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POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Realizedby TEACHER MrsEmilana Mancini STUDENTS BellisarioNastassja Di Cosmo Alessia De Gasperis Matteo Di Vito Vincenzo Fabrizi Daniele Lombardozzi Stefano Martini Mattia Palma Valentino Petrucci Marco Rotondi Lorenzo Spaziani Michele Sperduti Ahron Terribile Sandro Zeppa Lucrezia
Galiano & Marchino wrote in 1990: "... the great sin is to be detached from nature, from environment. Man is the centre of everything and he can impose his laws he can exert violence on nature and oppression on others. After a while this manipulated nature manifests all boomerang effects of such an intervention. " ....... In fact we have arrived .
ITALIAN LAWS ON ENVIROMENT Eco industry is the project of the Italian government for the national industrial policy based on the Italian law on the 29th April 2006 This is the aim of “project industrial innovation on energy efficiency", a programme of incentives aimed to industrial innovation promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development, Industry. The law on the new industrial policy was launched by the Italian government to establish the rules and strategies with the aim of developing the competitiveness of the Italian production system. The "Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape" is based on the Italian Constitution in which it is expected that the Republic protects the landscape and the historical and artistic patrimony of the Nation. Important innovation regulates relations between the stateand the protection of the landscape. It is a primary and absolute value, and therefore falls within the exclusive competence of the State, and limiting the government of the territory allocated to local governments. This landscape therefore belongs to all .It is a great collective, environmental and economic resource, from it, it depends on the health of citizens, on the development of tourism and on the employment sector.
ITALIAN SITUATION Till 1988 the only Italian law inherent to the pollution was only one of the 1966. It’s discouraging that despite the increase of the pollution in Italy today even if we have other law for the problem, we still refer mainly to the one of 1966. Before talking about the laws it’s fundamental to talk about what is happening in our planet for the pollution. One of the consequences is the global warming in fact the temperature of our planet is going to rise up more and more and it is the cause of dangerous phenomena for the Earth. To prevent the pollution Italy has been divided into two areas. “Area A” includes all the south cities with less than one million of habitants and north cities with less than three hundred thousand habitants that have an industrial situation especially unfavourable about the atmosphere pollution.
ITALIAN SITUATION “Area B” includes the south cities with more than one million of habitants and north cities with more than three hundred thousand habitants that have got the same problem of cities of “Area A”. Other cities with a different number of habitants can be included in one of the two areas if they request it and they have the consensus of the health Minister. At the health Minister established a Central commission against the pollution, if this commission needs help to examine other problems they can rely technicians. The Central commission can express their opinion about pollution issues that are subjected from public and private agencies and they can promote research and studies about the atmosphere pollution.
In all the interested cities are established a Regional Committee that have got the same assignments circumscribed to the region. All the cities have to control their pollution level through special equipment and to collaborat with the provincial hygienic laboratories.
In both Areas the installation of thermal plants with a consume of energy more than 300 thousand Kcal/h requests special technical and structural requirements that can provide the correct operation of the plant. Some fuels used for the thermal plants must have special features product. All the factories must have the latest devices to prevent the issue of gas, smog and fines that rise up the atmosphere pollution.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROVINCE OF FROSINONE The province of Frosinone thanks to its landscape, historical and artistic traditions and folklore, hospitable nature of the inhabitants is of the most characteristic areas in Italy. The area offers many attractions for nature lovers. The safe oasis of natural lake Fibreno and Selva di Paliano, Lake Cardito and pinewood Vallerotonda, Lake Canterno and chestnut monumental Terelle, caves and Collepardo Pastena, falls in Isola del Liri, the forests that cover most of the mountainous areas with few routes , as well as interesting flora and fauna.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROVINCE OF FROSINONE Ski resorts Campo Catino, and Campo Staffi ,landscapes enjoy beautiful hills from Aurunci mountains, Ausoni, Ernici, Lepini, Simbruini, Mainarde and Meta, travelled by rivers Amaseno, Aniene, Liri, Melfa, and Rapid Sacco, with their delightful and picturesque valleys. Excellent services programs provide spas in Fiuggi and Ferentino. National parks are all around. Frosinone is the most industrial, developed and busy town in the area. In peak hours the rate of pollution is very high so the city hall introduced a law that denies cars without “bollino blu” which is a sticker situated on the windscreen of the car that is released after a check up of it. Cars are not allowed to drive to the city centre on Sundays.
THE SITUATION OF THE PROVINCE OF FROSINONE Confindustria in Frosinone ,in 2006, gave birth of events and initiatives in order to protect the environment. Among these initiatives there is the signature of the project “ Life Siam “(Sustainable Industrial Area Model) with European grants. The” Life-Siam and Economic project” is a project that can be applied by the INDUSTRIAL AREA of FROSINONE. This project as a document is born from the need to look to our own territory with different eyes. The need for such a study arose from the participation of the provincial Frosinone community project to Life-Siam (Sustainable Industrial Area Model).
