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New Teacher Academy. ELS 710 Assessment and Development of Human Talent Professor Brad Hamilton By Deb Johnston July 27, 2010. New Teacher Academy. WELCOME!!!! Purpose : To provide quality professional development experiences that will enhance professional growth
New Teacher Academy ELS 710 Assessment and Development of Human Talent Professor Brad Hamilton By Deb Johnston July 27, 2010
New Teacher Academy WELCOME!!!! Purpose: To provide quality professional development experiences that will enhance professional growth and To provide supportive and knowledgeable mentors that will assist all new teachers in meeting the educational goals of the school and students as they become successful teachers.
New Teacher Academy How? The design of the New Teacher Academy is based on National, State and Local research while the topics are selected based on the feedback (data collected) of participants. School districts are working with teacher associations, universities, and others to establish mentoring programs to help beginning teachers, and veteran teachers in new assignments (NEA 1999). Topics: Policies and procedures, guidance on classroom management to instructional strategies (NEA, 2002).
New Teacher Academy Why do we need New Teacher Academies/Mentoring programs? 1. Required by law! In 1993, the Michigan Legislature, in Section 1526 of PA 335, mandated the New Teacher Induction/Teacher Mentoring Program. Section 1526 states: "For the first 3 years of his or her employment in classroom teaching, a teacher shall be assigned by the school in which he or she teaches to 1 or more master teachers, or college professors or retired master teachers, who shall act as a mentor or mentors to the teacher. During the 3-year period, the teacher shall also receive intensive professional development induction into teaching, based on a professional development plan that is consistent with the requirements of Section 3a of article II of Act No. 4 of the Public Acts of the Extra Session of 1937, being Section 38.83a of the Michigan Compiled Laws, including classroom management and instructional delivery. During the 3-year period, the intensive professional development induction into teaching shall consist of at least 15 days of professional development, the experiencing of effective practices in university-linked professional development schools, and regional seminars conducted by master teachers and other mentors."
New Teacher Academy Why do we need New Teacher Academies/Mentoring programs? 2. To retain talented, well trained teachers “33% of beginning teachers leave the profession after the first two years; within seven years, ½ are no longer teaching. Mentor programs and mentor teachers can play an important role in reversing this trend by giving new teachers the skills and role models they need to survive and thrive in the profession (Baraboo School District, 2010a). Studies show that well-designed teacher induction programs reduce turnover rates and increase teacher effectiveness during their early career (NEA, 2002).
New Teacher Academy 3. Connect new teachers to a network of colleagues and resources, and reduce the isolation new teachers feel (NEA, 2002). 4. Help veteran teachers to adjust to a new school or assignment (NEA, 2002). 5. Recruitment Tool (Teachers want support) 6. Helps improve skills and knowledge of both new and veteran teachers
New Teacher Academy Who is a Mentor? According to the Webster Dictionary, a mentor is an “experienced, trusted adviser, a teacher or a tutor”. A retired teacher defines mentoring as a process that opens the doors to the school community and helps new faculty find the wisdom of all the teachers in the building What do Mentors do? Facilitate a vision of collaboration between new and veteran teachers in the school community Willingly shares and builds a culture of learning Leads by example in fostering positive relationships in the school community Advocates, nurtures, and provides unconditional support for new teachers Models best practices with students and in their own professional growth (Baraboo School District, 2010b).
New Teacher Academy Guidelines for Designing a New Teacher Academy 1. Create the Climate, Context and Structure for Effective Mentoring Provide Time Data from the National Center for Education statistics report that 88% of mentored teachers report substantial improvements to their instructional skills who work with mentors at least once a week” (NEA, 1999). (Grass Lake School District data indicated the need for more time). It is recommended that “teacher associations and districts create written agreements to provide mentors and new teachers with adequate opportunity to observe one another, model good teaching , and discuss instructional strategies and resources (NEA, 1999). Proximity, grade level, subject matter, all also areas that need to be considered when matching a mentor with a teacher. Grass Lakes data also suggested the need for closer proximity.
