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The concept of Forum « EXPO – 2017: Regional initiatives »

The concept of Forum « EXPO – 2017: Regional initiatives ».

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The concept of Forum « EXPO – 2017: Regional initiatives »

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  1. The concept of Forum«EXPO – 2017: Regional initiatives»

  2. Today Kazakhstan is strongly integrated into the international community. We are open for investments, partners and modern technologies. Quality revolution in an energeticswill change all existing ideas of business and activity. It will improve efficiency of economy, will raise social standards, will stop habitat destruction. N.Nazarbayev

  3. The Forum’s mission • development of alternative energy sources • introduction of innovative technologies at regional level • energy saving and energy efficiency

  4. The Forum’s agenda • Actual questions in power • Development of offers on implementation of projects in “green energy” area • Energy saving technologies • Perspectives of development of the region industry into use alternative energy sources

  5. The forum’s aim • Development of effective ways in realization innovative projects in power sector

  6. The forum’s task • Drawing attention of business community to need of use of alternative energy sources • Coordination of efforts of innovative processes’s participants, exchange of experience in commercialization and introduction of innovative projects on the declared subject – "Energy of the future“ • Development a package of measures within innovative development of power sector • Formation of effective ways of innovative processes’s staffing

  7. Date and venue • 23 Januaryof 2013 year • «Grand Nur Plaza Hotel» Акtau, hotel

  8. The format of the Forum Plenary session. "Discussion of the conceptual issues of formation of the innovation system. Exchange of experience and commercialization of new technologies, problem solving projected energy shortages, and recommendations for energy conservation, energy efficiency and reliability of power supply, study advanced technologies for renewable energy " Time: 10.00 a.m.-01.00. p.m.

  9. The format of the Forum round table Section 1 "Energy Saving" Section 2: "Environmental aspects of energy sources" Time: 3.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m.

  10. Discussion Questions • definition of "points of growth" and the competitive advantages of domestic industrial production for scientific and technological innovation and economic development; • definition of effective government and public support for the development of innovative business; • implementation mechanisms of the innovation system; • exchange of experiences and the commercialization of new technologies, solutions to problems of energy shortage, the study of renewable energy; • positive experiences of innovation in the field of energy; • development of international cooperation in science, technology and innovation

  11. Forum organizers • Akimat of Mangistau region With the support and participation of:Ministry of the Environment;Ministry of Industry and New Technologies;Ministry of Economic Development and Trade;JSC "National Agency for Technological Development";"Samruk-Kazyna"JSC "Kazatomprom"

  12. Forum participants • representatives of research institutes; • representatives of small and medium businesses; • representatives of the regional business support organizations; • representatives of major innovation-oriented manufacturing companies and industrial holdings; • experts innovation and investment funds, financial institutions and credit sphere, consulting companies; • heads of the central government; • heads and experts of local government; • the media. Estimated number of participants - 500 people.

  13. InformationsupportoftheForum Information support of the Forum shall be in the form of: • dissemination of information, • using the resources of members of the Organizing Committee; • post information on the website of the organizer, supporting and participating organizations; • mailing address information; • information partnership with leading media; • the press conference. Organizers and supporting organizations will contribute to a common information space associated with the preparation and conduct of the Forum.

  14. The final documents of the Forum Preparation of Appeals of the Forum Organizing Committee for EXPO-2017 on: • development of effective mechanisms of interaction between science, business, and industrial and energy companies; • industrial upgrading; • staffing modernization and innovation.

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