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IEEE Sensors Council Election. November 3, 2013 Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel Chris Schober N&A Committee Chair. IEEE Sensors Council. 2013 Sensors Council Officers President: Vladimir Lumelsky President Elect :* H. Troy Nagle
IEEE Sensors Council Election November 3, 2013 Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel Chris Schober N&A Committee Chair
IEEE Sensors Council 2013 Sensors Council Officers President: Vladimir Lumelsky President Elect:* H. Troy Nagle Past President: Christina M. Schober Past Past President: Mona E. Zaghloul VP – Finances: Mike McShane VP – Publications: John Vig VP – Conferences*: Michael Shur VP – Technical Operations*: Tom Wiener Secretary/Treasurer: David Horsley Sensors Journal EIC: Krikor B. Ozanyan *2013 Elections held for these offices Elected to term 2014-2015
IEEE Sensors Council 2013 Sensors Council Members-at -Large 2012-2013* Elfed Lewis Paul C. P. Chao 2013-2014 Anil Roy Hulya Kirkici *2013 Elections held for these offices Elected to term 2014-2015
2013 Elections Odd Year Elections (2 yr terms) Even Year Elections (2 yr terms) • President Elect • VP Conferences • VP Technical Operations • Member-at-Large (up to 2) • VP Publications • VP Finances • Member –at-Large (up to 2) Appointments by President Confirmed by Adcom • Secretary/Treasurer • Journal EIC
2013 N&A committee Chris Schober, Chair (Jr Past President) Georg Brasseur(Instrumentation & Measurement Society rep) Amie’ Lay-Ekuakille(Sensor Journal Assoc. Editor) Thilo Sauter (Industrial Electronics rep) VR Singh (Sensors Journal Assoc. Editor) Judy Scharmann (Executive Staff)
New for 2013 N&A Committee • Used Review Room a tool used by MGA and TAB for nominations • Review Room allows secure sharing of candidate information.
Voting Members of Council • IEEE Sensors Journal EIC • Members-at-Large (up to 4) • Society President Appointed Adcom members • who have not exceeded two consecutive term limit • 25 total member societies • President • President Elect • Past President • Past-Past-President • Vice President -Finances • Vice President – Publications • Vice President – Conferences • Vice President - Technical Operations • Secretary- Treasurer Max. Eligible voters = 39, 38 for 2013 election
IEEE Sensors Councilwww.ieee-sensors.org The Sensors Council consists of 25 member societies: • Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society • Antennas and Propagation Society • Broadcast Technology Society • Circuits and Systems Society • Communications Society • Computer Society • Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society
IEEE Sensors Councilwww.ieee-sensors.org • Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society • Electromagnetic Compatibility Society • Electron Devices Society • Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society • Industrial Electronics Society • Industry Applications Society • Instrumentation and Measurement Society • Magnetics Society • Microwave Theory and Techniques Society • Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society
IEEE Sensors Councilwww.ieee-sensors.org • Oceanic Engineering Society • Photonics Society • Power and Energy Society • Robotics and Automation Society • Signal Processing Society • Solid-State Circuits Society • Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society • Vehicular Technology Society
TAB solicitation for nominees Your name has come to the attention of the IEEE Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Committee for the following positions …. • If you’re interested in being considered for any or all of the above mentioned position(s), please follow the link and the instructions below to provide documentation by xxx • Apply here:https://ieee-noms.myreviewroom.com/ • Important information: • · Your IEEE website username/password will not work. • · You will need to create a new username and password for the online form unless you have a ReviewRoom account already. • · If you have an account, access the site using your original account name/password and select the new committees which you have been nominated for on the designated page….This year the IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee (N&A) is continuing to use an online nomination process to provide applicants with a secure, easily accessible/alterable form. If you participated in our process last year, you’ll notice you will be able to start with the form you submitted last year if you choose. Please make sure all of the auto-completed information is correct before proceeding.
