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IGIC Committee/Workgroup & Project Updates Phil Worrall, IGIC Executive Director. IGIC Committee & Workgroup Update. Boundaries, Cadastral and PLSS Workgroup. Boundaries, Cadastral and PLSS Workgroup (1)Tie Card Project.
IGIC Committee/Workgroup & Project Updates Phil Worrall, IGIC Executive Director
IGIC Committee & Workgroup Update
Boundaries, Cadastral and PLSS Workgroup (1)Tie Card Project • 3 original county participants. We will be publishing links for 8 new counties, and 17 other counties are interested in participating in the Tie Card Project. • The 11 participating counties are: • Original Pilot Counties: • Newton, Bartholomew, and Jennings • New Counties*: • “Almost Done” are Hancock, Marion, Wayne, and Hamilton. • “In Process” are Adams, Marshall, Dearborn, and Delaware. • *Hyperlinks to existing County tie cards are being used!
Boundaries, Cadastral and PLSS Workgroup • (2) New GIS County Boundary Polygon Layer for the IndianaMap • IGS will revise the IGS County Boundary Polygon Layer to include the Court ordered, geodetically described, boundary between Indiana and Kentucky (Indiana’s southern boundary). • In the future the county GIS boundary polygon file will be re-generated when the new county line layer (below) is updated. • New GIS County Boundary Point and Line Layers for IndianaMap • Lorraine Wright is using the Legal descriptions of the Counties to identify the Corners and lines that make up the County Boundary. Plan to develop an ongoing county boundary point/line Maintenance and Stewardship program.
Boundaries, Cadastral and PLSS Workgroup • (3) Government Land Office (GLO) Original Indiana Surveying Notes and Plats will be linked to the IGS Township/Range layer. • GLO National Archives • GLO State Archives • GLO County Archives • GLO Plats & Notes • File are jpg scanned at 600 DPI for clarity and converted to TWP .pdf books. • Use the IGS Township layer to hyperlink to each Twp. book (US, St., Co.) • est. 5 to 8 plats maps per township book + notes
IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup • Indiana Height Modernization • A formal plan for Indiana was completed and submitted to NGS, but no agency funding available. • Leverage Indiana’s (INDOT) INCORS network. • IGIC/ISPLS will seek earmark funding support through Indiana’s US House and Senate elected representatives.
IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup • Monument Recovery Geocaching Event • Identify control monuments to recover on a 20KM grid across the state. • Use Geocaching community to help find and document. • Survey community to follow up with formal recovery process.
IGIC/ISPLS Geodetic Control Workgroup • Indiana Coordinate Reference System (INCRS) • To improve and simplify grid versus ground survey data transformations and support seamless data integration into a GIS. • Eliminate use of local/arbitrary coordinate systems • Develop FGDC Metadata template to help in standardized reporting of these surveys. • IGIC/ISPLS Technical Review under way • Sell plan to Counties and INDOT for adoption.
IGIC Elevation WorkgroupDavid Nail, USGS - Chairperson A new dedicated workgroup to focus on Elevation data and its applications: LiDAR - Airborne and Terrestrial DEM/DSM/DTM/TIN Topography (Contours) Floodplain Modeling Bathymetric data 3-D Digital Cities Elevation SurveyMonkey [any day]
IGIC Finance Committee (GIS Funding Options for Indiana)
Funding GIS for Indiana • Federal Grants(USGS, FGDC, EPA, DOT, ARRA, HUD, etc…) • Statewide Framework Data Program Funding(e.g. data sharing initiative, local-resolution national hydrography data, orthophotography, LiDAR, etc…) • Federal Government Funding(NSGIC, FGDC – FTN initiatives, US Census Bureau, etc…) • State Government Agency Funding(INDOT, IDHS, IDEM, IDNR, IUPPS, etc…) • Local Government, IndianaMap and IGIC Funding • GIS funding opportunities through amendments to IC 4-23-7.3-19 Indiana Mapping Data and Standards Fund. • GIS funding opportunities through Indiana Administrative Code & Agency Policy / Rule changes versus legislation • IndianaMap Added-value data products (Web service subscriptions) • Point Addresses conflated with additional attributes • Street Centerlines cleaned up and conflated with additional attributes • Parcels cleaned up and conflated with additional attributes. • Jurisdictional boundaries cleaned up and conflated with additional attributes. • Share any revenue back with our County data sharing partners The Focus of our Legislative Committee
