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Mobility of Researchers in Western Balkan Region ALBANIA. Capital Tirana Government developing democracy Currency lek (ALL) Area 28,748 sq km Population 3,544,841 (July 2002 est.) Language Albanian (Tosk is the official dialect), Greek Religion Muslim 70%, Albanian Orthodox 20%,
Mobility of Researchers in Western Balkan RegionALBANIA CapitalTirana Government developing democracy Currency lek (ALL) Area 28,748 sq km Population 3,544,841 (July 2002 est.) Language Albanian (Tosk is the official dialect), Greek Religion Muslim 70%, Albanian Orthodox 20%, Roman Catholic 10% Electricity 220V/50Hz (European plug) Calling Code +355 Internet TLD .al Time Zone UTC +1 Albania signed the SAA on June 2006, thus completing the first major step towards joining the EU. In 2008 Albania is also expected to recieve a NATO membership invitation
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIA S&T management of Albania: 1. Council of Ministers 2. Council of Scientific Policy and Technological Development (CSPTD) 3. Ministry of Education and Science with Scientific Research Directorate 4. Ministries, Academy of Science, Community 5. Universities, Research Institutes, Research Centres, NGOs S&T in Albania
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIALegal Framework • The Constitution (1992, with Main Constitutional Provisions adopted 1992-95) lays down the right of all citizens to education; schooling is available to everyone under equal conditions, and resources for this are made available from the state budget. The Constitution further assigns the authority for passing education laws to Parliament, while the Government (in particular the Ministry of Education and Science) is responsible for formulating education policy and • drafting legal and sub-legal documents. • The basic laws for the education sector are: • The Law on the Pre-University System of Education (1995). • Normative Provisions on Public Schools, Labour Code of the Republic of Albania (1995). • Private Education Law (1995). • Higher Education law of the Republic of Albania (1994). • In addition the MoES has issued a number of rules (sub-legal acts) relating to education, such as assessment of students, rules for enrolment in upper secondary schools, standards for teachers, in service teacher training etc.
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIA The legal framework is provided through: 1. Law on Science and Technological Development2. Law on Higher Education3. Law of Academy of Science4. Governmental Decisions5. Decisions of the Council of Scientific Policy and Technological Development6. Ministerial Regulations
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIA The central institutions of S&T in Albania are: 1. The Academy of Sciences (13 institutes / 253 scientists) 2. Ministry of Education and Science (2 institutes / 27 scientists) Universities and similar (10 institutes / 1,208 scientists) 3. Ministry of Agriculture and Food (14 institutes / 144 scientists) 4. Ministry of Industry and Energy (8 institutes / 359 scientists) 5. Ministry of Territory Arrangements and Tourism (4 institutes / 202 scientists) 6. Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (2 institutes / 46 scientists) 7. Ministry of Transportation (1 institute / 18 scientists) 8. Ministry of Public Health (1 institute / 62 scientists) Total: 55 central scientific institutions and 2,319 scientists
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIAStructure of the education system
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIAStructure of the education system
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIA Recognition of foreign diplomas and Academic Degrees The following laws and other normative acts related to the Bachlor’s diplomas recognizing are sd follow : • Law No.8461, date 25.02.1999 “For High Education in the Republic of Albania”, changed with: • Law Nr. 9120, date 28.07.2003 • Law Nr. 9206, date 17.06.2004 • Law Nr. 9387, date 04.05.2005 • Law Nr. 9576, date 03.07.2006 • Law No.9060, date 08.05.2003 “For the involvement of Albania in Quitclaims of legalization of the official foreign documents Convent” • Decision of Council of Ministers (DCM) No.523 date 01.08.2003 “For the acquitance of the diplomas and certificates from foreign high schools” • Decision of Council of Ministers (DCM) No.187, date 29.03.2006 “ For some amendments in DCM No.523 date 01.08.2003” • Decision of Council of Ministers (DCM) No.786 date 17.12.1998 “For the scientific post-graduated qualifications and classification of the pedagogical and research employees. • Decision of Council of Ministers (DCM) No.134 date 07.03.2003 “For the certification and legalization of the documents to be used in Albania and abroad”. • The Directive No.8 date 29.01.2004 of the Ministry of Education “For the recognition procedures and adequation of the diplomas and certificates from foreign high schools”, amended with the Directive No.8 date 29.04.2005. • The Directive No.6 date 15.04.2005 of the Education and Science Ministry and the Ministry of Finance “For the foundation and administration of the budget income in the institutions of education system” • Decision of Council of Ministers (DCM) No.764 date 13.11.2003 “For the approval of the Agreement between Albania an Bulgaria for the reciprocal recognition of the educational documents and scientific degrees”. • Decision of Council of Ministers (DCM) No. 327 date 17.05.2001 “For the approval of the Agreement between the Republic of Albania and FYROM for the collaboration of educational and scientific institutions”