Review Room for Sensors Council • http://sensorscouncil.myreviewroom.com • Only accessible to Admins & Reviewers at this time. • This system is used by MGA and TAB board N&A and awards. We are using the MGA license and IEEE Staff have supported us in the setup. Gail Sheedy and Khanh Luu • Khanh Luu • Information Management Analyst • Member and Geographic Activities Department • http://www.ieee.org/mga/ • Help video http://myreviewroom.com/video-help.
Election Governing documents Constitution & Bylaws (as of October 1, 2013)
Constitution Article IV 1 of 2 • ARTICLE IV ELECTION AND APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS • Section 1. The AdCom shall elect every two years a President-Elect whose term of office will be for two years. The President-Elect shall assume the Presidency for a two-year term at the conclusion of his/her term as President-Elect. • On a schedule specified by the Bylaws, the AdCom shall also elect a Vice-President for Conferences, a Vice-President for Technical Operations, a Vice-President for Publications, and a Vice President for Finances. Eligibility and terms of office for the Officers of the Council are specified by the Bylaws.
Constitution Article IV – 2 of 2 • Section 2. Officers shall be elected and appointed in accordance with the rules specified in the Council Bylaws. • Section 3. If the Office of President becomes vacant, the President-Elect shall become President for the remainder of the term assumed. If the President is incapacitated, the duties of the President shall be performed by the President-Elect for the duration of the President’s incapacity, when the incapacity is certified by a majority of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the President, and under written and time-limited delegation from the President, the President-Elect may also carry out the duties of the President. If the office of the President-Elect, or a Vice-President becomes vacant, the voting members of the Council AdCom shall promptly elect a new officer. If the office of Immediate Past President becomes vacant, the President may appoint another Past President to that office.
Bylaws Article III – Nominations, Elections and Appointments • Section 1. The Nominations and Appointments Committee, which is a Standing Committee of the Council, shall consist of a Chairperson and four other members. At least one shall not be a current Council member but shall belong to at least one Member Society. The Immediate Past President shall be the Chair of the Nominations and Appointments Committee, except for the first two years when the Administrative Committee shall elect the chair. Other officers of the Council may not serve on the Nominations and Appointments Committee nor be members ex-officio. • Section 2. The Chairperson of the Nominations and Appointments Committee shall consult with each candidate prior to nomination to determine willingness to serve if elected.
Bylaws Article III continued (2) • Section 3. The Nominations and Appointments Committee shall be guided in its selections by the principles of efficiency, geographical distribution, past history, and technical interest. • Section 4. The Chairperson of the Nominations and Appointments Committee shall submit the Committee Report to the Council AdCom at the beginning of its Annual Meeting, or with the approval of the Council President, by letter or email to all qualified voting officers and representatives on the Council AdCom prior to the Annual Meeting. From the floor of the same meeting or by letters or email mailed to the entire Council AdCom, the officers and representatives may make additional nominations. • Section 5. The names of any candidates of the Council who are not eligible under the Constitution or Bylaws shall be withdrawn by the President of the Council. Nominations allowed from the floor
Bylaws Article III continued (3) • Section 6. Election of the officers, whenever a vacancy exists, shall be from those nominates as specified in these Bylaws, Article III, Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5. Elections shall be by secret ballot of the voting members of the Council AdCom. For the first year of operation of the Council, the officers must be elected by secret ballot or or by email directly by the Council AdCom. Nominations must be made by the voting AdCom members. Secret Ballot voting
Bylaws Article III continued (4) • Section 7. The AdCom shall elect the President-Elect, the Vice-President for Technical Operations, the Vice-President for Conferences, the Vice-President for Publications, and the Vice President for Finances from its current members or among those past members who have served as Society-appointed or ex-officio AdCom members. Nominees for the Vice-President for Conferences and the Vice-President for Publications may also come from IEEE Sensors Conference committees and from the IEEE Sensors Journal editorial boards, respectively. The AdCom shall elect the President-elect from its members who have served as Officers within the previous four years. If a candidate for President-elect cannot be found who meets this criterion, then candidates for President-elect may be chosen from the current Society-appointed members of AdCom or among those past members who have served as Society-appointed AdCom members within the previous three years.
