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LEARN TO CODE WORKSHOP. LESSON 1: Introduction to the Robot World George Kramer. +. +. Workshop Objective. Develop problem solving skills Use a programming language as a means of expression. Workshop Schedule. The Robot World. Robots perform simple tasks in a world

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  1. LEARN TO CODE WORKSHOP LESSON 1: Introduction to the Robot WorldGeorge Kramer + +

  2. Workshop Objective • Develop problem solving skills • Use a programming language as a means of expression

  3. Workshop Schedule

  4. The Robot World • Robots perform simple tasks in a world • Robots can sense and manipulate walls and beepers

  5. The Robot World • Worlds are a grid of streets and avenues that robots can traverse

  6. The Robot World • Walls are barriers that robots can see but cannot cross

  7. The Robot World • Beepers are cones that robots can pick up, put down, and carry

  8. Robot Capabilities • Move forward in facing direction • Turn in place • Turn off • Identify facing direction • Detect walls • Hear beepers • Determine whether carrying beepers • Determine whether near other robots

  9. Robots as Objects • Robots are constructed in factories according to specifications in our orders • Robots come in different models • Robots from one factory can be further specialized by another • Robots need a detailed set of instructions to accomplish their given tasks • Robots execute instructions sequentially

  10. Robots as Objects • Robots are objects • Objects can do things and remember things • Can ask a robot: • To do what it knows how to do • What it remembers • Java is a programming language where objects can be easily created • Methods perform actions • Variables remember information

  11. Robots in Java • Order a robot • UrRobotkarel = new UrRobot(1, 2, East, 0); • Tell a robot what to do • karel.move(); • karel.turnLeft(); • karel.pickBeeper(); • karel.putBeeper(); • karel.turnOff();

  12. Be Careful! • Robots will shutoff in any of the following conditions: • Trying to move when the path in front is not clear • Trying to pick up a beeper when there is no beeper to pick up • Trying to put down a beeper when there are no beepers to put down

  13. A Complete Program import kareltherobot.*; public class Sample implements Directions { public static void main(String [] args) { World.readWorld("Sample.kwld"); World.setVisible(true); World.setDelay(30); UrRobotkarel = new UrRobot(1, 2, East, 0); karel.move(); karel.move(); karel.pickBeeper(); karel.move(); karel.turnLeft(); karel.move(); karel.move(); karel.putBeeper(); karel.move(); karel.turnOff(); } }

  14. Demonstration

  15. Now its Your Turn!!! • Visit the UConn ACM website and navigate to the Learn to Code Workshop section • Download and follow setup instructions • Download and work on first problem of lesson 1 problem set

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