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Adding Value to Accommodations Decision-Making (AVAD)

Adding Value to Accommodations Decision-Making (AVAD). 2006 Enhanced Assessment Instruments Grant Project Kickoff Teleconference with Project Consultants December 11, 2006. 2006 Enhanced Assessment Instruments Grant Award.

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Adding Value to Accommodations Decision-Making (AVAD)

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  1. Adding Value to Accommodations Decision-Making (AVAD) 2006 Enhanced Assessment Instruments Grant Project Kickoff Teleconference with Project Consultants December 11, 2006

  2. 2006 Enhanced Assessment Instruments Grant Award The South Carolina Department of Education received a 2006 Enhanced Assessment Instruments Grant award to undertake the AVAD project.

  3. Overall goal of AVAD: To ensure the valid, effective use of accommodations designed to increase access to large-scale assessments for English language learners and students with disabilities

  4. AVAD Project Partners • South Carolina Department of Education, lead state and fiscal agent • LEP SCASS • ASES SCASS • Michigan State University: Rebecca Kopriva • University of Oregon: Gerald Tindal • University of Nebraska/Psychometric Inquiries: Barbara Plake • Phoebe Winter, project evaluator

  5. AVAD Project Period • Current project period from October 1, 2006 to March 31, 2008 • One-year no-cost extension has been requested • SCASS grant activities will begin in spring/summer 2007 • SCASS grant activities will be scheduled during or immediately before/after regularly scheduled SCASS meetings

  6. AVAD’s Objectives: 1) to validate and enhance the Selection Taxonomy for English Language Learner Accommodations (STELLA) and publish the program on the SDE’s Web site 2) to create and validate a decision-making taxonomy for the Accommodation Station (AS) based on the ASES Accommodations Manual and publish the program on the SDE’s Web site

  7. AVAD’s Objectives, cont.: 3) to develop 20 prototypes of computer-based access enhanced science items for grade four, and 4) to disseminate results through reports, the SDE’s Web site, User and Technical Manuals for STELLA and AS, the ASES Professional Development Guide video, and Web-Ex teleconferences

  8. What is STELLA? STELLA=Selection Taxonomy for Testing English Language Learners • an online system to assist educators in assigning testing accommodations to English language learners (ELL) so that individual students receive appropriate accommodations • developed by a 2003 Enhanced Assessment Instruments grant

  9. What is the Accommodation Station (AS)? An online decision-making model that helps IEP teams determine which testing accommodations are appropriate for individual students with disabilities (developed by Jerry Tindal at the University of Oregon)

  10. What role does the LEP SCASS play? • LEP SCASS will serve as expert panel to provide input and feedback on STELLA and computer-based access-enhanced prototype items • Opportunity to participate in a subgroup of states within the SCASS focusing on accommodations issues • Accommodations subgroup will commit to participation in AVAD meetings/conference calls • Updates on AVAD will be provided to the larger SCASS group

  11. LEP SCASS Validation and Enhancement of STELLA Activities • The LEP SCASS accommodations sub-group will validate existing accommodations decision-making rules by participating in a two-meeting and online expert panel process led by Barbara Plake. • Profiles of ELL students will be matched with specific sets of accommodations; accommodations for individual student profiles will be rated for validity and effectiveness; results will be compared to existing STELLA accommodations decision-making rules. • STELLA decision-making structure will be tweaked based on results of expert panel process. • STELLA interface and forms will be reviewed and revised.

  12. Computer-based access-enhanced (CAE) science items review • CAE items aim to reduce barriers to access that English language learners may encounter in typical large-scale assessment items without altering the construct being measured or the rigor of the items • South Carolina will develop 20 prototypes of computer-based access-enhanced science items for grade four and place them online • LEP SCASS will review the CAE items and provide feedback

  13. What role does the ASES SCASS play? • The ASES SCASS will serve as an expert panel for the development and review of the Accommodation Station (AS) • Current AS collects and consolidates information but does not include a decision-making algorithm. • The ASES manual and materials will serve as the basis for an algorithm that will be built and incorporated into the current AS. • A professional development video component will be developed to accompany existing ASES materials.

  14. Objectives of the ASES SCASS • Develop a taxonomy/decision-making rules for the AS • Review the taxonomy • Make recommendations for changes to existing AS • Serve as an expert panel in vetting the AS with the new taxonomy programmed into it • Serve as an expert panel in reviewing the interface of the revised AS • Develop a video component to accompany the ASES Professional Development Guide

  15. Developing a Taxonomy orDecision-Making Rules for the AS • A beginning set of decision-making rules will be developed and vetted by the ASES SCASS. • Rules will take relevant student information and pair it with relevant accommodation factors for individual students. • Accommodation factors identify which student needs the specific accommodation was designed to address. • In this way, individual students will be matched with accommodations appropriate to their particular needs. • The basis of such matching is in current ASES Accommodations Manual as well as the AS.

  16. Draft Timeline of AVAD SCASS Meetings • February 3-6 (Mega-SCASS): ASES and LEP SCASS meetings (time on agenda; no extra days) • May 22-24 (Salt Lake): ASES • June 17-20 (Large-Scale): LEP SCASS • October 2007: ASES and LEP SCASS • February 2008: ASES and LEP SCASS • February 2009: Possible dissemination at Mega-SCASS

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