Bylaws Article III continued (5) • Section 8. The terms of office for the Officers of the Council, and their eligibility for re-election shall be: • the President-elect (2 year term, odd year election), • the President (2 year term nonrenewable), • the Immediate Past-President (2-year term nonrenewable), • the Senior Past-President (2-year term nonrenewable), • the Vice-President for Technical Operations (2 year term, odd year election, renewable once), • the Vice-President for Conferences (2 year term, odd year election, renewable), • the Vice-President for Publications (2 year term, even year election, renewable), and • the Vice President for Finances (2 year term, even year election, renewable). • Eligibility for a particular office shall be restored after a lapse from that office of one year. The President-elect, Vice-President for Technical Operations and the Vice-President for Conferences will be elected to begin their terms in even numbered years while the Vice-President for Publications and the Vice President for Finances will be elected to begin their terms in odd numbered years. Following 2 years as President-Elect, the elected individual will take the office of President for 2 years, Immediate Past-President for the next 2 years, and Senior Past President for the next 2 years.
Bylaws Article III continued (6) • Section 9. If any Council office becomes vacant at any time during the year, and if the vacant office cannot be filled by logical succession of an existing Council officer as described in the Constitution and Bylaws, the Council will promptly hold an election to fill the existing vacancy.
Bylaws Article III continued (7) • Section 10. As needed, elections shall be held separately for the offices of President-elect, Vice-President for Conferences, Vice President Technical Operations, Vice President for Publications and Vice President for Finances, in that order. To be elected, a nominee must receive a majority of the proper votes cast. If no candidate receives a majority on a ballot, the name of the candidate receiving the smallest vote shall be withdrawn and a second ballot taken. This procedure shall be repeated until one candidate receives a majority vote. • The Council AdCom may hold contingent elections to be effective if an elected officer fails to accept office, is disapproved by IEEE Headquarters because there has been some irregularity in the nominations and election procedures, or has failed to maintain IEEE membership and Society membership. Must receive MAJORITY of votes
Bylaws Article III continued (8) • Section 11. The President of the Council shall inform each successful candidate of his election and shall arrange for the transfer of responsibility. The name of each elected officer shall be reported to the Chairman and Secretary of the IEEE Technical Activities Board.
TAB IEEE requirement • 2 candidates per elected position or exception approval needed from TAB VP • “Application of 1.5 Rule in Technical Activities Organizational Units” prepared by Jayne Cerone We have met the requirement for all positions
Call for Nominations Sensors Council website home page & election page, emails with monthly reminders to AdCom, Sensor Journal Editors, Past Adcom members
Call for Nominations • The Nominations Committee requests you to consider carefully a self-nomination or recruiting qualified individuals whom you would recommend for the 2013 nominations slate (for positions in 2014-2015). We are looking for 2 candidates for each of the elected positions; this will exceed the 1.5 minimum rule1 per IEEE TAB. The following two year term positions are up for election at the AdCom meetings in even years: • President Elect (2 year term) • Vice-President for Conferences (2 year term, renewable once). • Vice-President for Technical Activities ( 2 year term, renewable once) • Member-at-Large (2 year term)
Job Descriptions on SC website • http://www.ieee-sensors.org/job-descriptions
The following information will be required from the candidate or nominator by the Nominations Committee for each candidate, by September 5th, 2013. The elections will be during the next AdCom meeting (at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace hotel, tentatively Nov 2 & 3rd, 2013) prior to the 2013 SENSORS Conference in Baltimore, MD, USA. 1. Candidate Information: Name (as it should appear on all election materials), Business Title/Position, Business Name, Business Address, Preferred Phone, Mobile Phone, Email. 2. Personal Biography: A brief statement not to exceed 350 words describing support for all IEEE and IEEE Sensors Council activities. Explain the candidate’s strengths and how these strengths would support the IEEE-SC leadership position. 3. Statement of Candidacy: Not to exceed 300 words in length. This should include a description of what plans the candidate has for using their office to improve or strengthen the IEEE Sensors Council. Please send candidate nominations packages to Chris Schober, c.schober@ieee.org, with a cc to Judy Scharmann, j.scharmann@conferencecatalysts.com. The list of proposed nominees will be sent to the AdCom members by October 1, 2013.
