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Explore the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism's report showcasing achievements in sustainable development for a better future. The report highlights goals, targets, and accomplishments in various areas.
VALUES People-centered (Human capital management, diversity) Integrity (professionalism quality, service excellence, honesty, transparency, trust)Performance (productivity, efficiency & effectiveness, innovation, continuous improvements)Sustainability (impact, return on investment, continuity, knowledge management, inter-operability )
GOALS • Creating conditions for sustainable tourism growth and development for the benefit of all South Africans • Promoting the conservation and sustainable utilisation of our natural resources to enhance economic growth • Protecting and improving the quality and safety of the environment. • Promoting a global sustainable development agenda. • Transformation and good governance
Programme 1: Administration - TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Cooperative and corporate governance. • Unqualified audit report. • Establish M&E framework for Public Entities. • Develop tourism sector plan. Promote empowerment • 45% BEE Spend
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 PROMOTE EMPOWERMENT. • 10% increase in awareness of environmental issues for South Africans. • 50 registered learnerships • Grant 20 full time bursaries. • Grant 40 part time bursaries. • Register 60 internships. DEVELOP AND RETAIN A REPRESENTATIVE AND PERFORMING TEAM • Meet EE targets and measures: • 40% women • 72% blacks • 1.15% people with disability
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Pursue South Africa’s sustainable development agenda in DEAT’s international responsibilities • Policy decisions on water & settlement targets taken at CSD 13 address Africa’s needs. • SADC plan of action for implementation of JPOI. • Mechanism for continuous monitoring and evaluation of progress on targets agreed at CSD. • SA to demonstrate progress on environmental sustainability targets & identifies gaps at MDG 5 year review. • Develop comprehensive set of indicators for reporting on MDGs. • National Implementation of Panel recommendations to member states. • A minimum of 2 projects with UN agencies in SA • Strategic approach for co-ordinated preparations of national and sub-regional positions for MEA and WTO. • Ensure that UNEP work programme supports implementation of action plan for environment initiative in NEPAD. • Ensure that successful outcome of policy negotiations at CSD 13 demonstrate efficiency of CSD. • Negotiation of trilateral agreements. • Ensure that SACU US FTA contains environmental management provisions. • Implementation of EU TDCA 2nd SACU EFTA.
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 IMPLEMENT NEPAD & SADC TOURISM, ENVIRONMENT, MARINE AND COASTAL PROGRAMMES. • Mobilisation of resources for approved projects. • Development of new project proposals. • Ensure AMCEN adopts decision for integration with AU as a STCs. • Achieve 40% of targeted capacity. LEAD A NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA. • Develop and launch NSSD on anniversary of WSSD. • Develop National Plan of Action to prevent IUU fishing. • State of the Coast and State of Air reports • Establish Environmental Assessment Programme in rural nodes • Finalise environmental and sustainable development indicators • Publish environmental and sustainable development indicators report • Update data sets for which DEAT is a custodian
ACHIEVEMENTS Cooperative and corporate governance. • Received unqualified audit report. • Developed draft Public Entities governance framework. • Tourism sector plan developed in collaboration with DTI. • Number of disciplinary cases declined by 45%. Promote Empowerment • Created 15 994 job opportunities. • Created 301 permanent jobs. • 109 839 training days spent on training. • 43.85% of SRPP project budget invested in Presidential Nodes. • 765 SMMEs used. • 57% BEE spent achieved. • 23 full time bursaries granted. • 42 part time bursaries granted. • 65 interns appointed.
ACHIEVEMENTS IMPROVED SERVICE DELIVERY. • Call centre established and operational. • Stakeholders perception Survey initiated. • New recruitment workflows developed. • Rollout Electronic Document Management System (EDMS. • Bi-monthly stakeholder publication produced (Bojanala). • Izimbizo with internal stakeholders held in Pretoria and Cape Town • Launched Indalo Yethu. • 19% increase in traffic onthe departmental website. • 95% uptime on the website.
