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Why procedures?. Procedures are a structured way of dealing with normal operation, anticipated events and accidentsHere mainly: procedures to deal with anticipated events and accidentsObjectives:
1. Scope of EOPs and SAMGs George Vayssier
NSC Netherlands
IAEA Workshop on Safety Analysis Report, Safety Analysis for Licensing and EOP/SAMG Development & Review
23 – 26 February 2004, Islamabad, Pakistan
2. Why procedures? Procedures are a structured way of dealing with normal operation, anticipated events and accidents
Here mainly: procedures to deal with anticipated events and accidents
· diagnose event (where possible)
· define recovery path
· execute recovery
· continue operation / long term recovery / achieve stable, final state
3. Why procedures (cont’d)? Included in EOPs are:
· priorities
· cautions
· limitations of functions and capabilities (e.g. cooling water): need to throttle or terminate actions
· contingencies for complications (additional failures, loss of insight in event)
· mitigation of releases
4. Why procedures (cont'd)? Risks in not using procedures:
· misdiagnosis
· overlooking important information
· incorrect sequence of actions
· incorrect priorities
· errors while acting under stress
· non-observation of limitations on functions and capabilities
? risk of divergent opinions
5. Why procedures (cont'd)?
Knowledge of plant is not enough
Was tried in EOP-exercise at plant in Europe: “our operators know their plant”
Was total failure!
6. Scope of EOPs EOPs deal with all events that have been considered in the design basis, plus events beyond, that are still inside plant capabilities
Usually, EOPs cover events after scram; before that ‘Abnormal Operation Procedures’
EOPs are not designed to cover events with core damage; this is the domain of SAMG
7. Scope of EOPs EOPs are designed to return the plant to a normal state or to a safe shutdown state
Plant operation can be resumed, eventually after repairs
They are to be followed verbatim, deviations are not allowed
Operators can consult the TSC, if needed
8. Scope of AOP – EOP – SAMG Example by Westinghouse