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Medlock Bridge Moving FOrward

Medlock Bridge Moving FOrward. Move…but in Which Direction?. Per the January 2012 SQR Report Medlock needed to: “Develop & implement lessons that appeal to, challenge and support students with different learning styles and abilities.”

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Medlock Bridge Moving FOrward

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  1. Medlock Bridge Moving FOrward

  2. Move…but in Which Direction? Per the January 2012 SQR Report Medlock needed to: • “Develop & implement lessons that appeal to, challenge and support students with different learning styles and abilities.” • “Provide students with more effective learning opportunities by allowing students to work collaboratively and increasing hands-on activities and decreasing the use of worksheets.” • “Increase the use of higher level questions and thinking skills in all classes so all students develop a deeper understanding of the content.” • “Develop student accountability for learning by increasing opportunities for students to be involved in and reflect upon their own learning.” • “Improve the integration of technology into lessons to engage students and develop 21st century skills.”

  3. Last Year we really MOVED….what did we accomplish??? • Created and maintained grade level websites • Implementation of Common Core Curriculum • Implementation of new evaluation system • Increased use of guided reading strategies • Increased use of classroom technology • Increased use of HOTS in daily instruction • Increased use of work stations in reading and math • Decreased the amount of worksheets & packets • Differentiated assignments based on students’ needs • Alignment of K-5 writing expectations • Increased CRCT scores

  4. Maintaining High Standards2012-13 CRCT Scores (red)

  5. Way to Go Medlock….but What Do We need to do to keep up the momentum?What MOVEs Should We make now? Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten units of results with each unit of effort. Charles Givens

  6. 21st Century Learners

  7. M- Maintain High Standards • Teach 21st Century Skills...specifically the 4c’s collaboration; communication; creativity; critical thinking skills • Use balanced literacy approach in Reading • Use student data to drive instruction • Strengthen our focus on STEM Education • Use inquiry based and problem based learning in Science • Emphasize writing across the curriculum • Differentiate instruction based on students’ needs

  8. O-Optimize the Use of Technology in the Classroom • Infuse technology into daily instructional practice at the adoption level or higher (according to Technology Matrix) • Teach students using a variety of technology tools • Engage students in authentic and goal directed technology use • Assist students in active learning to ensure each student creates a diverse portfolio of technology products.

  9. V- Value our Students & Staff • Provide student leadership/mentorship opportunities • Provide meaningful leadership opportunities for staff • Offer relevant professional development for staff • Recognize the accomplishments of students and staff

  10. E- Encourage Parent & Community Support • Begin the School Governance Council Process • Work with Bilingual Liaison to support all families • Partner with the middle and high schools to pool resources

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