New Teacher Academy Guidelines for Designing a New Teacher Academy Confidentiality Create a clear policy that interactions between the mentor and new teacher are kept confidential. This encourages the sharing of feelings with someone he/she trusts. They can be confident the dialogue is safe and secure (NEA, 1999). Teacher Placement It is suggested that instead of placing new teachers with the most challenging classes and the veteran teachers with the advanced class – reverse this order to provide new teachers the opportunity to ease into the new career and acquire confidence – which in turn allows for a better chance at success (NEA, 1999). New teacher can also observe how accomplished teachers handle their challenging assignments.
New Teacher Academy Guidelines for Designing a New Teacher Academy Selecting Training and Supporting Mentors: Criteria for selection to consider Attitude and Character Professional Competence and Experience Communication Skills Interpersonal Skills Matching Mentors with New teachers Rather than one mentor, match with several: grade level mentor, subject expert, technology expert and someone for classroom management and policies and procedures. This way no burden on one teacher (NEA, 1999). Lessens a since of trust for confiding (my opinion)
New Teacher Academy Guidelines for Designing a New Teacher Academy Incentives Reduced or modified course load – would provide more time Be part of the planning Stipends Mentor Training and Support Mentors should have training before becoming a mentor. They should: Be able to facilitate reflective practice Understand state mandates Be able to establish collaborative relationships based on trust, and confidentially Have classroom observation skills Be able to develop long-term professional development plans for new teacher Understand the academic, professional, and social needs of new teachers (NEA, 1999).
Guidelines for Designing a New Teacher Academy • Content and Evaluation – What do new teachers need • fromMentors • Can not assume the needs are the same – conduct a needsassessment • First Stage - needs • Practical skills • Ordering supplies • Organize a classroom • Where to find instructional resources • Teacher association information • Second Stage – needs • Art and Science of teaching • Classroom management skills New Teacher Academy
Guidelines for Designing a New Teacher Academy • Content and Evaluation – What do new teachers need from • Mentors • Third Stage – needs • Deeper understanding of instructional strategies • Ongoing professional development based on • assessed needs of teachers (NEA, 1999). New Teacher Academy Measuring the effectiveness of Mentoring Quality of classroom learning Documentation of effectiveness of mentoring – data Study the improvements in classroom management, students time on task, parent satisfaction, degree new teacher uses time and resources efficiently (NEA, 1999).
NEA describes Three Induction Models • 1. Basic Orientation Model • Helps new teachers learn school procedures and district policies • Helps new teachers understand their responsibilities • Addresses classroom management issues • Structured around a series of workshops • New teacher MAY be assigned a mentor – When Mentors • assigned, they serve in an informal capacity, with little attention • to modeling effective instructional practice • 2.Instructional Practice Model • Covers the same topics as the Basic Orientation Model • Links induction efforts to existing state and local standards • Well-trained mentors help new teachers bridge theory and • practice by using research-based classroom strategies (such as • Marzano’s Nine instructional strategies) • Lasts two or more years – offer sustained, content-rich learning New Teacher Academy
NEA describes Three Induction Models New Teacher Academy 3. School Transformation Model ----RARE Incorporates everything from the first two models Connects induction programs to systemic, school-wide renewal efforts that promote continuous improvement Uses research and data to assess and change its teacher evaluation system, professional development practices and curriculum Helps new teachers engage in school reform and connect their professional growth to challenging goals for student learning Focuses on the development of teachers as a “community of learners” This model represents NEA’s definition of high-quality professional development.
The Figure below illustrates the benefits of a High Quality Professional Development Program Figure 1 High-Quality Professional Development . . • improves student learning; helps educators meet the needs of students who learn in different ways and come from diverse backgrounds; • allows enough time for inquiry, reflection, and mentoring and is part of the normal working day; • is sustained, rigorous, and adequate to the long-term change of practice; • is directed toward teachers’ intellectual development and leadership; • fosters better subject-matter knowledge, greater understanding of learning, and full appreciation of students’ needs; • is designed and directed by teachers, and includes the best principles of adult learning; • balances individual priorities with school and district needs, and advances the profession as a whole; • makes best use of new technologies; and • is site based and supportive of a clear vision for student achievement.
