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ADOLF HITLER. Country Germany Political Party Nazi Party Goals and Ideas Create Third Reich Control Europe…and the world Create a “master race” Rebuild German Military “The Final Solution” – exterminating Jews

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ADOLF HITLER • Country • Germany • Political Party • Nazi Party • Goals and Ideas • Create Third Reich • Control Europe…and the world • Create a “master race” • Rebuild German Military • “The Final Solution” – exterminating Jews • Killing gays and lesbians, people with disabilities, Gypsies (Roma), Jehovas Witnesses, and Nazi Party critics • Extreme nationalism • Type of Government • Facist Dictatorship • How did he maintain power? • Secret police (SS) • Propaganda • Government controlled press • Repressed dissent • Racial laws • Concentration & Death Camps

  2. FRANCISCO FRANCO • Country • Spain • Political Party • Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS (Spanish Traditionalist Phalanx of the Assemblies of National-Syndacalist Offensive) • Goals and Ideas • Leads the Nationalist movement in the Spanish Civil War • Strongly against communism, socialism, and anarchism • Vertical Trade Union: end class struggle by grouping workers & owners together • Pro-Axis powers; not directly involved in World War II • supported by Hitler & Mussolini • sends troops to fight the Soviet Union (communism) directly • Type of Government • Authoritarian Military Dictatorship • How did he maintain power? • Censorship on moral & political grounds • Strict laws about assembly and association • Government recognizes only one Spanish dialect to try and promote unity

  3. JOSEPH STALIN • Country • Soviet Union (USSR) • Political Party • Communist Party • Goals and Ideas • Increase Industry • Become a Superpower • Spread Communism • Eliminate all opposition • Anti-democracy • Collectivize (bring under Government control) farms and industry • Type of Government • Communist Dictatorship • How did he maintain power? • Secret police (The Cheka) • The Great Purge (organized persecution and political suppression) • Government controlled Press • Labor Camps (Siberia) • Executions • “Disappearing” people

  4. BENITO MUSSOLINI • Country • Italy • Political Party • Facist Party • Goals and Ideas • Promote the Facist Party through Youth Groups • “Mussolini is Always Right” • Create a strong Italy • Support the Catholic Church • Anti-Communist, Anti-Socialist • Restore the former glory of Italy and Rome • Type of Government • Fascist Dictatorship with a Military emphasis • How did he maintain power? • Secret police (OVRA) • Imprisoned people who dissented • Banned other political parties • propaganda • Censored the Press

  5. HIDEKI TOJO • Country • Japan • Political Party • Imperial Rule Assistance Association • Goals and Ideas • Control the Pacific Islands, China, and Soviet Union (USSR) • Eliminate Western influences • Militarism • Extreme Nationalism • Support Hitler’s Nazi Party • Type of Government • Monarchy with military influence • How did he maintain power? • Ignored opposition • Used military strength to torture and intimidate people

  6. ADOLF HITLER • Country • Political Party • Goals and Ideas • Type of Government • How did he maintain power?

  7. FRANCISCO FRANCO • Country • Political Party • Goals and Ideas • Type of Government • How did he maintain power?

  8. JOSEPH STALIN • Country • Political Party • Goals and Ideas • Type of Government • How did he maintain power?

  9. BENITO MUSSOLINI • Country • Political Party • Goals and Ideas • Type of Government • How did he maintain power?

  10. HIDEKI TOJO • Country • Political Party • Goals and Ideas • Type of Government • How did he maintain power?

  11. WELCOME BACK! • Complete the following warm-up on ____. • Read “The Rise of Dictators” page 540-541. • In complete sentences, answer the following questions: • Which two major European states were democratic by 1939? • Define totalitarian state. • What is the goal of a totalitarian state?

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