President Elect 2014-2015 • President Elect - 2 candidates • Michael J. McShane • Michael Shur • Will be President 2016-2017
Mike McShane • Statement of Candidacy: If elected to the position of President-Elect, I will attempt to continue to build on the momentum we have in new journals and conferences while trying to grow the technical activities areas. I think several activities can help to do this. First, strategic planning is in order. While we must be vigilant in watching expenses as well as quality in all that we do, we should expand our activities to provide greater value to the sensors community rather than continue to build reserves. As President-Elect, I would fully participate in such planning activities if initiated soon, and strive for development of a prioritized list of “new initiative” projects that can be pursued as finances allow. It is time to “think big”—identify some substantial, impactful goals and find ways to achieve them through the collective expertise of our AdCom as well as hired professionals as needed. As President, I will remain committed to these carefully devised goals and actively lead with these purposes in focus. • Second, I would like to greatly increase the engagement of AdCom members and, through them, create more value for our member societies and the sensors community in general. I envision this may be done through more frequent and deeper communication with both AdCom and home society leadership. We can do much more with local chapters, giving them opportunities and incentives to promote sensor activities on a regional level. The Distinguished Lecturer program can be leveraged as well, having DL visits combined with local AdCom member or other chapter activities intended to promote Council involvement (i.e. larger event such as a workshop). Finally, I see many opportunities to expand our use of multimedia in the journals and conferences, as well as potential to partner with member societies, to gain more visibility for sensors through online content.
Michael Shur • Statement of Candidacy: I have been affiliated with IEEE Sensors Council since 2002, as VP for Publications, Technical Activities, and Conferences, and as Technical Program co-Chair of the inaugural IEEE Sensors Conference. As an elected Member of IEEE EDS Board of Governors, I am also familiar with IEEE Society Governance. As an Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Center Director and faculty member and a co-founder and Vice-President of Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc., I have an extensive experience in academic and sensors industry leadership. My company, SET Inc., has been cited as DARPA success story and has received the PRISM Award from SPIE for the most innovative product of the year. In both academia and industry, I lead by consensus, but make quick decisions when consensus cannot be reached. • If elected, I will work with EXCOM, ADCOM, IEEE Sensors Council Chapters, and volunteers to facilitate information exchange, and raise and provide resources supporting students and researchers. This will be achieved by promoting and improving the IEEE Sensors publications, conferences, and the WEB site. Working with EXCOM, I will establish clear policies and guidelines for all activities of the Sensors Council. My key initiatives will promote a much broader ADCOM participation, achieving visibility of the Council in national and international trade and professional publications and news services. I will also establish better collaboration with the IEEE Gold program and Sensor Council member societies, advertising and promoting IEEE Sensors Council Fellow program and IEEE Sensors Council Awards. I will raise funds from industry for new awards in the sensor field. I will encourage the establishment of new Council chapters as well as support existing chapters. I will pay special attention to creating and • promoting networking opportunities for engineers, scientists, and students in the sensor field by expanding interactions via the WEB forums and live exchanges during the IEEE Sensors Council conferences.