New Teacher Academy Data Collection NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education: Establishing High Quality Professional Development discusses the importance of data collection and analysis. To determine if programs are achieving desired results To determine program quality To determine results for improvement Districts should be collecting five types of data: Program satisfaction Teacher retention Job satisfaction Teacher learning Student impact
The figure below describes each of these types of data Figure 2 Types of Induction Program Data
The figure below illustrates the relationship between the data collect and the type of induction program. Figure 4
New Teacher Academy • Long-term data collection should be integrated into every induction initiative. • It is essential for developing and maintaining a strong learning community, and for facilitating efforts to establish more rigorous and effective support programs for new teachers. • They also allow districts to move beyond the basic orientation model toward the more sophisticated instructional(NEA, 2002).
When designing a New Teacher Academy the unions, teachers and school administrators must work together to develop quality induction programs that will meet the needs of new teachers. The figure below illustrates how these key players can work together to be sure the induction program will be a high-quality program.Figure 5 (NEA, 2002)
New Teacher Academy Teacher Induction and Mentoring Programs Designed to meet the State Required Standards Standard 1: The teacher induction and mentor program is designed and implemented to specifically meet local and state standards for teaching and learning. Standard 2: Professional development opportunities for new teachers and mentor meet quality professional development standards. Standard 3: Administrative policy is explicit in providing time, equity of responsibility, and personnel to design, implement, and maintain the local teacher induction and mentor program.
New Teacher Academy Teacher Induction and Mentoring Programs Designed to meet the State Required Standards Standard 4: The teacher induction and mentor program is comprised of and functions through well-informed community of learners. Standard 5: Cultural proficiency, which means esteeming cultures, knowing how to learn about individual and organizational culture, and interacting effectively in a variety of cultural environments, is a program component. Standard 6: Initial and ongoing evaluation of the teacher induction and mentor process is a program component (Michigan Department of Education, 2004).
New Teacher Academy Benefits of a well design New Teacher • Improved Communication skills • Enhanced self-esteem and confidence in his/her teaching ability • Motivated to try new teaching strategies • Gained sharpen observational skills • Improved classroom management skills • Increased ability to help students become active learners • Improved questioning skills • Increased use of technological devices (computers, smartboards) • Positive changed in student/teacher relations
Adrian Education Association contract outlines the following guidelines and requirements for their New Teacher Academy. Article X - Mentor Teacher (per Adrian Public Schools Contract) I. The mentor teacher will be defined as a tenured teacher. II. Every probationary teacher shall be assigned a mentor teacher upon entrance into the system. The mentor teacher, insofar as possible, shall be a tenured teacher and be engaged in teaching within the same grade, building or discipline as the probationary teacher. It shall be the responsibility of the mentor teacher to assist the probationary teacher in acclimating to the building and to the district. At the beginning of each school year, the Board will provide an orientation to the mentor program, at which attendance is mandatory for both mentors and probationary teachers. III. The mentor will be guaranteed the following: A. The bargaining unit member who serves as a mentor during the school year shall be compensated as shown on Schedule I. ($1150) B. The mentor would never be required to complete a formal written evaluation of another bargaining unit member (probationary teacher); nor be allowed to testify in a grievance procedure which involves the probationary teacher. All communication between the mentor and probationary teacher will be performed in a professional, collegial, nonthreatening manner. If a mentor observes any illegal activity, he/she has an obligation to report it to the administration C. The Board will develop a list of potential mentors district-wide by building prior to June 1st. Tenured Teachers will indicate their interest to be a potential mentor on the Annual Mentor Form. Written notification of mentor assignments and/or changes in mentor assignments will be provided to the AEA President or his/her designee. Notification will be simultaneous with the annual seniority