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E.L.Pedagogy Theme 2. Developing Oral skills Identify strategies and applied knowledge when listening. Listening and understanding Process. S equence. Strategies. context / task knowledge Predict /Script Chunking Discrimination , association Selection , elimination Checking
E.L.PedagogyTheme 2 Developing Oral skills Identifystrategies and appliedknowledgewhenlistening
Listening and understandingProcess Sequence Strategies context/taskknowledge Predict /Script Chunking Discrimination, association Selection, elimination Checking Restructuring Repetion (PrivateSpeech) Transformintominimumelements. (MI) Knowledge • Topic / Speaker, Context, social rules Knowledge. • Phonic , Patterns • Rhythmicpatterns/ IntonationFunc • SemanticCoherence. • Contrast, cohesion • Echoicrepetition • Silentperiod • Personal experience • Purposeorintention • Develop a previous idea • Segmenting • Chunkselection • BuildMeaning • 2nd chunkselection • Memorizing (Shrotterm M) • S.A.A.D (Long term M.) • Remember