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National SBIRT ATTC Advisory Board Webinar Meeting. 2013 September 25. Agenda. 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm Welcome – Peter F. Luongo, PhD Review of progress of N SBIRT & Year 2 – Holly Hagle, PhD 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm Evaluation update - Dawn Lindsay, PhD Review of needs assessment
National SBIRT ATTC Advisory Board Webinar Meeting 2013 September 25
Agenda 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm Welcome – Peter F. Luongo, PhD Review of progress of N SBIRT & Year 2 – Holly Hagle, PhD 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm Evaluation update - Dawn Lindsay, PhD Review of needs assessment Review of focus groups 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Review of draft strategic plan Comments and feedback - Peter Luongo & Holly Hagle 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Facilitated discussion with advisory board - Peter Luongo & Holly Hagle Questions, comments and reflections from advisory board members 3:00 pm Adjournment
Progress Towards N SBIRT ATTC’s Goal’s & Year 2 Holly Hagle, PhD
Goals Goal 1: Serve as the national subject matter expert and key resource for SBIRT. Goal 2: Broaden ATTC scope of implementation practices and system transformation for SBIRT through the development of an SBIRT suite of services. Goal 3: Develop strategies to expand the workforce(s) that utilizes SBIRT and work to ensure the consistent application of the SBIRT model to ensure fidelity and sustainability.
Goal 1: Serve as the national subject matter expert and key resource for SBIRT. Objectives – • Maintain central location for relevant and up-to-date resources on SBIRT. • Convene a national SBIRT Advisory Board. • Develop a national strategic plan for SBIRT.
Goal 2: Broaden ATTC scope of implementation practices and system transformation for SBIRT through the development of an SBIRT suite of services. Objectives - • Provide SBIRT training and technical assistance (TA) to multiple systems. • Disseminate the latest and most relevant research and practices on SBIRT from multiple entities. • Apply the Technology Transfer (TT) Model and models of process improvement to advance SBIRT practices on a systems level.
Goal 3: Develop strategies to expand the workforce(s) that utilizes SBIRT and work to ensure the consistent application of the SBIRT model to ensure fidelity and sustainability. Objectives - • Work with relevant stakeholders to develop SBIRT standards of professional practice. • Help SBIRT practitioners to understand billing procedures. • Develop strategies to enhance recruitment.
Update - Advisory Board Members Deborah S. Finnell, DNS, PHMHP-BC Suzan Swanton, LCSW-C (ex officio) Daniel R. Kivlahan, PhD (ex officio) Paul Sacco, PhD David C. Lewis, MD Richard Spence, PhD Karen D. Lloyd, PhD, LP Mark Willenbring, MD A. Thomas McLellan, PhD Sharon Reif, PhD Cheryl Floyd, LSW, CCDP Faye S. Taxman, Ph.D Eric Goplerud, PhD Laurie Krom, MS Tracy McPherson, PhD
Year Two Activities • Webinar series – SBIRT in Action & Special Topics • Partnership with NORC – BIG Initiatives – learning collaborative • Trainings – ex. DOL Youth Builds Program • TA – Louisiana SASI – National Guard Initiative • Clinical tools – digital shorts cuts & research snap shots • Outreach to other audiences - ex. community health centers • Online course – military education course on alcohol and drugs • Expand TOT – disseminate the curr. & conduct two f-2-f trainings • Evaluation activities – key informant interviews, focus groups of users (possible second needs assessment) • SBIRT case studies – taking SBIRT in Action webinar series and formatting them into case studies then creating the compendium of SBIRT implementation examples
Evaluation update Dawn Lindsay, PhD Program Evaluator
ATTC Evaluation Update • Needs Assessment Results • Focus Group Results
ATTC Needs Assessment • Target audience: Past and Present SBIRT Grantees (SAMHSA, NIH, HRSA, etc) • Compiled recruitment list from grants.gov awarded grants.
ATTC Needs Assessment • Recruitment list: 182 • 20 bounced/no emails • 120 no response • 42 responses • Response rate: 26%
“Which of the following best describes your organization?”
“Is your organization currently receiving funding to do SBIRT?”