President Elect 2014-2015 Michael J. McShane Michael Shur
VP Conferences 2014-2015 • VP Conferences - 4 candidates • Venkat R. Bhethanabotla • FabriceLabeau • Elfed Lewis • Yu-Cheng Lin
Venkat Bhethanabotla • Statement of Candidacy: In the proposal to host IEEE Sensors 2016 in Orlando, I have considered all details described as duties and responsibilities of the VP-Conferences. Some important aspects include: conference format and tracks, selection of diverse and strong programming committee members, finances of the conference, site selection, venue negotiations, and interaction with the Sensors Council and staff members. • As VP of Conferences, I shall: • Utilize my 27 years of academic and 3 years of Bell Laboratories experience to stay focused on technical and innovation excellence in arranging our Sensors Conferences. • Utilize my exposure to meetings, organizations and research in non-EE areas (such as AIChE, BMES, MRS, and ECS) to broaden awareness of our conferences. • Utilize my administrative experience as Department Chair, Center Director, Academic Program Director, Research Council Chair and Governance Council Chair at USF, to address details of conference organization. • Utilize my experience with organizing Symposia, Topicals and Sessions at ECS, AIChE, IEEE and MRS to organizing our Sensors Conference. • Utilize the experience I gained in proposing to organize Sensors 2016 in planning future Sensors Council conferences. This experience is directly beneficial to this position, as I have assembled an excellent team of 28 researchers from around the world as organizing committee members, negotiated with venues, worked with the VP-Conferences and SC staff, worked out local support, thought through the conference structure, and produced a detailed budget estimate based on hard data. • Strive to interface with high-quality conferences to promote our conferences, and to co-sponsor our conferences and theirs. • Utilize my financial management experience with large grants, department and center administration, and other USF financial responsibilities to organize or help organize profitable, effective and efficient conferences. • Utilize my international experience, living and working in diverse places and connections with people, to identify or help identify excellent locations for our conferences.
FabriceLabeau • Statement of Candidacy: Conferences form a central part of the Council’s offering, both as networking and exchange opportunities for Sensors experts and as one of the main sources of revenue for the Council. They support both the position of the Sensors Council as a scientific and technical “home” for sensors research and the Council’s financial ability to provide services to the IEEE sensors community. In this perspective, the VP conference should, over the coming few years, lead the development of topical and/or regional conferences to complement the main Sensors conference. In particular, it is important for a council with a wide technical scope such as the Sensors Council to be able to cater to its many constituents in their area of speciality, through small, topical workshops. Regional events are also important, in particular in the prevailing economic context, in which travel to remote locations to attend the main Sensors conference may not be affordable. In the same vein, the ongoing process of making contents from the conferences available after the events should be continued, and additional thought should be given to the possibility of making specific contents such as keynotes available to all IEEE members, e.g. through IEEE TV. • In terms of the conference technical contents, the VP conferences will need to exercise technical leadership in order to make sure that the conferences (in particular the flagship Sensors conference) provide a dynamic environment for technical exchanges; this involves making sure that innovative initiatives are included in the program of each conference (special sessions, panels, industry workshops, demonstrations, etc)
Elfed Lewis • Statement of Candidacy: The principle role of the VP Conferences is to oversee the successful implementation IEEE Sensors Conference and its development on an annual basis. The flagship conference of the Council has become a popular and successful event since the inaugural event in 2002. If appointed to the position of VP conferences I would continue to work with the management group (currently Conference Catalysts LLC), successive general chairs and colleagues on the AdCom to ensure that this goal is delivered. As chair of the meetings committee I will also work hard to ensure that the best possible venues are selected and the academic standing of the conference is upheld and protected. • As with all major activities there is always scope for improvement as well as the need to keep up with a rapidly changing international communications and dissemination landscape. In order to flourish in this climate it is essential that IEEE Sensors Conference embraces these changes e.g. linking up to social media Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook etc. The question of industrial involvement including attendance and exhibition is critical to the future well being of • this conference. It therefore essential that cognisance is given in choosing the location and thereafter working with general chair/chairs to facilitate delivery of this e.g. any bid must be able to show proximity to world class sensor industry and evidence of working closely with them. Apart from the IEEE Sensors Conference it is also essential that the Council and the conference itself continues to be proactive in seeking linkages with other conferences and organisations in appropriate areas e.g. Institute of Physics in the UK. In summary the Conference is in very good shape entering into the second decade of existence and we (the Sensors Council) have a responsibility to ensure its continued success. If appointed it would be my absolute pleasure and honour to serve as VP conferences and be given the opportunity to fulfil this objective.
