information has been submitted, you will have immediate access to RefWorks • You will receive a confirmation email with your username, password and group code. (Keep this email.) • If you already have an account, Login. • In case you have forgotten your login details, use the Forgot your log-in? link.
Law resources with RefWorks filters The following resources have RefWorks filters: • Library catalogue • Sabinet databases • Ebsco-host databases • ProQuest databases • Informit databases • Emerald
Collecting Citations Basic procedure to import citations into RefWorks is: • do a search on your topic using the Library Catalogue and/or the online databases, select the relevant citations and import them into RefWorks • There are various ways of importing information into RefWorks: • Most databases allow you to directly import the citations into RefWorks (Ebsco-host, Sabinet, ProQuest etc) • Library Catalogue requires that you create a text file of citations, then you will have to import that file into RefWorks using database filters. (Innovative Interfaces) • You may also manually add references to RefWorks (where references are not available electronically) • Import from websites (Google) – (a set up needed on Google Scholar under preferences)
How to import references from the catalogue: Perform a search and mark relevant records by clicking Add to Bag. Click on View Bag.
Select End-Note/RefWorks Selectthe Screen box Click Submit
How import references from Oasis The references will be displayed on the screen in this format: • %A Parker, Eric, 1946- • %D Northcliff, Suid-Afrika : Bookstorm, c2010. • %T Maak hope geld uitjoueiebesigheid / Eric Parker ; met Kurt Illetschko. • %7 1ste uitg. • %@ 9781920434021 (pbk.) • %@ 192043402X (pbk.) • %1 Small business -- South Africa. • %1 Small business -- Planning. • %1 Entrepreneurship -- South Africa. • %1 New business enterprises -- South Africa. • %A Johnson, Lesley-Caren. • %D Northcliff, South Africa : Bookstorm, 2010. • %T The ultimate South African business companion : forms, templates and checklists for everyday use / Lesley-Caren Johnson. Right click and Select all Right click and copy the references
Login http://www.refworks.com/refworks/
Select the correct filters, right click on From text to open the text box and paste the text you copied from the Catalogue
Importing references from Sabinet • Perform a search on Sabinet and select the relevant references by clicking on the green crosses which will turn to red x • The marked records will be saved in the My action list at the right bottom of the page
Write-N-Cite Cont. from RefWorks
Write-N-Cite • Write-N-Cite allows you to run an abbreviated version of RefWorks in Microsoft Word • With Write-N-Cite, you can cite references in a manuscript with the click of a button. • The utility installs a RefWorks tab in the MS Word ribbon or you can access it from the References tab in Microsoft Word
Installing Write-N-Cite • Write-N-Cite 4 for Windows is compatible with the following applications: • Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 and 2013 (local installations of 2013 only) • Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 and 8