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Athlete Selection

Athlete Selection. Leadership Athlete Selection. Contents. Athlete selection definition and explanation Athlete selection policy Athlete selection procedures Athlete selection criteria Athlete de-brief Benefits of a well defined athlete selection process

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Athlete Selection

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Athlete Selection Leadership Athlete Selection

  2. Contents • Athlete selection definition and explanation • Athlete selection policy • Athlete selection procedures • Athlete selection criteria • Athlete de-brief • Benefits of a well defined athlete selection process • Application of Human Resource Management principles and discussion

  3. Athlete selection - definition • A prediction of athlete performance and/or team fit by the selection personnel • Being chosen in preference to another or other athletes on the basis of “merit”

  4. Athlete selection • Determines the basis for selection decisions – i.e., what is actually done to select athletes to your team • Governs the athletes’ rights in relation to these decisions

  5. Key themes of athlete selection Selection procedures / processes Athlete selection criteria Selection methods Post-selection issues

  6. Considerations for athlete selection… • Who will select the athletes? • On what basis will you select the athletes? • What athlete selection methods will you follow? • Will you use on-field performance and/or testing? • Are there any specific criteria required for the athletes to make the team? • Where will the selections take place? • How many selection trials will there be? • How will you notify the athletes of selection processes and procedures? • How will you notify the successful and unsuccessful athletes?

  7. Athlete selection policy • Includes: • parameters that guide selection in the context of a “broad / narrow plan” • how athletes will be assessed • who decides selection • athlete roles & expectations • informs the athletes about the selection procedures

  8. Athlete selection procedures • Provide a framework for action and/or decision-making based on pre-determined selection criteria

  9. Athlete selection criteria • Standard(s) against which attributes of athletes are judged by selectors

  10. Performance Statistics Development potential Potential to compete at the top level Experience Fitness Skills Attitude Mental toughness Personal characteristics Age Playing/competing career remaining Style of player/athlete Specialist position/roles Gut feeling Other coaches’ feedback Athlete selection criteria

  11. How do you select athletes? • Trials / selection camps • Times / scores • Special characteristics • Other???

  12. Athlete de-brief • Involves an evaluation of athlete performances, both in and outside of competition • Provides feedback for the athlete to take on-board • Can provide recommendations to unsuccessful athletes as to areas that they can improve in for future trials

  13. Benefits of a well defined athlete selection process • The process is clear and transparent • The process can be easily communicated • Athletes understand what they must do to be selected for the team • Provides an objective document for athlete selection

  14. Application of Human Resource Management (HRM) Principles • Look at the next slide and consider the similarities of HRM terminology and their use in athlete selection • Can you adapt any of the HRM terms and their content to your athlete selection process?

  15. Job (Athlete/Position/Role) Analysis Job (Position/Role) Design title tasks/duties responsibilities JobDescription (Position/Role Profile) competencies KSA’s JobSpecifications (Athlete Profile) Job (Athlete) Selection Performance Appraisal (Athlete Debrief)

  16. Job (Athlete/Position/Role) Analysis • The gathering and assessing of information to develop job descriptions (position/role descriptions or profiles) and person specifications (athlete profiles) • Ascertains and describes the activities that the athlete would be responsible for in the particular position/role and within the group environment

  17. JobDescription (Position/Role Profile) • Tells what people in that position/role are expected to do and their expected contribution to the team overall • Provides guidelines and clarifies perceptions and expectations of the athlete’s roles and responsibilities within the team and their particular tasks they need to perform

  18. JobSpecifications (Athlete Profile) • Describes the competencies and attributes required to fulfil the job description (position/role description or profile) • Determines the basis for identifying the selection criteria

  19. Job (Athlete) Selection • Involves choice-making • A prediction that one person will perform better than another • Involves identifying the best people from the available pool to fulfil the position/role description or profile and the athlete profile

  20. Performance Appraisal (Athlete Debrief) • An evaluation of an athlete’s performance • Could be completed post-selection, mid-season, or as the coach sees fit. Best to be done at regular intervals.

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