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BIODATA. Nama lengkap : Priscilla Jessica NIM : 22010112130175 TTL : Jakarta, 14 September 1994 Alamat rumah : Sunter Paradise tahap II blok i /12 Jakarta Utara Alamat kos : Jl. Gondang Raya no. 66 Email : priscillajessica94@gmail.com Nomor HP : 08999210954

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BIODATA Namalengkap: Priscilla Jessica NIM : 22010112130175 TTL : Jakarta, 14 September 1994 Alamatrumah: Sunter Paradise tahap II bloki/12 Jakarta Utara Alamatkos : Jl. Gondang Raya no. 66 Email : priscillajessica94@gmail.com Nomor HP : 08999210954 Pin BB/: 73EF9F0B Line/twitter/IG : misspeachyy Hobi : Jalan-jalan Motto hidup : “Work hard, play hard” IPK sementara : 3.58

  2. PENDIDIKAN FORMAL • PendidikanDokterUniversitasDiponegoro (2012-sekarang) • SMAK IPEKA Sunter, Jakarta (2009-2012) • SMPK IPEKA Sunter, Jakarta (2006-2009) • SDK IPEKA Sunter, Jakarta (2000-2006) • TKK IPEKA Sunter, Jakarta (1999-2000) • TK KaryaKasih, Jakarta (1996-1999)

  3. AKTIVITAS & PENGALAMAN ORGANISASI • General Secretary of Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) Undip – 2014 (saatini) • Staff of External Division Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) Undip – 2013 • KoordinatorDepartemenKeilmuan Persekutuan Mahasiswa Kristen Kedokteran (PMKK) Undip – 2013 s/d saatini • Member of Undip Debating Forum (UDF) – Maret 2014 s/d saatini • AsistenBiokimia FK Undip – Maret 2014 s/d saatini • President of IPEKA Sunter English Debating Club (ISEDC) – 2010/2011 • Training Coordinator of IPEKA Sunter English Debating Club (ISEDC) – 2009/2010 • AnggotaDepartemenHubunganMasyarakat (Humas) OSIS SMAK IPEKA Sunter – 2009/2010 • Sekretaris OSIS SMPK IPEKA Sunter – 2007/2008 • AnggotaDepartemenSosial OSIS SMPK IPEKA Sunter – 2006/2007 • AnggotaPaskibraka SMPK IPEKA Sunter – 2006/2007 & 2007/2008

  4. PRESTASI - Perguruan tinggi • 2nd runner up of Interfaculty Debate Competition, UniversitasDiponegoro, Semarang (2014) • 1st Best Speaker of Interfaculty Debate Competition, UniversitasDiponegoro, Semarang (2014) • Breaking Adjudicator (Accredited) of Java Overland Varsities English Debate (JOVED), Universitas PGRI, Semarang (2014) • Quarter Finalist of National Newbie Debate Competition (NNDC), UniversitasNasional Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta (2014) • Top 10 Best Speaker of National Newbie Debate Competition (NNDC), UniversitasNasional Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta (2014) • Top 5 Best Speaker of AMSA Xplode Debate Championship, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta (2013) • 1st winner of AMSA Xplode Debate Championship, UniversitasAirlangga, Surabaya (2012) • 2nd best speaker of AMSA Xplode Debate Championship, UniversitasAirlangga, Surabaya (2012)

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