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VoiceThread :. An Alternative to Text-based Online Discussions.

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  1. VoiceThread: An Alternative to Text-based Online Discussions Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  2. VoiceThreadis a fun and interactive alternative to text-based online discussions. This web-based solution was awarded Sloan-C's Effective Practice Award in 2010 and has been featured in journals such as The Chronicle of Higher Ed, Merlot, and Edutopia. Northwestern College has been using VoiceThread for a year as a way to increase  interaction and personalization in online and blended courses.  Come see a demonstration of VoiceThread and get ideas for how it can be leveraged in your curriculum. Discussion Forums will never be the same. WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  3. VoiceThreadOverview • Getting Started Tips • Sharing and Groups • Individual and Institutional management • Leveraging Social Media Tools for Enhanced Instruction OUTLINE Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  4. Traditional Text-based discussions VOICETHREAD OVERVIEW Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  5. What are the benefits of auditory and visual discussions? • We communicate with more ease and fluidity when speaking. • There's a depth of understanding that can't be realized through text.  • Quote from Leslie Seltzer: VoiceThread Overview Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  6. Quote from Leslie Seltzer: “People still need to interact the way we evolved to interact,” says one of the studies authors, Leslie J. Seltzer. “It doesn’t matter how many smiley faces you put in your IM. It’s not going to have the same effect as talking in person.” VoiceThread Overview Evolution and Human Behavior, Jan. 2012 Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  7. Stumbled upon . . . Michelle Pacansky-Brock's VoiceThreadon Online Teaching and Learning VoiceThread Overview Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  8. What is a VoiceThread? • Comparing J.S. Bach and Paul McCartneyfrom Constance Vidor • Information Literacy from Della Curtis • Digital Storytelling from Carla Arena VoiceThread in Action Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  9. My Voice page Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  10. Creating a VoiceThread • Show various methods for uploading media  • Show 5 methods of commenting • Show doodling • Show Publishing Options • Show Sharing, Exporting and Embedding VoiceThread in Action Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  11. Creating a VoiceThread Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  12. Ideas for leveraging social media like VoiceThread in the classroom/online • _________ • _________ • _________ • _________ Social Media Applications Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

  13. Give-aways: 2 school licenses for VT Thank you for participating! Michael Wilder (mawilder@nwc.edu) eLearning Summit 2012

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