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CONDITIONAL PERFECT TENSE CONJUGACION. CONDITIONAL PERFECT TENSE USE. You use the conditional perfect tense to say that YOU WOULD HAVE DONE something . Yo habría trabajado I would have worked Le habría ofrecido el puesto I would have offer him the job . TENSE : Conditional perfect
CONDITIONAL PERFECT TENSE USE • You use theconditionalperfect tense tosaythatYOU WOULD HAVE DONE something. Yo habría trabajado I wouldhaveworked Le habría ofrecido el puesto I wouldhaveofferhimthejob. TENSE: Conditionalperfect TIME: Referstoanuncompletedaction KEY PHRASE: Wouldhave STRUCTURE: Compound tense: Haber in theconditional + pastparticiple.
CONDITIONAL PERFECT • Theconditionalperfectismostcommonlyusedwith a SI CLAUSE tosaywhatmighthavebeenifthingshadbeendifferent. In thesesentencesyou use THE PAST PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE and THE CONDITIONAL PERFECT together. Si + pastperfectsubjunctive, + conditionalperfect. Si hubieras sabido hablar español, te habrían dado el puesto. IfyouhadknownhowtospeakSpanish, theywouldhavegivenyouthejob. Conditionalperfect + si + pastperfectsubjunctive Te habrían dado el puesto, si hubieras sabido hablar español. TheywouldhavegivenyouthejobifyouhadknownhowtospeakSpanish.
Expresses what would have taken place, BUT did not. • In a sentence containing the conditional perfect , there will always be an “IF” or a “BUT” lurking about, either stated or implied. • People whose diction contains a good deal of conditional perfect sentences most likely are those who don’t get a lot done and have loads of excuses for all they don’t do. • In these cases you use: conditional perfect + pero + verb in indicative Ella habríaestudiado, peroestabaenferma. She would have studied, but she was sick. Yohabríaido a la fiesta, peroteníamuchatarea. I would have gone to the party, but I had a lot of homework. Yohabríaido a la fiesta, perotengomuchatarea. I would have gone to the party, but I have a lot of homework.
Si clauses Present tense, + future tense Si solicitas el empleo, lo conseguirás Ifyouapplyforthejobyouwillgetit. ImperfectSubjunctive, + conditional Si solicitaras el empleo, lo conseguirías Ifyouweretoapplyforthejob( whichyouaren’t) youwouldgetit. Pastperfectsubjunctive, + conditionalperfect Si hubieras solicitado el puesto, lo habrías conseguido Ifyouhadappliedforthejobyouwouldhavegottenit.