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Do your kids often use incoherent language that you simply cannot understand? Then this is the video to watch for you to get acquainted with their new hip vocab. Learn the buzz words to be too cool for school like your “kool kat” kids.
ONLY MILLENIALS KNOW THE REAL MEANING OF THESE MADE UP WORDS Watch on to make sure how many you understand…
Young people often find themselves short of words to express their feelings. Now with the latest trends being expressed in catchy hashtags, word still fall short for youngsters of this age.
So, the youngsters of today have come up with some others that may seem…well ridiculous to adult ears, but are deeply meaningful to those of collegers.
Unkeyboardination For days when you lack the ability to type on the keyboard without making mistakes repeatedly are the days when you feel a little – unkeyboardinated! Used in a sentence – I feel a little unkeyboardinated after the late night partying last night.
Texpectation The times when you wait for someone to respond to your text back anxiously. Used in a sentence – I have been texpecting him to respond back to me and it has been like forever!
Mondaze The mind-numbing state that all humans belonging to the working class feel like, every Monday morning. Used in a sentence – I am in such a deep Mondaze, that the whole to-do list seems like a bad trip!
Cellfish Those people who are annoyingly loud when speaking on their cell (mobile) phones, with complete disregard for others. Used in a sentence – There is a cellfish man in the seat next to me and he’s giving me aheadache. Its like I have been forced to enter into their lame discussion… such an ear sore.
Appnesia After opening an app and then closing it when you feel the incessant need to reopen it again. Used in a sentence – This app called Curiosity has made me be in total Appnesia, their contents are just so interesting I keep going back to them to remember what I had just read!
Snoozefeed The days when you browse through your newsfeed without getting out of bed. Used in a sentence – Just read about the tragic incident at Orlando while I was indulging in my Sunday snoozefeeding.
Floordrobe The kind of people who like to leave all their laundry on the floor! (So, basically all college goers around the world) Used in a sentence – I am house-poor so I just use a floordrobe instead of a traditional wardrobe.
Here were the hippest lingo of the present college going youth Know what’s another hip-word for college?! DISCOUNTS!
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