IGIC Legislative Committee (GIS Funding Options for Indiana)
Exploring GIS Funding options for Local Government, the IndianaMap and IGICAmend IC 4-23-7.3 - Indiana GIS Mapping Standards (GIS LAW)Section 19 Establishes the “Indiana mapping data and standards fund” [Our focus is on fees for existing activities that change our maps (GIS)] • County - Recorders fee for Deeds • County - Recorders fee for Plats • Auditor - Transfer Document fee • County - Assessor Sales Disclosure Form fee* • Any political subdivision - fees for Building Permits, Demolition Permit, and Right of Way Permits* • Any political subdivision - fees for Zoning Permits, Rezoning Permits, Zoning Variance or Land Use Petition Permits* • Any political subdivision - Indiana Storm Water Sewer Permitting Fees [IAC 15-6 : RULE5 – Construction Activity Permitting, RULE6 – Industrial Storm Water Permitting, and RULE13 – Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permitting] • State Enhanced 911 (E-911) fees • Indiana811 (IUPPS) Framework data support and ticket locate fees • Traffic Accident Ticket fee (State, County, and City) • Other existing State Agency Permits (INDOT, IDNR, IDEM, IDHS) • Direct State Agency Support funding (DLGF, IEDC, etc...) • Potential new state license fees - INDOT InCORS commercial use fee. Currently in DRAFT #5 We are working on this option ! More Ideas to ponder
Amending IC 4-23-7.3 Sec.19Indiana GIS Mapping Standards (GIS LAW)Where Are We??? • Our Legislative Committee still has a long way to go on planning and preparing this DRAFT legislation language • No plans for this legislative session! • The IGIC Board has not formally endorsed this plan. • Hope to get feedback at upcoming IACT and AIC conferences. • Hope to have DRAFT Version 7 by late 2010 to present to IGIC Board. • If approved, will implement our "Talking to our local elected officials" program. • Hope to identify potential House and Senate sponsors/champions for proposed legislation. • We would like to be in the position to have some form of Bill ready for introduction by this time next year (2011)!
IGIC Project Updates • 2009 IndianaMap Data Sharing Initiative – CAP Grant • 2009 HAZUS Essential Facilities for the IndianaMap • 2009 High-Resolution NHD GNIS Name Updates • 2010 Local-Resolution NHD Development • 2010 CAP #2 - Indiana NHD Geo-Synchronization Service
The IndianaMap Data Sharing InitiativeQA/QC and Reports on Harvested Data • No edge matching required or expected • No authoritative GIS County boundary for the State (working on this) • Report on Harvesting results • Errors in geometry • Errors in attribution • Errors in topology (graphical & attributes) • Different capture rules (not necessarily errors)
The IndianaMap Data Sharing InitiativeSafe Software FME (Feature Manipulation Engine) Technology Used
HAZUS Essential Facilities for the IndianaMap (USGS Partnership Project) • Demonstrate LOCAL data Collection, Migration, Stewardship, and Maintenance of Essential Facilities • Essential Facilities Include: • - Hospitals - Nursing Homes • - Schools - Fire Stations • - Police Stations - Emergency Operation Centers
So What’s the Problem?The thing I love about standards is there so many to choose from!(e.g. One hospital complex from different sources - HSIP, HAZUS, IDOH, GNIS) H H H
IGIC - HAZUS Essential Facilities Data for the IndianaMap(Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Schools, Fire Stations, Police Stations,and Emergency Operation Centers) Collect local-resolution (County) HAZUS data for all 92 Indiana Counties developed as part of DMA 2000 disaster mitigation planning activities. Publish these data to the IndianaMap and The National Map Develop a Stewardship and Maintenance process for the HAZUS Essential Facilities - Prototype Maintenance with 4 County GIS Departments & Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs)
Essential Facilities Pilot Counties • Benton and Daviess counties for first MHMPs • Noble and Madison counties for MHMP updates
IGIC Project Update(High-Resolution NHD GNIS Names Updates) 5 Waters Workgroup members working on QC & Updates 13 of 38 Sub-basins Completed and Submitted to USGS (Green) 4 Sub-basins in progress (Blue )