ACHIEVEMENTS DEVELOP AND RETAIN A REPRESENTATIVE AND PERFORMING TEAM • Women: Overall 45%, SMS 38%. • Blacks: Overall 74%, SMS 64%. • People with disabilities: 1,1% • Turnover rate reduced form 25% to 18%. • Six (6) employees are on ARV programme. • 7% turnout to HIV/Aids awareness. • 19 employees participate in VCT.
ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2005-2006 PURSUE SOUTH AFRICA’S SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA IN DEAT’S INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES • SA positions incorporated in international preparatory meeting outcomes. • SA positions incorporated in CSD 13 resolutions. • Framework for CSD 14 country report drafted. • Developed MDG5 Goal 7 report. • Leading South Africa’s engagement with 28 multi-lateral and 33 bi-lateral agreements. • Facilitated SA’s contribution to the UNEP Environmental fund. • Coordinated development of SA positions for UNEP GC/GMEF. • Participated in Annual Delhi Summit, BRICS +G Network, IBSA meeting and SACU consultations. • Made input in SA EU TDCA & SA US FTA
ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2005-2006 IMPLEMENT NEPAD & SADC TOURISM, ENVIRONMENT, MARINE AND COASTAL PROGRAMMES. • Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCA) positioned as Southern Africa’s premier tourism destination. • Hosted NEPAD workshop on Invasive Alien Species. • Hosted South African Spanish NEPAD Tourism Seminar. • Obtained approval of Finnish funding for the North West pilot project on sustainable development. • Obtained approval for additional 1 million Euro for the CBNRM project. • Obtained GEF council approval for Wild Coast GEF project. • GEF Dec 2005 meeting: SA selected to host the GEF Assembly in Cape Town in 2006.
ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2005-2006 LEAD A NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA. • Finalised four (4) of eight (8) chapters of the NSSD • Co-management arrangements with neighbouring countries. • Verification of the National Parks Boundaries completed • GIS intranet fully functional • Register of protected areas 80% developed • Data sets from Spatial Biodiversity Assessment included on GIS intranet • All map sets of the 2005 SoER available on GIS intranet • Database of tourism facilities & attractions completed for 3 districts (Central Karoo, Ukhahlamba & Bohlabela) • Environmental Sustainability Indicators developed
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS PROMOTE EMPOWERMENT. • Achieving representativity in technical areas. DEVELOP AND RETAIN A REPRESENTATIVE AND PERFORMING TEAM • As a result of the institutional review, vacancy rate increase with increase in establishment capacity requirements
Programme 2: EQP - TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Potential Negative Impacts of all significant developments prevented or managed. • Indicator system in place and operational. • Publish Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) guidelines. • Publish Risk Assessments (RAs) information booklet. • Cost-benefits analysis (CBA). • Process 60% authorisations within published turn around times. • 82% unsuccessful court challenges against authorisations. • Establish Electronic data management system.
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Ensuring proper compliance with environmental management system. • Establish compliance auditing systems. • 30 investigations of no-compliance. • Fifteen (15) non-compliance investigations resulting in legal action. • Nine (9) non-compliance investigations resulting in compliance (Inspection of facilities – landfill sites) • 60% of criminal prosecution resulting in convictions. • Five (5) branded enforcement actions.
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Prevent and reduce pollution and waste • Adopt National Cleaner Production Strategy. • Finalise Hazardous pollutant priority list. • Approval of implementation strategy of chemical MEA’s by Cabinet. • Promulgate Waste Management Bill. • 65% permitted disposal sites.
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Alleviation of Air Pollution and better management of emission to the atmosphere • Promulgate National Norms and Standards of Air Quality Management (AQM) plans. • Publish protocol for setting standards to reduce priority pollutants. • Publish ambient air standards. • Publish National guidelines and manuals for Air Quality Monitoring and Reporting. • Complete guidelines for Green House Gas (GHG) reporting. • Initiate GHG reporting. • Implementation of mitigation and/ or adaptation measures for climate change.
