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By: Elaine the evil! Rebecca the wicked! Zhi Ru the awesome~~! Ying Bao the scary!

Nutritious Soybean with Peanut Gene . By: Elaine the evil! Rebecca the wicked! Zhi Ru the awesome~~! Ying Bao the scary!. The love story of Beanie and Nutty. Hmm this is interesting! Let’s have a story to describe it!

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By: Elaine the evil! Rebecca the wicked! Zhi Ru the awesome~~! Ying Bao the scary!

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  1. Nutritious Soybean with Peanut Gene By:Elaine the evil!Rebecca the wicked!ZhiRu the awesome~~!Ying Bao the scary!

  2. The love story of Beanie and Nutty • Hmm this is interesting! • Let’s have a story to describe it! • Beanie fell in love with nutty! Because of that, they got married and had lots of babies!! • The babies were stronger, yummier, and more nutritious than their mommy and daddy. • How did this happen?

  3. How it is done! • Insertion of gene • Peanut gene has to be isolated • Most popular way of inserting gene is by biolistics • Using agrobacterium, by electroporation, or by ‘gene knockout’.

  4. How it is done! • Biolistics: • Also known as ballistic bombardment • Atoms of a heavy metal element is coated with peanut gene • The atoms are fired with gunpowder into the soybean cells • Atoms penetrate cell walls • Genes are free to code into soybean’s DNA • One of the oldest method of genetic engineering (1990)

  5. How it is done! • Agrobacterium • Agrobacteriumtumefaciens is a type of bacteria that transfers its DNA • DNA is transferred using horizontal gene transfer • Horizontal gene transfer refers to an organism incorporating genes from another organism without being its offspring • A restriction enzyme is used to cut the plasmid DNA • Creation of an insertion point, such that the gene can be ligated

  6. What are the benefits? • From our story, we realised that the babies were more nutritious than beanie and nutty • It provides a richer source of nutrients • Helps patients suffering from protein deficiencies • Soybean nutrition is compromised slightly by a relative deficiency in its methionine content

  7. What are the benefits? • Plant protein • Cheapest source of protein for poor countries which cannot afford meat • Plant protein is the safest way of gaining protein • No cholesterol gained

  8. What are the benefits? • Peanuts are high in methionine- rich protein • The gene that controls the production of the methionine-rich protein is inserted into soybeans • Therefore, the genetically modified soybeans are more nutritious

  9. Consequences • Allergies • People allergic to peanuts • Four people died from anaphylaxis to soy had no known allergy to soy but had a severe allergy to peanuts.

  10. Consequences • GM crops might create new allergies • Imported genes produce new protein(s), which has never been present before • Protein might trigger reactions

  11. Consequences (Case Study) • Soybeans were outfitted with a gene from the Brazil nut • A deadly soybean was produced • Bloodtests from people allergic to Brazil nuts showed reactions to the genes.

  12. Consequences • Hard to control • There are no labeling laws for GMO food

  13. Even soybeans have dreams too~

  14. Acknowledgements • We want to thank our daddies and our mommies for being so kind and understanding • We want to thank the teachers for extending our PT deadlines. • And lastly, we want to thank YOU, whom without, this will be impossible~~

  15. Acknowledgements • http://blog.peta.org/archives/soybean_dreams.jpg • http://www.seedsofdeception.com/utility/showArticle/?objectID=1007 • http://www.ejbiotechnology.info/content/vol7/issue3/full/13/index.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgenic_soybean • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizontal_gene_transfer • http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199603143341103 • Genetically Modified Soy And Food Allergies: How GMOs Affect Those With Peanut and Soy Allergyhttp://food-allergies.suite101.com/article.cfm/genetically_modified_soy_and_food_allergies#ixzz0wS9wXFge • http://www.itmonline.org/arts/gmo.html • http://www.relfe.com/GMOs.html • http://ezinearticles.com/?Genetically-Modified-Foods---Pros-and-Cons&id=4480176 • http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5530186.html • http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2007/08/02/genetically-modified-organisms-are-a-looming-threat.aspx

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