THE SITUATION OF THE PROVINCE OF FROSINONE The main objectives of this project are:▪ Management of the industrial areas ▪ Developing innovative methods ▪ Encourage the development of clean technologies in these areas; ▪ Promotion of continual improvement of environmental performance of the entire industrial areas especially for individual local companies, particularly with regard to those of medium and small size ▪ Encouraging development of effective and collaborative relationships between local authorities, citizens and industry, to create favourable conditions to increase employment▪ Training new professionals able to design and manage the industrial areas. These goals are pursued through the definition and implementation of Model Area Community environmental policy: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) As the industrial area of Frosinone is an important resource for the whole province.
As today the growing market pressure is in the direction of greater attention to the environmental quality of products and production processes. In particular from a growing environmental sensitivity and consumers and usersThe environmental legislation over the last three decades has become increasingly strict in order to encourage respect for the environment and discourage waste of resources and pollution. Traditional concept of efficiency pursued by companies is itself fully compatible with the sustainability of development. To produce efficiency means to produce goods and services at minimum costs, which means the minimal use of human and natural resources and minimum pollution data
The results obtained confirm a widespread perception of gravity in strategic sectors such as waste, environmental controls, security, transportation, air. The top priority for action is attached to problematic waste, and its close connection with the environmental damage of the territory such urban areas non respect of the hydro geological aspect. A very important place in the scale of priorities of critical environmental, occupied by the congestion of city roads due to road traffic and all the issues to It connected, such as air pollution and noise pollution and shortage / inefficiency services used for public transport. The importance of this finding is even more evident if we take into account that the industrial area is located close to one of the most important highways and railway lines country, the development of which obviously requires an efficient local system of transport .
To sum upthe industrial area of Frosinone, from an economic and social area,is still "seen“ with a not totally industrial vocation, but with a triad of lines of development that must coexist: industrial area , agricultural area and tourism.
Water management in the province of Frosinone Protection of watersAuthorization to run down no poisoned elements into domestic, urban, industrial sewers and common exhaust piping-Authorization to run down on the superficial ground only elements that have an A.E number above or equal 50-Periodic tests to respect waste limits and prescriptions about this one that were written in the different laws-Adopt a periodic cleaning plane to keep from pollution drinkable waters and vegetation - Protection of soil and water-Clean water is not regional
Water management in the province of Frosinone Water resourcesSearch of groundwater for domestic use- Recognise to use the right amount of groundwater- Search of characteristics of surface fresh water intended for the production of drinkable water
LAWS TO PROTECT THE ENVIROMENT • Waste management • Adoption of provincial plans for the organization of disposal waste and in particular to organize activities to separate collection • Coordination of municipalities falling in the same territorial optimal (ATO) to ensure the unified management of waste • Issuing certificates occurred environmental remediation and restoration of polluted sites • Authorisation to collect, transport, store, prepare and use the sludge in agriculture
LAWS TO PROTECT THE ENVIROMENT • Activitiesof mobile laboratories • Detection of atmospheric pollution; identification of risk zones and cooperation with municipalities for the provision of rehabilitation plans • Research areas at risk and rehabilitation plans of them; coordination of activities related to air pollution survey • Electromagnetic Pollution • Estimate of rehabilitation projects; supervision of the limits required by law; carry out plans about renovations according to equipment destined to telecommunications satellite and repeaters with voltage up to 150 kw.
Negative and positive aspects of the province of Frosinone related to the environment
NEGATIVE ASPECT ARPA LAZIO carried out a survey on the state of the environment in 2004 in the province of Frosinone. It was shown that one of the factors that affect the environmental quality is the industrial activity in ANAGNI The main issues in the management of business in the territory are: Waste management , pollution of water production and consumption of energy
Factories and pollution In most areas of the province there are lot of factories which produce very dangerous pollution for our health
National park of Abruzzi The national par The nationalparkof Abruzzi Lazio and Molise is the oldest Park in Italy. Itwasestablishedby the Royaldecree n. 257 ofJanuary 2, 1923. Later, on July 12 of the sameyear, thatdecreewasmadelaw. Itspresent-day area of 44,000 hectares, whichis the resultofseveralenlargements, includes 22 towns in the provincesof L'Aquila, Frosinone and Isernia.
National park of Abruzzi The national par In 1980 the AutonomousBoard "National Park of Abruzzo", in chargeof the Park administration, hasstarted a zonation project, whichconsists in dividing the wholeterritory in zones. ThisBoardhas set very severe restraints on full protectionareas and ithasestablished more flexiblerulesfortourism in the remainingones. At present, the Park isdividedinto 4 zones: Full Reserve, GeneralReserve, Protection Zone and Development Zone.
Thelaws of the park In the park people have to behave in a more ecological way possible.Noise, vandalism and waste are forbidden. Racing, gimcane,and using vehicle in the fields and woods are forbidden.Cars can be used less possible. It is not possible to collect flowers, to break branches or trunks hack. It is not posible to light fires (except as permitted places), you might cause serious fires, contributing in no small way to the general impoverishment of the natural environment.