Local-Resolution NHD Development • 8 – HUC 8 Subbasins (red) covering the majority of Great Lakes Initiative Area (green) funded by IDEM / EPA ($200,000) • 2 - HUC 8 Subbasins (violet & green) funded by IGIC’s USGS Partnership Grants ($58,500) • Additional 28 HUC 8 Subbasins – pending additional funding
Local-Resolution NHD Development • Source Data: • Existing High-Resolution NHD from the USGS • 2005 IndianaMap Statewide Orthophotography Project data: • 5-foot post spacing DEM • 1-foot pixel or 6-inch pixel RGB Orthophotography • Use newer local Ortho and DEM / LiDAR data where available
Local-Resolution NHD Development Production done by HUC 8 (Subbasins) Existing 1:24,000 High-Resolution NHD
Local-Resolution NHD Development New 1:1,200 or 1:2,400 Local-Resolution NHD Developed for 6AC Sub-catchment derived from 2005 DEM
Local-Resolution NHD Development End Result = New 1:1,200 or 1:2,400 scale Local-Resolution NHD
Local-Resolution NHD Development New 1:1,200 or 1:2,400 Local-Resolution NHD Developed for 6AC Sub-catchment derived from 2005 DEM and matched to 2005 orthophotography
Local-Resolution NHD Development Close up of generated 1:2,400 Local-Resolution NHD6AC Sub-catchment and hydro derived from DEM
Local-Resolution NHD Development Close up of generated 1:2,400 Local-Resolution NHD6AC Sub-catchment and hydro over 2005 orthos.
Local-Resolution NHD Development New hydro digitized over 2005 orthos & attributes conflated from High-resolution NHD.
IGIC 2010 FGDC CAP Grant CAP Category 2: Indiana NHD Update Geo- Synchronization IGIC Partnered with: Image Matters LLC (Jeff Ehman) & Indiana GIO (Jim Sparks) Indiana NHD Update Workflow Indiana Geo-Synchronization for NHD Updates Entire Watershed Geodatabase Delivered with updates
IC 4-23-7.3 - Indiana GIS Mapping Standards (GIS LAW) - Indiana Code Signed in 2007 Section 19 Establishes the “Indiana mapping data and standards fund” Sec. 19. (a) The Indiana mapping data and standards fund is established for the following purposes: (1) Funding GIS grants. (2) Administering this chapter. (b) The fund consists of the following: (1) Appropriations made to the fund by the general assembly. (2) Gifts, grants, or other money received by the state for GIS purposes. (c) The state GIS officer shall administer the fund. (d) The expenses of administering the fund shall be paid from money in the fund. (e) The treasurer of state shall invest the money in the fund not currently needed to meet the obligations of the fund in the same manner as other public money may be invested. Interest that accrues from these investments shall be deposited in the fund. (f) Money in the fund at the end of a state fiscal year does not revert to the state general fund. As added by P.L.198-2007, SEC.2.
Act to amend IC 4-23-7.3-19To amend (g), (h) and (i) below to Sec 19 of the existing Indiana CodeDRAFT 5.0 (June 11, 2010) Act to amend IC 4-23-7.3-19 The county board of any county that provides and maintains a Geographic Information System (GIS) shall provide for an additional fee of xx dollars ($x) from the Residential Real Estate Sales Disclosure Form as defined in IC 32-21-5 to defray the cost of implementing or maintaining the county’s geographic information system. (1) Of the total amount, xx dollars ($xx) must be deposited by the County into an electronic map generation fund as defined in IC 5-14-3-8.5, and any moneys collected pursuant to this section and deposited into that fund must be used solely for the equipment, materials, software, and supplemental salary requirements and necessary expenses incurred in implementing and maintaining a Geographic Information System (GIS). (2) Of the total amount, x dollar ($x) must be provided to the Assessor’s office to offset the cost of implementing and administering this transaction. (3) Of the total amount, x dollars ($x) shall be deposited into the Indiana mapping and data standards fund as defined in IC 4-23-7.3-19. These funds shall be administered and distributed as follows. (a) Of that total amount, x dollars ($x) shall be allocated to fund local government GIS projects and activities. (b) The remaining x dollar ($x) shall be allocated to fund IGIC and IndianaMap operations, and framework data development / maintenance.