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Satellite - Terrestrial Sharing

Satellite - Terrestrial Sharing. NSMA, Rosslyn,VA. May 23, 2001 Ron Coles, Director, Regulatory Affairs, DMC Stratex Networks, 703 815 6992, ron_coles @dmcwave.com President, Radio Advisory Board of Canada. FS-FSS Sharing, Regulatory Issues. International Shared Frequency Bands

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Satellite - Terrestrial Sharing

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  1. Satellite - Terrestrial Sharing NSMA, Rosslyn,VA. May 23, 2001 Ron Coles, Director, Regulatory Affairs, DMC Stratex Networks, 703 815 6992, ron_coles @dmcwave.com President, Radio Advisory Board of Canada.

  2. FS-FSS Sharing, Regulatory Issues • International • Shared Frequency Bands • Primary or Secondary Status • Power Flux Density (PFD) limits • FS Pointing angles • Coordination distances • Domestic • Earth Station - Terrestrial, sharing rules

  3. FS-FSS Sharing, Regulatory Bodies • International - ITU • ITU WP 4-9s • Joint Working Party of SG 4 (FSS) & SG9 (FSS) • ITU SF Series Recommendations • Domestic - FCC • FWCC • Request for Declaratory ruling IB docket 00-203, RM-9649 • TIA Joint SOUS & Fixed Wireless Sections • NSMA

  4. What are the current FSS - FS International Sharing Issues? • Coordination distances for C Band Earth Stations used aboard vessels (ESV’s) • ESV’s are secondary and must not cause interference! • V band PFD values to protect HDFS in region-2 in the 37.5 - 40 GHz band • Coordination distances for NGSO Gateway Earth Stations

  5. What are the FSS Earth Station - FS Domestic Sharing Issues? • Continuing High Demand for FS spectrum to meet FS infrastructure growth. • Anticipated large increase in demand for infrastructure for 3-G networks. • Increased Demand for FS - FSS Sharing • New license applications for GSO Satellites • New licence applications for NGSO Satellites • 18 GHz Report & Order eliminated 720 MHz of FS spectrum for new growth • Potential for sterilization of FS growth near new FSS Earth Stations

  6. Note: Existing FS in new non-primary allocations to be grandfathered for 10 years*. NGSO/FSS Primary (Ubiquitous) MSS/FL & FS Co- Primary FS Primary GSO/FSS & FS Co-Primary GSO/FSS Primary (Ubiquitous) * Existing FS * 17.7 18.14 19.26** 19.7 { 1560 MHz spacing No new growth in 19.26-19.3GHz (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) FS Pt-Pt FS Pt-Pt 18.58 18.82 18.92 19.16 { 340 MHz spacing This band is now frozen FS Pt-Pt FS Pt-Pt { CARS 18.14 CARS (Pt-MPt) 18.58 17.8 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.8 18.9 19.0 19.1 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.2 18.2 17.7 18.7 19.7 * The CARS allocation 18.14-18.5GHz will continue to be Primary, the new Co-Primary Satellite allocation must protect existing systems **Incumbent FS in the band 19.26-19.3 will not be subject to the 10 year sunset requirement Note 1: GSO/FSS & FS share co-equally, incumbent CARS operations must be protected by new FSS licensees Note 2: Allocated for Ubiquitous GSO FSS but subject to 10 year sunset provisions for incumbent FS Note 3: The NGSO/FSS licensees can require relocation before the 10 years but must pay all costs 18 GHz FCC R&O FCC 00-212

  7. FSS Earth Station - FSDomestic Sharing Rules • FCC SHARING RULES Parts 25-FSS & 101-FS • Existing rules: Full Band Full Arc protection for licensed Earth stations regardless of actual use of spectrum. • FWCC • Petition for Reconsideration on 40MHz at 18GHz • to restore 19.26 - 19.3 to FS to maintain 1560 MHz split • Request for Declaratory ruling, IB docket 00-203, RM-9649. • to amend the existing rules to free up spectrum not being used by the Earth Station licensee. • Skybridge - FWCC agreement on FS Growth Zones for 11 GHz band

  8. Can we find more creative ways to share? • Do the FSS really need Full Band Full Arc? • Are the existing coordination distances too restrictive? • Can we clear out unused services from NSMA databases? (I.E. 4GHZ stations) • Can terrain profile data be more cost effectively utilized? • Are smart antennas the answer, or will they put NSMA members out of business?

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