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Business Plan

Business Plan. By: Revinda Aryandika U (7211413157) Ayu Fitriyani (7211413158) Dhesi Setiyarini (7211413171) I’ma Yayang D (7211413183). Aime Project. Vision . Excellent of the product. Mision . Our product. Target market. Marketing strategy . About Aime Project.

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Business Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Business Plan By: Revinda Aryandika U (7211413157) Ayu Fitriyani (7211413158) Dhesi Setiyarini (7211413171) I’ma Yayang D (7211413183)

  2. Aime Project Vision Excellent of the product Mision Our product Target market Marketing strategy

  3. About Aime Project • Aime Project is a partnership form of business. This business is running on shoes resellers. Shoes we’re offer is different from the other shoes,with unique designs and variation you can get shoes that is different from the others. Each design only produced a few shoes.

  4. Name of business : Aime Project • Business structure : patnership • Business location : Unnes • Date established : 16th march, 2104 • Product : shoes with unique and different design

  5. Vision Increase the inovation in fashion, especially shoes

  6. Mision Producing the product with unique and different designs producing shoes with best quality Product produce restrictively

  7. Excellent of the product The price depend of quality the product Limited edition Unique and have different design with other shoes Use first quality of the material Costumers can see the sample of some product before order it

  8. Promotion and advertising • Online • web • Facebook • Instagram • Whatapp • Bbm • Line

  9. Target Market Female student Young girls Sales target around 20 shoes/ mounth

  10. our product

  11. The finances

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