ACHIEVEMENTS Potential negative impact of all significant development prevented or managed. • EIA backlog reduced by 60%. • SEA information booklet has been published and distributed. • NEAS (info system) has been developed and is being implemented. Ensuring proper compliance with environmental management systems. • 118 new reports of non-compliance managed under the IP – 55 reports referred and 72 investigated. • 2 successful prosecution (100% prosecution success rate thus far) including precedent-setting Mandara trust case. • Hosted the first annual Environmental Enforcement conference in Durban attended by international US EPA and UK EA
ACHIEVEMENTS Prevent and reduce pollution and waste • Document outlining the prioritised general waste streams has been completed. • The landfill permitting functions has been transferred to DEAT and been gazetted. • Audit of landfill backlog has been completed. • Glass agreement signed. • Cleaner production strategy finalised. • Cleaner Production Demonstration Project completed. Alleviation of Air Pollution and better management of emission to the atmosphere • National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act gazetted and effective. • National Climate change conference successfully hosted from 17 – 20 October 2005. • GHG inventory MoU signed with BUSA on 17 October 2005.
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS Potential negative impact of all significant development prevented or managed. • Delay in promulgation of NEMA EIA Regulations. Ensuring proper compliance with environmental management systems. • Many legal interpretation issues arising from legislation, with ongoing advice required from council. • Lack of a formal cooperation protocol with SAPS and DWAF. • Lack of access to environmental prosecutor for ongoing advice on criminal matters and evidence.
Programme 3: MCM - TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources. • Allocate rights and tonnage to HDI and SMMEs. • Success in litigation. • Increase in subsistence fishing to small scale commercial sector in high value resources. • Develop three (3) new commercial fisheries and mariculture sectors. • Establish Private Public Partnerships (PPPs) in proclaimed fishing harbours. • Three (3) access benefit sharing agreements approved. • Establish co-management arrangements/agreements.
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources. • Evaluation of appeals for large Pelagics, Octopus, Linefish and Netfish achieved. • Adjustment of new levies and fees published in Government Gazette. • Attended all regional meeting, i.e. IW, SEAFO, CCAMLR, ICCAT, SWIOFP, BCLME, ASCLME, BENEFIT. • Completed distribution and receipting for cluster A, B, C and D and for Traditional Line Fish. • Cluster D Road shows completed. • Evaluated applications for cluster A, B, C and D. • Published successful applicants for cluster A. • Received and processed appeals for cluster A, B, C and D. • Achieved 70% conviction for the Environmental courts. • Conducted research on new fishing species. • Agreement was reached on the establishment of the Benguela Current Commission
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources. • CITES Abalone listing developed. • Launched experimental fishery for Octopus and White Mussels. • Initiated policy development for aquaculture. • Launched Mariculture research programme. • Implemented Abalone TURF system consultation. Conserve biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • Advertised four (4) new MPAs for comments. • Two inshore vessels delivered (Ruth First and Victoria Mxenge).
ACHIEVEMENTS Build a sound scientific base for the effective management of natural resources. • Marion Islands research facility construction 70% complete. • Completed feasibility study to replace SA Agulhas. • Made progress towards replacement of the Sardinops. • Successfully completed Marion and Gough Island expedition. • Successfully executed Antarctic Relief Expedition. • Undertook routine surveys to determine state of fish stocks and catch statistics. • AJMS published online. • Biodiversity Management scientific capacity building MOU signed with CSIR. • Implemented targeted recruitment for marine scientists.
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS Build a sound scientific base for the effective management of natural resources. • Budget cuts pose challenge for public participation for Mariculture sector plan development. • Lack of in-house legal capacity for amendment of MLRA. • Reaching consensus with stakeholders. Conserve biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • Limited skills and internal capacity.
Programme 4: Tourism - TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination. • Increase number of regional brand workshops with South African missions in portfolio markets by two (2). • Increase number of National and Provincial brand workshops convened by five (5). • Increase tourism awareness interventions amongst South Africans by twenty (20). • Increase Ministerial interventions in portfolio markets by eight (8). • 10% Growth in SA Tourism marketing budget. • Develop two (2) Tourism Satellite Accounts. • Achieve 100% of annual targets per key objective in the MOU with SA Tourism.
