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GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO SITUATION. By J.J. Kigula – Principal Forest Officer Forestry and Beekeeping Division Dar es salaam. Some efforts taken by the government to respond to the TRAFFIC report recommendations. Establishment of District harvesting committee in every district

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  1. GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO SITUATION By J.J. Kigula – Principal Forest Officer Forestry and Beekeeping Division Dar es salaam

  2. Some efforts taken by the government to respond to the TRAFFIC report recommendations • Establishment of District harvesting committee in every district The committee is formed by the following members: District commissioner - Chairman District executive Director - Secretary District Natural Resources officer - Member District Forest officer - Member District Water Engineer - Member VEO where the village is adjacent to forest - Member Village chairperson -||- - Member • Provision of the “Guidelines for Sustainable Harvesting and Forest Products Business in Tanzania”

  3. Some efforts taken cont. • Establishment of the surveillance units. • Improve the capacity of the checkpoints by increasing manpower and working facilities • Intensification of inspection of illegal timber trading – frequent monitoring • Intensification of PFM initiatives- more than 58 districts practicing PFM : CBFM highly emphasized where the local communities are empowered to fully manage the forests giving them formal rights to use and access forest resources, as well as numerous economic incentives

  4. Some efforts taken cont. • Prohibition of exporting of logs outside the country – emphasizing on semi-processed goods • More Employment improve levels of staffing • Increased level of participation of other stakeholdersin forest patrols of illegal activities emphasized • Ensuring that all dealers in forest products at all levels are registered • Preparation of District harvesting and management plans is prerequisite in order to control the harvest levels, where communities are given a stronger role in licence application procedures and supervision of the harvesting.

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