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Dušan Statelov Main Data, s.r.o.

Educa Online Berlin, November 28-30, 2001. SMART_EDU S atellite M ultimedia R apid T ransfer of Edu cation. Effective use of Satellites in Interactive Distance Education and Training. Dušan Statelov Main Data, s.r.o. Main Data expertise :. Internet via Digital Television - DVB.

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Dušan Statelov Main Data, s.r.o.

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  1. Educa Online Berlin, November 28-30, 2001 SMART_EDU Satellite Multimedia Rapid Transfer of Education Effective use of Satellites in Interactive Distance Education and Training. Dušan Statelov Main Data, s.r.o.

  2. Main Dataexpertise: Internet via Digital Television - DVB Asymmetric Internet return Land Line, GSM, GPRS, VSAT etc.Most complex DVB Data solutionsOpen standard solutions SMART EDU Interractive Satellite Education

  3. Selected References:

  4. Implementations in Education Networks African Virtual University - World Bank 1999 Education to 25 Universities in SubSaharan Africa Studies of Physics, Chemistry etc. Will be presented by AVU itself China Educational TV - Demo 2000 4 analogue channels, 670 000 elementary schools Now implementing broadband internet. Kazachstan - Demo Projects SMART_EDU Leonardo Da Vinci 5 % succes rate, 2 projects in Slovakia from 60, e.g. 10 in France from 200 e_HEAD e_TEACH SMART_CONF

  5. Why Distance TeleEducation ? „Europe towards learning society“ • The report "Europe and the global information society" (May 1994), Mr Bangemann, stressed, "that throughout the world, information and telecommunications technologies are bringing about a new industrial revolution which already looks to be as important and radical as those which preceded it". • eEurope and eLearning initiatives are stressing the need of life long learning at all levels. • SMART_EDU represents effective ICT implementation into ODL

  6. Available Communication Technologies for Multicast TV like Video Streaming Online Education 1) Internet ISDN - low speed, No QoS, expensive End-User Last mile, Uneffective use of ISP network capacity, Low quality video 2) xDSL Internet low penetration 3 %, No QoS, etc 2) ISDN - low quality video 64 kbps, or expensive 2 mbps, uneffective multicasting, intercountry un-compatibility 3) ATM - expensive 4) Frame relay - expensive 5) Microwave - small coverage 6) UMTS no multicast protocol

  7. VIDEO SOURCE IP Backbone ISP Network1 ISP Network 2 ISP Network3 End-User 1 End-User 2 End-User 3 End-User 4 End-User 5 End-User 6 End-User 7 100 % 2 mb from 10 GB 2 mb from 8 mb ???? IP Multicast Functionality Capacity must be taken at 1) Backbone 2) ISP autonomous network 3) End-user conection “Last mile”

  8. 1) Lector STUDIO 4) SATELLITE Multicast Streaming video 2) STUDIO to UPLINK connection 5) Learner Sites 3) MAIN DATA SMART_EDU Smart_Edu diagram Feedbackfrom learners

  9. Satellite in Tele Education in comparison to land line online education (TV like Video). Advantages for Distance Education: Wide geographical coverage Broadband Last Mile solution True multicast environment Quick installation anywhere High quality streaming video Inexpensive one-way receivers QoS implemented Disadvantages versus to land line: Higher bandwidth costs Higher two-way terminal costs

  10. How SMART EDU addresses disadvantages of sat. communication Disadvantages versus to land line: 1) Higher bandwidth costs Satellite Bandwidth is used Only at forward Multicast channel so bit higher costs are split among larger number of Learners. In consequence satellite bandwidth presents fraction of land-line costs. 2) Higher two-way terminal costs SMART_EDU integrates less expensive Interactive channel media like Internet, ISDN etc, so there are receive only terminals needed. DVB receivers at cost level of 200 Euro represent inexpensive mass consumer market electronics.

  11. How SMART_EDU benefits from the Satellite power. Wide geographical coverage It allows to bridge very large distances Continent. Organizationally it allows to overcome critical mass limit for highly specialized professions Broadband “Last Mile” solution SMART EDU delivers TV like quality video 1- 30 mbit/s directly to end-users at guaranteed bandwidth QoS True multicast environment SMART EDU allows to multicast traffic on-air, re-using the same capacity for unlimited number of users. Quick installation anywhere Digital TV sat. dish is sometime quicker to install as to wait for land lines from local PTT. High quality streaming video Allows most natural kind of Distance Education and eliminates the need to prepare electronic syllabus. So even ICT not experienced Lectors can provide their Lectures in old way. Inexpensive one-way receivers SMART EDU is based on Digital TV receivers ranging from 200 Euro. It allows mass use.