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Ensuring the competitiveness of the SA tourism industry. • Reduce Visa restriction for two (2) portfolio markets. • 10% increase in frequencies for portfolio markets. • Reduce land border restriction by one (1). • 30% increase in government procurement from graded establishments. • 5% increase in public sector investment into tourism infrastructure and products. • 50% achievement of THETA targets as per MOU. • To facilitate 4 joint ventures between THETA and Stakeholders.
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Advance transformation of the Tourism Industry. • 10% implementation of the BEE scorecard targets per factor. • 20% Growth in TEP budget. • Achieve 100% of annual targets per key objective in the MOU with TEP. • 27% increase in number of black tourism guides. • Increase number of black assessors to one hundred (100).
ACHIEVEMENTS Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination. • One (1) regional brand workshop held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). • Provincial Branding workshops undertaken in Limpopo and Western Cape. • National Marketing workshop undertaken in June 2005. • Northern Cape Marketing Authority supported in the development of its marketing strategy. • Sho’t Left domestic marketing campaign successfully implemented, generating over R40 million in the economy from a R20 million investment.
ACHIEVEMENTS Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination. • 18 Community campaigns conducted during 2005. • 6 schools visited during Tourism month 2005. • The National Tourism awareness strategy workshop conducted in Mpumalanga (Seven provinces participated). • Participated in celebrating Environmental Week, Youth Day, Women’s Day, Heritage Day, World Tourism Day and promoted tourism awareness during such events. • Coordinated Provincial and National Tourists Guides of the year awards. • Tourism marketing budget grew by 10,53%.
ACHIEVEMENTS Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination. • Participated at the AICHI World Expo in April-September 2005 (a once off event driven by DTI) in Japan, where SA won a silver medal. • Six (6) Ministerial interventions were undertaken, i.e. Botswana, Nigeria, Kenya, Germany, Spain and France. • Two (2) Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) Tables (1 and 2) have been populated. • International tourism arrivals grew by 10.3% to 7 368 742.
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensuring the competitiveness of the SA tourism industry. • Reduced Visa restrictions for portfolio markets. • Increased frequencies for portfolio markets, Nigeria & China • Welcome Visitor Experience Programme implemented. • 9 Border posts branded by SA Tourism. • The road linking Kruger National Park in SA and Limpopo National Park in Mozambique completed. • Giriyondo port of entry operational. • 4604 Tourism establishments graded through TGCSA. • 74 Assessors of tourism products trained. • Government procurement from graded establishment increased by 15%.
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensuring the competitiveness of the SA tourism industry. • Phase 2 of the Global competitive study completed. • French and Chinese language training programme introduced (Tourist guides trained - 13 in Chinese, 137 in French) • An agreement reached with NBI and THETA to implement Tourism Skills Initiative. • Tourism 2010 plan completed.
ACHIEVEMENTS Advance transformation of the industry • Tourism BEE Charter finalised and launched. • Tourism BEE Charter Council appointed and announced by the Minister. • Tourism BEE Charter website completed (www.tourismbeecharter.co.za). • Tourism SMME training programme undertaken in all provinces.
ACHIEVEMENTS Advance transformation of the industry • Tourism Enterprise Programme (TEP) budget increased. • Value for SMME transactions increased by 118%. • Tourism SMMEs transactions increased by 194%. • Job opportunities created increased by 102%. • 753 enterprises supported through TEP. • 6577 tourism jobs created through TEP. • Tourism direct employment increased by 539 017. • 1 614 533 job opportunities created. • 14 Black assessors trained in restaurant grading.
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS Effective marketing of South Africa as a tourism destination • South Africa is not well promoted in the UAE • Postponement of the Bi-national Commission for the signing of Agreement with Nigeria. • Delay in the release of arrivals stats by Stats SA. • Implementation of the 2010 Tourism Organising Plan unfunded. Ensuring the competitiveness of the SA tourism industry • Inclusion of GCP projects into the IDPs of the relevant municipalities. • Delays from the Chair of NEPAD in implementing decisions taken by the Ministerial Tourism Committee.
