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Challenges and Opportunities in Repository Interoperation 

Martin Halbert MetaArchive Cooperative Thurs day , June 25, 2009 NDIIPP Annual Meeting Washington, D.C. Trying to develop standards, processes, and tools for inter-repositing needs. Challenges and Opportunities in Repository Interoperation .

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Challenges and Opportunities in Repository Interoperation 

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  1. Martin Halbert MetaArchive Cooperative Thursday, June 25, 2009 NDIIPP Annual Meeting Washington, D.C. Trying to develop standards, processes, and tools for inter-repositing needs Challenges and Opportunities in Repository Interoperation 

  2. Some things NDIIPP Partners have learned how to do • Exchange data between repositories • EchoDEP HANDS (Hub and Spoke) • NDIIPP/CDL Bagit • Get data out of repositories and ingest into long-term distributed preservation networks • Chronopolis (SRB/IRODS GRID Computing) • MetaArchive (Private LOCKSS Networks) • DataPASS (Private LOCKSS Networks) NDIIPP Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C.

  3. Needs in the National Content Stewardship Internetwork • How can we leverage development efforts across projects with similar aims? • i.e. Could Private LOCKSS Networks projects develop interoperable modules? • i.e. Can we use HANDS in other projects? • Can we leverage separate infrastructures that do similar things? • Could we back archives up in both PLNs and SRB grids simultaneously? NDIIPP Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C.

  4. Possible Strategies • PLN API or Schema • Discussed at an exploratory meeting held February 19 at GA Tech • Inter-network interoperation practices • MetaArchive NHPRC project entails collaborative testing of data sharing between PLNs and SRB • Adapting HANDS to other projects • Also discussed at same GA Tech meeting NDIIPP Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C.

  5. PLN Application Programming Interface might include: “An application programming interface (API) is a set of routines, data structures, object classes and/or protocols provided by libraries and/or operating system services in order to support the building of applications.” -Wikipedia definition of API NDIIPP Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C.

  6. Perhaps a PLN Schema? Might include: • A schema for representing technical information common to multiple PLNs • This would be an XML representation of the common technical data needed to operate a private LOCKSS network • Should include a data description of the network as a whole, descriptions of collections, replications expected, common metadata, etc. • May be some possibilities of combining parts of the DataPASS and MetaArchive schemas with the elements of the LOCKSS title DB NDIIPP Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C.

  7. Proposed next steps • Form an inter-institutional working group to develop a PLN schema • The schema should capture the “thou-shalts” that drive a PLN • Should identify core operational data we agree on, and mechanism for identifying additional information • Need to capture both status information versus policy information • Proposed participation by LOCKSS, DataPass, and MetaArchive (Pedals? ADPN?) NDIIPP Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C.

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