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIAInternational Cooperation ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF ALBANIA INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS: • NATO Programme • IAEA Programme • INTERREG – 2,3 • FP5, FP6 BILATERAL CO-OPERATION • Albania – Greece • Albania – Italy • Albania – F.Y.R. O.M of Macedonia
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIAInternational Cooperation MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE • Bilateral S&T Agreements with: Italy, Greece, Germany, FYR Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, China and South Korea. • TEMPUS Programm • CEEPUS (Central Europe Program for University Studies): Albania, Austry, Polony, Hungary, Çeky, Sllovaky, Rumany, Bullgary, Sllovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, F.Y.R.O.M of Macedonia. • Erasmus Mundus Programme
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIAFinding Information about Scientific-Research (SR) Institutions in Albania • Department of Information [http://mininf.gov.al] • Albanian Institute of Statistics [http://www.instat.gov.al] • National Agency of Environment [www.nea.gov.al] • Ministry of Agriculture and Food [http://www.mbu.gov.al] • Ministry of Education and Science [http://www.mash.gov.al] • Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Trade [http://mbet.gov.al] • Ministry of Finance [www.minfin.gov.al] • Albanian Agency for Economic Development [http://www.aeda.gov.al] • Academy of Arts and Sciences [http://www.academyofsciences.net] • University of Tirana [http://pages.albaniaonline.net] • Polytechnic University of Tirana [http://www.upt.al] • Department of Information [http://www.dmi.units.it] • National Environment Research Agency [http://enrin.grida.no/htmls/albania] • Faculty of Natural Science, University of Tirana [http://www.fshn.edu.al] • Institute of Biological research [http://www.acad.edu.al] • Research Institute for Policy and Legal Studies [http://www.ipls.org] • Albania-EU Energy Efficiency Centre [http://www.eec.org.al/] • Environmental Protection and Management Programme [http://www.orthodoxalbania.org/English/Enviro/Intro_En.htm] • Albania Climate Change Programme [http://www.ccalb.org/] • The Albanian Alps Institute [http://www.albanianalps.org] • Economic Reconstruction and Development in SEE [http://www.seerecon.org/albania/index.cfm] • Albanian American Trade and Development Association [http://www.albaniabiz.org] • Foreign Investors Association of Albania [http://www.fiaalbania.org] • Albanian Development Fund [http://www.a-d-f.org] • Albanian Center for International Trade [http://www.acit-al.org] • Albanian Media Institute [http://www.institutemedia.org]
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIAMoving to Albania • Entry and employment of foreign nationals The regime for entry, stay, travel, and employment of foreigners in the Republic of Albania is set out in Law No. 8492 (27 May 1999) "On Foreign Citizens". • Visa formalities By a Decision of the Prime Minister of the Republic, the citizens of the following countries do not need a visa to enter in Albania:E.C. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland , Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, CyprusEFTA Countries : Norway and SwitzerlandOTHER : U.S.A., Canada, Turkey, Israel, Japan, South Korea, San Marino, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, Croatia, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Romania.The citizens of other countries may obtain visa at any entry point by payment: Saudi Arabia, FYR Macedonia, Bahrain, Sultanate of Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt and United Arab Emirates.The citizens of other countries are required to obtain visas in the embassies of the Republic of Albania or Albanian Consulates in their respective or neighboring countries
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIAWork permits Persons who are not Albanian citizens and wish to work in Albania for more than three months need a work permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The Minister decides on the standard form of work permits, procedures for their acquisition, renewal and refusal of work permits and the documents that need to be submitted along with the application. The issuing or refusal of work permits takes up to 30 days from the day of submission of the documentation to the relevant body. Eight different types of work permits are issued to foreigners working in Albania. Restricted permits (e.g. for reduced hours of work and for specific geographical areas) are issued to students and other workers in their initial period of employment. Self-employed people, foreigners who employ at least two Albanian citizens for each foreigner, and people who have held a restricted work permit for at least three years, can receive permits without geographical restrictions or restrictions related to the type of activity. The initial validity of the permit is usually one year but it can be extended for up to five years. Persons who have worked in Albania for five years may apply for a permanent permit. The process of acquiring and extending a work permit is fairly straight for ward and takes no more than one month.
MOBILITY GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS IN ALBANIASocial Security Legislation Foreign employees’ social security • Law no. 7703, dated 11.5.1993, "On Social Security in the Republic of Albania”. Foreign employees’ social security Social and health security • Directive no. 3724/4, dated 14.09.2005, “On implementation of article 2, of Law no. 9377, dated 21.04.2005”