list. The bargaining unit member who agrees to serve as a mentor shall preferably be assigned in his/her certification content area. Other assignments will be with the consent of the teacher and with the approval of the administration. D. Should a conflict arise between mentor and probationary teacher, either party may notify the administration and a new mentor will be assigned by the administration. IV. Requirements for Mentor and/or the Probationary Teacher A. Mentor and probationary teacher are required to attend a minimum of three (3) training sessions per school year. Training sessions will be supported and paid by the Board. Training sessions will satisfy a portion of the fifteen (15) days of state mandated professional development for probationary teachers. B. A minimum of one (1) hour in duration for classroom visitation will occur per each marking period. Classroom visitations may be by the mentor to the probationary teacher’s classroom or the probationary teacher to the mentor’s classroom. Mentor and probationary teacher will be provided with release time for classroom visitation and follow up conferences. C. During the first four (4) full weeks of the school year the mentor and the probationary teacher will meet weekly and once a month every month thereafter for follow-up conferences throughout the school year. D. Classroom visitations, jointly attended training sessions and/or follow up conferences will satisfy the requirements for weekly and/or monthly meetings. E. Documentation of each meeting (such as orientation, classroom visits, training sessions, and mentor/probationary teacher scheduled conferences) will be recorded on the Mentor/Probationary Teacher Support Activity Log provided by the Human Resource Office. (Located in Appendix G) It is the responsibility of the probationary teacher to submit a copy of the completed form to the probationary teacher’s supervising administrator at least once a month during the school year.
New Teacher Academy The New Teacher Academy using the recommendations outlined in this paper and the data from Grass Lake Community School District, which illustrates a need for: Classroom Management and Organization Skills Teaching practices and student achievement Time management to meet expectations and standards Direction on Professional Development (Checklist and ideas will be provided in a handbook) District and Building procedures (Contact information to key players in the building will be included in the handbook) State guidelines per subject/grade level (How to locate in the handbook)
New Teacher Academy The New Teacher Academy using the recommendations outlined in this paper and the data from Grass Lake Community School District, which illustrates a need for: Tours/orientation of all buildings (Maps and location of key are in the handbook) Time designated for meeting (such as common planning) Best Practices Understanding your contract – Meeting with Union Rep./ Uniserve Conduct a New Teacher Orientation with new teachers only Check off list of requirements is in the handbook Developing an Individual Development Plan – Setting Goals
New Teacher Academy Handbook Macomb Intermediate School District http://www.misd.net/Newteacheracademy/NewTeacherAcademyHandbook.pdf
Administrator Supervisor Media Center
References: Baraboo School District. (2010a). Questions and answers. Retrieved on July 13, 2010 from http://www.baraboo.k12.wi.us/faculty/mentor/questionandanswer.cfm • Baraboo School District. (2010b). Building mentor information and training. Retrieved on July 13, 2010 from • www.baraboo.k12.wi.us/faculty/mentor/mentortraining.cfm • Michigan Department of Education(MDE). (2003a).Approval of Teacher Induction and Mentoring Program Standards. Retrieved, July 24, 2010 from http://www.michigan.gov/documents/TeacherInduction&MentoringProgramStds_SBE_1_84349_7.13.04.pdf • Michigan Department of Education (MDE). (2003b).Teacher induction and mentoring standards. Retrieved July 24,2010 from http://www.michigan.gov/documents/TeacherInduction&MentoringProgramStds_SBE_1_84349_7.13.04.pdf • Michigan Department of Education (MDE). (2003b). Michigan standards of ensuring excellent educators. Retrieved July 24, 2010 from http://www.michigan.gov/documents/Pro_128012_7._Devel._layout.pdf • Michigan Department of Education (MDE). (2004) Teacher induction and mentoring standards. Retrieved July 24, 2010 from http://www.michigan.gov/documents/TeacherInduction&MentoringProgramStds_ SBE_1_84349_7.13.04.pdf • NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education. (1999). Creating a teacher mentoring program. Retrieved July 23, 2010 from http://www.neafoundation.org/downloads/NEA-Creating_Teacher_Mentoring.pdf • NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education. (2002). Using data to improve teacher induction programs. Retrieved July 13, 2010 from http://www.neafoundation.org/downloads/NEA-Using_Data_Teacher_Induction.pdf