  12. SMART_EDU technology SMART_EDU is based on two broadly available communication mediaDigital TV and Internet where Digital Television contributes BROADBAND one-way capacity and QoS on one side and Internet contributes INTERACTIVITY to Digital TV on another side. 1) DIGITAL TELEVISION(DVB MPEG-2) for TV like quality QoS Streaming Video distribution in various formats from MPEG-2, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, H.263 2) Internet(IP) for Interactive channel (or ISDN) 3) Contribution link reflecting local possibilities: ATM, Frame Relay, SCPC, RCS, DSNG, ISDN etc., IPV6 in future

  13. 1) Lector STUDIO • Functions: • Video camera • PC screen or other sources (microscope, ECG, CPT etc.) • Video compression • Organize, sort feedback from learners • Manage Didactics delivery • Simultaneous translations • CA system • Video & Audio encoding: • Low Delay, Full Screen • MPEG -2 • H.263

  14. 2) Contribution Link from STUDIO to up-link • Functions: • Eliminate the need of LECTOR travelling • Numerous Organizations may share 1 satellite up-link • Alternatives: • ATM, Frame Relay • ISDN 2 mbps • Multiplex xISDN 64 kbps connection • Future IPv6 QoS Internet • Satellite (DSNG, DVB SRC, VSAT, SCPC etc)

  15. 3) SMART_EDU uplink 4) SATELLITE Native Multicast • Functions: • Multicast to entire continent bypasses land line Internet • Broadband up to 60 Mbit/s directly to Learners (offices, homes) • High Speed Asymmetric IP • Streaming video, audio, files etc into multiple learner sites • No Risk of Servers PEAK load hours • Location independent (travelling professionals)

  16. 5) Learner site Videoconference classroom: Data Projector Single user platform: A) PC based 1) C ++ 2) JAVA based 3) WEB BasedB) DVB (MPEG-2)1) non MHP 2) MHP based Interactive return channel: Internet Chat, Phone, ISDN to up/link, Satellite return SRC etc.

  17. SMART_EDU Partnership • SMART_EDU is approved Leonardo Da Vinci project, grouping 6 partners from 4 countries. • 1) MainData Slovakia • 2) ALBA Greece • 3) COREP Italy • 4) University of Antwerp Belgium • 5)Tecnopras Italy • 6) LCDE - Slovak Technical University Slovakia CONSORTIUM SOLVES NOT ONLY TECHNICAL BUT ALSO PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES - METHODOLOGY. Project has support of:EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities & FernUniversität Hagen.

  18. SMART_EDU Benefits Direct Economical - costs saving Travell costs, Acommodation, Labor time Savings Pedagogical/psychological TV like quality video is most native way to provide ODL Interactivity allows active participation Enables narrow specialization Enables high frequency of trainees Allows recording for later view - Asynchronous mode Telecommunication Built on mass consumer market electronics (digital TV) Direct to home service Provides same infrastructure to all countries

  19. WHO FOR - market segments: There are several Market Segments for deploying SMART_EDU service. Typically they represent the best use is in geographically wide spread organisations for various trainees: • STUFF TRAINEES - Airlines, Banks, Insurance companies • PRODUCT TRAINEES: (PCs, Printers, Cameras, Displays, Faxes, Copiers, SW trainees) • PROFESSIONALS TEAM LEARNING e.g. Health care e_HEAD (IST) • ASSOCIATIONS to members (accounting, auditors, lawyers, engineering IEEE, Chamber of commerce) • GOVERNMENT - communication to counties eGovernment • VIRTUAL UNIVERSITIES • LANGUAGE LEARNING • SW PROGRAMMING C++, JAVA etc. Cryptology • VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ACCESS • ICT TEACHER TRAINEES

  20. SMART EDU portal for European Distance Education • MAIN DATA offers: • 1) SMART_EDU COMMUNICATION SERVICES • Avoids significant Investments for Single Institution • Avoids uneffective 7/24 hour sat. Capacity rental - hourly based • Technical support Outsourcing • Homogenous Communication Infrastructure • Bypasses Internet bottlenecks for Video, Audio services • 2) SMART_EDUPlatform for larger Edu Organizations / Corporates • Integrable with other running environment

  21. Contact : e-mail:statelov@maindata.sk www.smartedu.tv www.maindata.sk GSM: 421 905 606 027

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