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VOLUNTEERING GOOD PRACTICE. Bazbanela Aurelia “Ion Creanga ” Theoretical High school Tulcea. Centrul de Plasament “ Cocorii 2” “ Cocorii 2 ” ORPHANAGE.
VOLUNTEERING GOOD PRACTICE Bazbanela Aurelia “Ion Creanga” Theoretical High school Tulcea
Centrul de Plasament“Cocorii 2”“Cocorii 2”ORPHANAGE • Cu ocaziazilei de 1 iunie , ziuainternationala a copilului, eleviiclasei a-X-a B au adus un zambetpechipurilecopiilor de la centrul de plasament . • On the first of June, the child’s international day , the students in the 10th form brought a smile on the children’s faces.
WELCOME INTO MATHS WORLD Voluntarii le-au prezentatcopiilor un CD ce contine ‘‘ Inmultirea si impartirea’’ astfel introducandu-i in lumea cifrelor prin joc, punctul slab al fiecarui copil. The volunteers presented the children a CD with “Multiplication and division” , introducing them into the world of numbers through games.
Acestia au fost receptivi dovedindu-si perspicacitatea, uniidandraspunsuricorecte. They proved to be receptive, some of them giving correct answers.
In a doua parte a vizitei, voluntarii au recitat cateva poezii referitoare la copilarie si au prezentat un material despresemnificatiazilei de 1 iunie. In the second part of the visit the volunteers recited some poems about childhood and they presented a material about the symbol of the child’s international day.
Fiecare copil a recitat o poezie, astfel am reusit impreuna sa creeam o atmosfera de neuitat. • Every child recited a poem that way we succeded to create an unforgetable atmosphere.
Then followed a play moment when the children held the volunteers’ hands, practicing a game of attention. • A urmat un moment de joaca in care copiisi-au datmana cu voluntariipracticand un joc de atentie.
Unul din voluntari a cititcopiilorcatevaghicitori, dezvoltandu-le curiozitatea de a aflaraspunsul. • One of the volunteers read some riddles developing their curiosity to find out the answer.
Iatasirecompensapentruefortuldepus! Dulciurile, articolele de imbracaminte cat si CD-ul cu activitati educative i-au incantatpecopii. • Here is the redward for their effort. The sweets, clothes and the CD with educational activities made the children happy, at least for that day.
CARAVANA CARTILORBOOKS TRUCK DoamneleprofesoareBazbanela Aurelia siLeonteMihaelainsotite de eleviaiLiceuluiTeoretic “Ion Creanga” au participat la activitatea de voluntariatinitiata de BibliotecaJudeteanaTulcea. The teachers Bazbanela Aurelia and LeonteMihaela accompanied by students of “Ion Creanga” Theoretical High school took part in volunteering activity initiated by Tulcea County Library.
Eleviiimpreuna cu doamneleprofesoare au stranscartipentrucopiisijucariisi le-au donatBiblioteciijudetene in vedereadistribuiriilor copiilornevoiasi din satelejudetuluiTulcea. The students, accompanied by the two teachers, collected children books and toys and donated them to the County Library in order to be offered to the needy children in the villages of Tulcea County.
Aceastaestepovesteanoastrava continua…This is our story to be continued…