“In which years have you received grant funding for implementing SBIRT programs? (check all that apply)”
“Please indicate the source of funding (check all that apply)”
“What are the primary SBIRT-related activities that you are (or were) funded to do?”
“In what kind of setting is (or was) your organization funded to provide SBIRT services?”
“Which of the following screening tools do (or did) you use? (check all that apply)”
“What model of brief intervention is (or was) used? (check all that apply)”
“What happens (or happened) if a person is in need of a referral to substance abuse treatment? (check all that apply)”
“If yes, which entities are you billing? (check all that apply)”
“On a scale from 1 to 5, please rate your need for TRAINING support in the following areas”
“On a scale from 1 to 5, please rate your need for TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE and IMPLEMENTATION support in the following areas”
SBIRT Implementation Focus Groups • Target audience: BIG Initiative Members (Hospital SBIRT Initiative and EAP Initiative) • Three focus groups held during August and September, 2013. • Attendees ranged from 3 to 9 individuals • Primarily females
Successes “What are some of the reasons for how and why your SBIRT program got to where it is today? What facilitated or supported that change over time?”
Successes • Administration support of the program • Cross-training • Acceptance by non-addictions staff • Seeking a particular goal: Level 1 Trauma certification, Triple Aims
Barriers “What have been some barriers to implementing SBIRT in your organization?”
Barriers • Administration lack of buy-in • Addressing stigma with the staff • Time for front-end training • Documentation in the medical record • Billing
Magic Bullet “What do you think really makes SBIRT stick, where it becomes sustainable over time? Is there a magic bullet?”
Magic Bullet • Having a champion • Administration buy-in • Finding a niche for SBIRT • Embed SBIRT into the organizational structure, including training, documentation, billing
Money “Do you think money plays a particular role in the implementation of SBIRT and how successful it is?”
Money • Reimbursement is not all that great • Finding money to hire personnel and do training in SBIRT difficult • Largest economic outcome is the role that SBIRT plays in preventing other adverse outcomes. Difficult to measure.
Review of Draft Strategic Plan Peter F. Luongo, PhD Holly Hagle, PhD
Draft – Three Strategic Areas of Focus • Area 1 - SBIRT tools – creating and dissemination of clinical and implementation tools for SBIRT. • Area 2 - Compendium of SBIRT practices – developing examples of SBIRT implementation in settings, packaged examples of organizations that have implemented SBIRT. • Area 3 – SBIRT communications – developing and disseminating information about SBIRT via multiple communications channels.
Area 1 - SBIRT tools – creating and dissemination of clinical and implementation tools for SBIRT. Action steps - • Web-based applications – catalog of online SBIRT tools, tools containing the core elements necessary to implement SBIRT • Toolkits for implementation – checklists and/or decision trees to aid in implementing SBIRT in a variety of settings
Area 2 - Compendium of SBIRT practices – developing examples of SBIRT implementation in various settings; packaged examples of organizations that have implemented SBIRT. Action steps - • Case studies that outline organizations who have implemented SBIRT and outline barriers they have faced and how to overcame those barriers • Compendium of how organizations have successfully implemented and sustained SBIRT
Area 3 – SBIRT communications – developing and disseminating information about SBIRT via multiple communications channels. Action steps - • N SBIRT ATTC website – a portal that houses SBIRT content from a variety of sources • Online and social media – communication channels which focus on SBIRT – SBIRT Alert E-newsletter, blog posts, facebook, twitter, and SBIRT wiki. Potential new outlets such as Tumblr, Reddit or an SBIRT email list-serv.
New suggestion – Add Area 4 Area 4: Develop SBIRT standards of professional practice Action Steps – • Convene a small work group to begin this process
Discussion • Questions, comments or reflections on the draft of the strategic plan? • Action Steps – • Finalize the plan and disseminate (website & webinar explaining the plan) • Set up on website and post relevant items under each strategic area • Develop a dash board to publicize progress on the strategic plan
Facilitated Discussion Peter F. Luongo, PhD Holly Hagle, PhD
Thank you for your time. • We will post the link to the recorded webinar and summary notes from this meeting soon. • Next meeting(s): will send a meeting survey (doodle) to schedule three AB webinar meetings for year two (January, May and September 2014) • Check out the myIRETA group for updates – draft strategic plan