Programme 5: B&C - TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic development. • 20% increase in electronic permits issued that are legally and scientifically sustainable. • 20% of permits endorsed and verified at port of export/ re-export. • Develop a BEE MoU/Scorecard in consultation with professional hunting and game farming industry. • Approve 3 access benefit sharing agreement. • 20 co-management arrangements/agreements in place.
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Conserve Biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • Develop an inventory of SA’s ecosystem needing protection. • 0.5% increase of land under conservation. • 18% increase of marine areas under protection. • Create jobs in and around Protected Areas: • GSLWP to create 110 jobs. • SANPARKS to create 400 jobs. Build a sound scientific base for the effective management of natural resources. • Develop regular, quality reports on biodiversity issues. • Publish scientific publications in peer reviewed journals. • Develop functional clearing house mechanism. • Increase number of institutions and scientists involved in building scientific capacity for biodiversity management.
TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Ensure proper compliance with Environmental Management System. • Designate 230 Environmental Management Inspectors. • Develop regulations for national protected areas. • Appoint EMIs for protected areas. • Align four (4) provincial ordinances to NEMA: PA and NEMBA. • 30% increase in number of successful convictions for illegal trade and utilisation of natural resources. • 70% increase in provincial agency compliance with CITES and relevant national regulations.
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic development. • The electronic permitting system for CITES listed species is being developed. • Four provinces are already using an electronic permitting system based on their respective legislation. • Training of customs officials on CITES ongoing. • Provided advice on the implementation CITES provinces and general public. • Provided CITES training to permit & enforcement personnel in Mpumalanga. • CITES Abalone listing proposal developed.
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic development. • Established stakeholder forum with Wildlife industry. • Established a task team to develop BEE scorecard. • Draft regulations on ABS-Bio-prospecting have been developed. • ABS Stakeholders database developed. • Two (2) cattle grazing agreements signed. • Signed an agreement with Banyashu Claims and Recourse Utilisation. • Six (6) community forums established for the development of TFCA. • Implemented Abalone TURF system consultation.
ACHIEVEMENTS Conserve Biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment completed. • National list of threatened and protected species developed. • National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan developed. • Finalised the design, lay-out and functionality of the web site and database. • Regulations for threatened or protected species have been developed. • Hunting norms and standards have been developed.
ACHIEVEMENTS Conserve Biodiversity, its components, processes and functions and mitigate threats. • 79009 hectors (ha) has been declared into the National Parks system. • A biodiversity strategy, action plan and a land use plan have been completed for the Wild coast area. • A five year strategic management plan has been completed for the proposed Blyde River Canyon National Park. • Four new MPAs were advertised for comment, i.e. Stillbaai, Kei, gxulu and Gonubie. • A total number of 473 permanent and 3968 temporary jobs were created by both SANParks and GSLWPA.
ACHIEVEMENTS Ensure proper compliance with Environmental Management System. • 700 Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIs) designated. • NEMA: PA came into effect. • Promulgated regulations for Protected Areas. • Designated 620 EMIs for SANParks. • Two provinces started with alignment of legislation to NEMA: PA and NEMBA. • Training of officials on CITES undertaken in North West.
IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND/OR RISKS Ensure equitable and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic development. • Uniform implementation at ports of entry and exit remains a concern. • Large number of ports of entry and exit. • Turnover of Customs staff. • Rapid change in computer hardware. • Developing a system that is compatible with all existing permitting systems in the provinces.
Programme 6: SRPP - TARGETS FOR 2005-2006 Promote Empowerment • Create 12 000 temporary jobs. • Create 300 permanent jobs. • 120 000 training days. • 40% budget allocation to nodal municipal areas. • 300 SMMEs used. ACHIEVEMENTS • Created 15 994 job opportunities. • Created 301 permanent jobs. • 109 839 training days spent on training. • 43.85% of SRPP project budget invested in Presidential Nodes. • 765 SMMEs used.
AUDITOR-GENERAL REPORT • Emphasis of Matter • Irregular expenditure • LOGIS fixed asset register • Non-compliance with the National Environmental Management Act, Act No 107 of 1998 (NEMA) • Information systems audit • Performance Information • Submission of annual financial statements