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This study explores the issue of psychological sustainability in modern Western societies. It examines the relationship between social disintegration and the increase in juvenile delinquency and mental disorders. The research utilizes a Social Disintegration Index to measure indicators of individualization and analyzes the impact of factors such as religion and participation in common activities. The findings aim to shed light on the changes in societal mentalities and imagined worlds that contribute to the rise in psychic disorders and suicides.
Theproblem: psychologicalsustainabilityofcontemporarywesternsocieties „Howis it thatpreciselyunderconditionsofreductionoftensionsbypermissivechildrearing, relaxationofsexualnorms, ofgratificationofbiologicalneeds, ofeducationinaffluentsocietyaccording to thebestscientificprinciplesthereisanunprecendentedincreaseofjuveniledeliguencyandnovelformsofmentaldisorderlabelledexistentialdisease, malignantboredom, suicidalretirementneurosisandthelike – inshortallsymptomsof a sicksociety? Thereissomethingbasicallywrong – andwemustfindoutorperish“. LiudvigvonBertalanfyOrganismicPsychologyandSystemsTheory. Clark University Press, 1968, p. 11.
Bertalanfy: „Thekeyterms – symbolismandsystems”, and “the evolution of symbolism is the basic problem of antropogenesis” (ibd.,p. 12; 16). Mentalitiesandsystems are thekeyterms, andtheevolutionof mentalities is the basic problem of antropogenesis.
S-R (Stimulus-Response) Stimulus – MentalityFeature-Response If S1andM1, thanR1 IfS1andM2, thanR2 IfS1andM3, thanR3 IfS1andM3, thanR3 Theformulaofthisbehaviouralmodelwould be asfollows. IfSnandMn, thanRn
Typesof stimulus • - Objectsandprocessesperceivedbysenses • - Contentsofimagination • - Symbols • - Archetypes • - fundamentalstructuresofImagination • - commonformsofbehaviour (duty), feeling(love for one’s country) orperception (beauty).
Maingroupsofthefeaturesofmentalities • - instincts • - reason • - archetypes • - faith
Sourcesofresponses (typicalbehavior) • Statistical data • Socialsurveys data StatisticalandSocialsurveys data showswhatpartofthepopulationbehavein a typicalwayintypicalsituations; Featuresofmentalitiesshowwhat are reasonsoftypicalbehaviour
TheProblem • Whatkindsofchangesintheareaofimaginedworldsandfeaturesofmentalitieslead to increasingnumbersofpsychicdisordersandsuicides?
Premises • “Thepsycheis a self-regulatingsystemthatmaintainsitsequilibriumjustas a bodydoes. Everyprocessthatgoestoofarimmediatelyandinevitablycallsforthcompensation, andwithoutthesetherewould be neither a normalmetabolismnor a normalpsyche. Inthissensewecan take thetheoryofcompensationas a basiclawofpsychicbehavior” CollectedWorkksof C.G. Jung, vol. 16, p. 153. • Thesizeofthesystemofmentalities (imaginedworlds, featuresofmentalities, typicalbehaviour) isa fixeddimension (say, 100%).
Featuresofmodernwesternsociety • Secularization Societal, Organisational, IndividualKarlDobbelaere. Secularization: A Multi-dimensionalConcept. CurrentSociology, 29, 2, 1981. • Individualization Objectiv level: social differentiation, division of labour Subjectiv level: liberation of the individuals from traditional social forms and relationships Zygmuntbauman. The individualized society. Cambridg”: Polity Press, 2001.
Dynamics ofmentalities Traditional Contemporary Western
Hypothesis • Thenumberofsuicidesin a certainsocietyisadversaryproportional to the role offaithandarchetypesinthatsociety
Relationshipbetweensuicidesandreligioisity • Religionplays a protective role againstsuicidein a majorityofsettingswheresuicideresearchisconducted. AndrewWu, Jing-YuandCun-XianJia. ReligionandCompletedSuicide: a Meta-Analysis. PloS One, 2015, 10(6). • Theprotectivenatureofreligionisduemore to participatinginreligiousactivities, suchasattendingreligiousservices, than to having a strongreligiousaffiliation, andthiseffectexistsprimarilyinmorerecent data collectionperiods. Kleiman E.M., Liu R.T. Anexaminationoftheprospectiveassociationbetweenreligiousserviceattendanceandsuicide: Explanatoryfactorsandperiodeffects. J AffectDisord,2018 Jan. 1;225: 616-623.
SocialDesintegrationIndexmesures such indicator of individualization as participation in common activities whereN‘iis a partofthesocietyorgroupofthepeoplewhichparticipatesinthecommonactivityn.
IndicatorsofSocialDisintegration • Q 5 b)of EVS: Which, if any, are you currently doing unpaid voluntary work for? Social welfare services for eldery, handicapped or deprived people; religious or church organisations; education, arts, music or cultural acrivities; trade unions; political parties or groups; local community action on issues like poverty, employment, housing, racial eguality; third world developement or human rights; conservation, the environment, ecology, animal rights; professional associacions; youth work (e.g. scouts, guides, youth clubs etc.); sports or recreation; women‘s groups; peace movements; voluntary organisations concerned with health; other groups. • Q 51: Now I would like you to look at this card. I‘m going to read out some different forms of political action that people can take, and I‘d like you to tell me for each one, weather you have actually done any of these things, whether you might do it or would never, under any circumstances, do it. A Singing a petition; B Joining in boycotts; C Attending lawful demonstrations; D Joining unofficial strikes; E Occupying buildings or factories. • Q 6: I‘m going to ask how often you do certain things? Spend time with friends; Spend time with collegues; Spend time in church, mosque or synagogue; Spend time in clubs and voluntary associations; • Q 80 There can be several reasons to do something to help the eldery people in your country. Please tell me for each reason I am going to read out, if thei apply to you or not. A Because you feel you have a moral duty to help; B Because you sympathize with them; C Because it is in the interest of society; D Because it is in your own interest; E To do something in return.
SocialDisintegrationIndexandSuicidesRatesin 28 EuropeanCountriesinyear 2000
Results • ThePearsoncorrelationcoefficientbetweenSDIxandsuicideratesisequal to 0.611 (correliationissignificant at the 0.01 level). • Correlationcoefficientbetweenthesuicideratesanda partofthepopulation, whosemainreasons to dosomething to helptheelderypeopleis a duty, isequal to -0.616 (correliationissignificant at the 0.01 level).
Conclusions • TheConceptsof System andMentalitiescan be used to explainsomeprocessestakingplaceincontemporary Western societies. • Neithersecularizationnorindividualizationcan be stopped. InthisContexttheclaimofBertalanfy – ‚to findoutorperish‘ – seems to be toooptimistic.
Perspectivesoffutherinvestigations Sorokinstudiedworldwidedynamicsofmentalities. Let‘ssupposethatthemaintrendofthisprocessisconvergation. Themainplayesofthisprocess are asfollows: Westcountries – rationality; Islamas – tikėjimas; Chinaandjapan – archetypes; Africa– instincts; Whatwill be thementalityoftheinhabitansofthisfutureglobalvillage? Whatfeaturesofthisfuturementalityormentalitiescanwefindincontemporarysocietys? Whathypothesiscan be formulatetedconcerningdifferentaspecrsofthisprocessandwhat are thepossiblitiesoftheirverification? ? These are thequestionsto be investgatedinthefuture.