Yu-Cheng Lin • Statement of Candidacy: The VP of conferences is responsible to accomplish the yearly IEEE SENSORS Conference. To let the participants have a great impression of the IEEE Sensors Conference, the VP of conferences must have the experiences of choosing the venue by previously attending many different conferences, controlling budget and making surplus without sacrificing the conference quality, arranging great technical programs, providing decent social events, and transferring valuable experience and information from one conference to the next conference. I have been actively participating in several major sensor-related conferences, such as IEEE Sensors Conference, IEEE NEMS, IEEE NanoMed, Transducers, MicroTas, etc. Furthermore, I have been devoting to organizing several IEEE conferences and non-IEEE conferences. I am very skillful and familiar with conferences organizing. If elected to the position of the VP of conferences, I will keep contributing my experience in organizing IEEE Sensors Conferences and attempt to have better IEEE Sensors Conferences ever.
VP Conferences 2014-2015 Venkat R. Bhethanabotla FabriceLabeau Elfed Lewis Yu-Cheng Lin
VP Technical Operations 2014-2015 • VP Technical Operations - 2 candidates • Paul C.-P. Chao • Michael C. Wicks
Paul C.-P.Chao • Statement of Candidacy: The primary role of VP Technical Operations is to effectively interact with membership societies, oversee Local Chapters and manage the Distinguished Lecture (DL) program. If elected, I will strive to revive the afore-mentioned activities and programs by taking advantage of my prior experience in establishing/managing the local Taipei chapter and dedication to SC’s varied initiatives as a member-at-large in the past three years. Specific efforts will be on the followings. • For Local Chapters: • Reach out proactively local sensors communities around the globe to identify potential chapter chairs for establishing new chapters. • Vitalize the local chapter board by building a web forum to increase the interaction among existing chapters and SC. • Work with SC president to foster the chances and incentives for the local chapters to promote sensor activities at a regional level. • For Distinguished Lecturer Program: • Encourage local chapters to invite SC Distinguished Lecturers (DL) for local visits. I will seek helps from the SC president to locate possible traveling funding for the DLs. • Invite new noted scholars to serve as DLs, in order to broaden the DL base to varied areas. • Identify proactively the leaders in local sensors communities to urge them to host DL visits. • For Member Societies: • Establish a web forum for member society representatives. In this forum, SC decision and activities will be conveyed for fostering conference technical co-sponsorship and posting availability of representatives. • Interact intensively with the Council’s member societies to ensure their active participations in the SC. • Others: • Endeavor to establish the IEEE Asia-Pacific Sensors Conference in 2015 or 2016 with the helps from local chapters and member societies, in order to ensure a general support from the overall Asia-Pacific Sensors Community. • If appointed, I will be fully devoted to elevate the activities of local chapters and the lecturer program to the next level.
Michael Wicks • Statement of Candidacy: Sensor technology is changing with explosive advances in computing, materials, manufacturing, and systems engineering. The way in which sensors change the way we work and live is accelerating. The Sensors Council is in the enviable position to foster that change, and the sharing of ideas and inventions. I want to be part of that process. The emerging smart grid, dark factories, the intelligent transportation system, classrooms of the future, and much more, all depends upon how we grow the IEEE Sensors Council. • The Vice-President of Technical Affairs represents the Sensors Council working across the Institute to develop, define and implement policy and procedures that facilitates and guides the coming change for the betterment of the IEEE, and the whole of humanity. Our ongoing • technical activities from conferences, workshops and lectures, to nominations and awards, depend upon an active, well-articulated, and fully integrated vice president. • A systems approach to the management of technical operations will create a process which is open and easily understood by all members of the Sensors Council. This will permit timely organization and execution of studies essential to the formulation of policy and procedures which guides future endeavors at all levels. A systems approach thus permits reliable yet flexible direction on all aspects of operations from policies to scientific studies, which not only changes with technology, but guides and documents that change. • A robust program of distinguished lectures could facilitate the establishment of local chapter boards working together with existing boards to recognize and reward excellent researchers. This will further advance the quality and participation in Sensor Council conferences, which in turn, establishes a forum for advancing technical projects and positions of the Sensor Council. From this simple systems-oriented approach, Sensor Council sections and chapters will flourish, and emerge as foundational to the future of IEEE.
VP Technical Operations 2014-2015 Paul C.-P. Chao Michael C. Wicks