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Buffalo: The Largest City in Wright County in 1920

Explore Buffalo as the largest city in Wright County in 1920, its industries, notable landmarks, and factors shaping the county's development in the 1920s.

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Buffalo: The Largest City in Wright County in 1920

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  1. Local Geography:Wright County in 1920 Grade 8 Buffalo Community Middle School Fall 2009

  2. Largest Cities inWright County 1920

  3. What was the largest city in Wright County in 1920?

  4. Largest Cities inWright County 1920 • 1) BUFFALO 1,460

  5. Buffalo 1920

  6. Buffalo 1920

  7. Looking East on Division Street in Buffalo 1922

  8. Division Street in Downtown Buffalo 2005

  9. Looking North on 1st Avenue in 1920s

  10. Looking North on 1st Avenue in 2006

  11. Looking North on 1st Avenue in 2006

  12. Looking North on 1st Avenue in 2006

  13. Buffalo 1920

  14. Buffalo 2006

  15. Buffalo 2007

  16. Buffalo remained a small town for many years. What event finally allowed it to spring to life?

  17. Buffalo Depot in 1887

  18. Buffalo Depot in 2008

  19. What were Buffalo’s largest industries in 1920?

  20. Buffalo Creamery in 1898

  21. Buffalo Creamery in the 1960s

  22. Former Creamery Location 2008

  23. Lbs. of Butter produced in W.C. • 1870 – 115,675 lbs. • 1890 – 1,176,909 lbs. • 1900 – 498,430 lbs. • 1939 – 26 total creameries in the county

  24. Other Buffalo Industries in 1920 • Fish (Buffalo Lake had an “inexhaustible” supply) • Summer Resorts • Ice • County Government Business

  25. Courthouse in the 1920s

  26. What was the second largest city in Wright County in 1920?

  27. Largest Cities inWright County 1920 • 1) BUFFALO 1,460 • 2) DELANO 1,031

  28. River Street in Delano around 1900

  29. River Street in Delano around 1920

  30. River Street in Delano in 2006

  31. River Street in Delano in 2006

  32. Delano around 1920

  33. Delano in 2006

  34. What was the third largest city in Wright County in 1920?

  35. Largest Cities inWright County 1920 • 1) BUFFALO 1,460 • 2) DELANO 1,031 • 3) MONTICELLO 858

  36. Monticello (1900)

  37. Monticello (1920s)

  38. Monticello 1920

  39. Where was the first bridge built across the Mississippi in Wright County in 1920?

  40. Monticello Bridge in 1894

  41. Monticello Bridge in 2008

  42. Largest Cities inWright County 1920 • 1) BUFFALO 1,460 • 2) DELANO 1,031 • 3) MONTICELLO 858 • 4) COKATO 749 • 5) HOWARD LAKE 629

  43. Largest Cities inWright County 1920 • 1) BUFFALO 1,460 • 2) DELANO 1,031 • 3) MONTICELLO 858 • 4) COKATO 749 • 5) HOWARD LAKE 629 • 6) ANNANDALE 624 • 7) MAPLE LAKE 522 • 8) WAVERLY 460 • 9) MONTROSE 312 • 10) CLEARWATER 311 • 11) ROCKFORD 257 • 12) HANOVER 182 • 13) SMITH LAKE 180

  44. Major Factors Influencing Wright County Settlement in 1920 • Railroads continued to be dominant form of transportation technology • St. Michael remained a small town with no RR • Water power is less important as electricity becomes common • Urbanization becoming a force • People increasingly moving to cities • Farming was increasingly mechanized • Fewer farmers needed/farms got larger • Dairy farming had become county’s major agricultural activity • Creameries, resorts, lumber were county’s major industries

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