People cannot not have guitars or radios, but rather a pair of binoculars, a camera and a map to better perceive the reality that surrounds them. If people have the good fortune to observe wild animals, they should behave with respect and discretion. This is a good example how to preserve the enviroment and tourism
PICINISCO • Picinisco is small centre situated at 850 meters above sea level overlooks from above the whole Comino valley. It is an important winter resort, thanks to the fine skiing fields for both downhill, thanks to the modern facilities, and for cross-country skiers. For a time it was also a residence of English author D.H.Lawrence, and the house where he lived and wrote "The Lost Girl", which is set against the natural scenery of the area. The territory of Picinisco is included in the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park
PACITTI’S DAIRY • Pecorino is the name given to all Italian cheeses made from sheep's milk.. It is traditional, creamery, hard, drum-shaped cheese. The smooth, hard rind is pale straw to dark brown in colour. The cheese is made between November and late June. Pecorino is larger than most cheeses of this type and must be pressed. It takes eight to 12 months to mature, during which time it develops its characteristic flavour - salty, with a fruity tang that becomes steadily more robust. The dairy produces its own cheese and “ ricotte” in an old way, as it was used to produce in the past without polluting the environment.
“PECORINO” IN ENGLAND • For 40 years Victor Crolla was the family team leader at Valvona & Crolla, an Italian delicatessen famous not only in Edinburgh but among tens of thousands of festival and other visitors to the Scottish capital " a symbol of Scottish-Italian amity. Now the business has customers across the UK through its mail-order delivery service. • The Crolla family came from the small village of Picinisco. In 1906, Alfonso Crolla emigrated to Scotland.
HOW CAN WE PESERVE THE COUNTRYSIDE/MAKE TOWNS MORE PLEASENT? The best thing that we can do is certainly to respect the nature, specially everybody must respect the place they live in. We can’t throw the rubbish everywhere but we must put it in the apposite containers. We can’t waste the natural resources like water and we can’t damage the planet with our car’s smog. For example in Naples , the citizens don’t respect any of these rules, in fact Naples now is full of rubbish along the streets and it is causing lots of damage to the town and also damaging people’s health because of infections coming from the rubbish. I think we should all adapt the system of recycling our rubbish by separating glass, plastic, paper, so it can be completely recycled for good use. Also very important is lots of green trees for clean oxygen to purify the air that we breath everyday. This means we need lots of controls an people who cut and damage trees or plants.
We could also help the situation by not wasting electric energy and by not wasting water which is the most important element of life. A very important thing is also keeping our town clean by using rubbish bins for rubbish and not throwing thing along the streets and also preserving nice parks in the town centre. To make our town more pleasant we should have good hospital service and good functional school with all necessary for good education and pleasant permanence , so people grow whit the idea of a good clean and healthy town that gives them lots of satisfactions and becomes a pleasure for them to live in. Valentina Petricca 4B
LOCAL INDUSTRIES The province of Frosinone is not an industrial as we have in the north of Italy. This is due for : • social and economic aspects • resources surface combined to environmental aspect Environmental aspect is important as we have important Spas and touristic places to protect. The local manufacturing reach significant size in addition to traditional companies such as metalworking industry, chemical-pharmaceutical (Anagni) ,lower dimensional few companies oriented toward traditional sectors as paper and the furniture industry.
LOCAL INDUSTRIES Local manufacturing reach significant size in addition to traditional companies. Handicraft belongs to the handicraft. In 2006 the confindustria has given a questionnaire to the industry to inforfirm on enviroment about The use of poisoining substances, energy consumption, the use of water resources To download,production waste and noise compared to specific environmental legislation (IPPC Integrated Pollution prevention and Control, greenhouse effect) Good example of industries are the following ones
VISCOLUBE S.P.A. The activity of Viscolube S.p.a. , is the rigeneration of waste oil, in particolar in the production of lubricant base minerals . The establishment, active since 1963, made all the activities of processing and storage activities of the raw material and finished products. The company Viscolube S.p.a. has all applicable laws and regulations relating to the its environmental aspects and pursue continuous improvement aimed at reducing environmental impact to a level corresponding to the application of economically best available technology. It has environmental Management System satisfying all the requirements contained in UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 and requirements of EEC Regulation 761/2001 (EMAS) .It ensures cooperation with the public authorities It prevent pollution mitigating the impacts of their activities on land, water surface and atmosphere
LEGNITALIA PORTE Legnitalia designs and manufactures wooden doors for internal and external . They have a strong experience acquired over many years in the field. The product is mainly distributed throughout the national territory, and there is a penetration in foreign markets, with particular reference to the Balkans and the Middle East. The presence on the national territory is guaranteed by a network of specialist retailers, with showrooms in which exhibited the most representative samples of the various collections business. Always attentive to the needs of environmental protection, the company is able to reuse their scraps of wood to produce the heat necessary for the energy of the factory itself
TAGLIABOSCHI Tagliaboschi is a factory that produces fuel PIRY “ pellets” and it is a true revolution in burning wood, where the heat is expressed totally releasing the maximum achievable heat and immediately verifiable savings in the relationship between what and what really heated spent. Pellets of wood is renewable energy, clean. It is the best way to burn wood, saving on average half on traditional fuel. This product is currently produced from wooden pallets of packaging products from customers and special wooden packaging.