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What’s new in the Library. The library is an extension of the classroom Information Literacy (or “Fluency”) leads to “deep” learning Library resources can be used to support course objectives. Integrating Information Literacy to Improve Assignments. Jim McCloskey Wilmington University
What’s new in the Library • The library is an extension of the classroom • Information Literacy (or “Fluency”) leads to “deep” learning • Library resources can be used to support course objectives
Integrating Information Literacy to Improve Assignments Jim McCloskey Wilmington University Library Director
“What can we do in class to help students learn outside of class?” Ken Bain What the best college teachers do
Corridors of Conversation We’re in this together: • Students • Instructors • Librarians
“Students didn’t learn how to read scholarly papers in grade school but they usually get little training beyond that level on how to read.” • Ken Bain • What the best college teachers do
Deep Learning • Indication of sustained influence (“I can think through problems, arguments, evidence”) • Relate concepts & information to previous experience & learning
Natural Critical Learning Environment • Natural = students encounter the skills, habits, attitudes, & information they are trying to learn embedded in questions & tasks they find fascinating – authentic tasks that arouse curiosity
Natural Critical Learning Environment • Critical = students learn to think critically, to reason from evidence, to examine the quality of their reasoning, to make improvements while thinking, to ask probing/insightful questions about the thinking of others.
Scaffolding • We strive to provide a… “safe space in which to construct ideas”. • Intriguing, important and even beautiful problems to solve • Opportunities to collaborate with other learners to grapple with problems • Work that is considered fairly & honestly • Opportunities to try, fail, receive feedback separate from any judgment on efforts
Help Students learn outside of class • “You have to be confused before you can reach a new level of understanding anything.” • Dudley Herschbach, Harvard Chemist
Information Literacy is the ability to “recognize when information is needed” and “locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” “…a survival skill in the Information Age.” ALA Presidential Committee on Information Literacy. Final Report. 1989
An information literate person is able to: • Determine the extent of information needed • Access needed information efficiently • Evaluate information critically • Use information to accomplish a purpose • Use information ethically and legally ACRL
Information-Seeking Skills Finding information Evaluating information Using information ethically Emphasis on critical discernment Information Technology Skills Word processing Presentation software Spreadsheet software Database software Information Literacy includes:
How do students become information literate? “A well-designed resource-based assignment is an excellent teaching tool. Effective assignments develop students’ research and information skills, critical thinking abilities, and subject knowledge.” Terry Mech, Ed.D.
Information Literacy at WU • Basic skills integrated into English 101 • Use of Library resources into course-related assignments • Information-Seeking Skills Assignment • Discipline-specific skills in the major • Course-related assignments • Instruction by liaison librarian • Handouts, web pages, exercises
Nurs 305– Research Methods (S. Sharbaugh) Soc 331(J. Bishop) Bus Comm320 (L. Fuller) Engl 102, 365 (N. Lebright) All English 101 sections Each course offers students an online Library Exercise Offers multiple attempts Minimum score of 80% Automated Grading Library Support Information Literacy integrated into a required course:
What course are you teaching? • Elective • Introduction to the major • Later course • Capstone
Sample Assignments Evaluate each of the following as an information literacy assignment.
Term Paper Write a 15-page paper about a topic of your choice. Due: May 10
Term Paper (version 2) Write a 15-page term paper on belt buckles. Due: April 30
Conduct the research for a term paper. Do everything except write it. At various stages, students submit: • topic clearly defined • annotated bibliography of useful sources • outline of paper • thesis statement • opening paragraph and summary
Research Log • Assignment: Keep a record of library research including: databases consulted, keywords or headings searched (noting both successes and failures). Instructors can provide format so students understand how to structure their approach. • Purpose: Provides a good introduction to how information is organized in library db’s. Focuses on the importance of terminology. A good follow up would be a class discussion with a librarian about search techniques.
Compare Internet and Database Searches • Assignment: Provide a precise statement of the search topic. Run the search using a search engine (Yahoo, Google) and also on a Library database. Present some representation of the search results and compare the findings. • Purpose: Demonstrates the differences between these search tools in respect to content and search strategy.
Library Treasure Hunt Find Library resources providing background information on the following: • Who was Paolo Lazzaroni? • What year was the Emergency-Anti-terrorist Law passed in Sweden? • What is the Stern Gang? • What happened at Entebbe? • Who were the Tupamero guerillas? • Describe 3 famous hijacking incidents.
Using Library Sources Assignment Find a peer reviewed scholarly journal article on some aspect of infant development. Do not use a web search engine. You must use a scholarly journal available through the library either in print or electronic. Use APA format indicating which library database used.
Affirmative Action Assignment Read two articles on affirmative action available through the Library Database “Opposing Viewpoints”. Explain why some writers believe it should be abolished and others believe it to be useful. Evaluate both perspectives and give your own opinion in a 5-page paper.
Interdisciplinary Research Assignment • Research the topic child abuse prevention from the perspective of three different disciplines. • Find a scholarly journal article written by • a psychologist (PsycINFO) • a sociologist (Soc Index) • a nurse (CINAHL) • Identify each author’s credentials. • Compare and contrast the three different perspectives in a 3-page paper. • Use APA style to cite sources.
Learn to Use the Library Assignment Your assignment is to attend a library instruction workshop to learn how to use library resources. This will be useful when you have research assignments in your courses.
Environmental Issue Assignment • Week 1: Choose an environmental issue you care about. (Skim through Access Science Encyclopedia for ideas). • Submit to instructor for approval. • Week 2: Research the issue and find: • 2 Magazine articles (Academic Search Premier database) • 2 Scholarly journal articles (Sage Journals Online) • An advocacy web site (Google – limit to .org) Turn in a list of references in APA style. • Week 3: Develop a pamphlet on the issue addressing: • A description of the problem or issue • Why the general public should care • A possible solution • Recommended action Incorporate some points you learned from your research.
Critical Evaluation: Focused Book Review Assignment The Satanic Gases : Clearing the Air about Global Warming (2000) by Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling is a controversial book. • Find and read 4 substantial reviews of this book (500 words or more). • At least 2 must be from scientific journals. • Look in Books in Print, Academic Search Premier, Choice Reviews Online • Compare and contrast the reviews, and identify the credentials of each reviewer.
Juvenile Capital Punishment Your assignment is to investigate capital punishment of juvenile offenders and write an 8-page objective analysis. Include in your analysis • global, national, and state practices and laws • editorial opinions from around the world • court opinions • arguments pro and con on this issue in terms of: • Psychological development of juveniles (use primary research reports) • Deterrence • Punishment
Blueprint for Successful Assignments • Have clear objectives • Make it realistic • Have students generate a product • Make it challenging—Something to be proud of! • Provide clear instructions • Give lots of guidance and feedback • Make it a heavily weighted & graded assignment
Avoid these common problems • Students forbidden to use anything from the Internet, when in fact many scholarly resources are only available online in library db’s. • An entire class looking for one piece of information or researching the same specific topic; especially difficult when printed materials are involved. • Students required to use printed materials the library does not own (or does own, but not in sufficient quantity), or online sources they are not licensed to access. • Students assigned excessively vague or general topics, e.g., "women in America," without guidance on narrowing a topic. • Students given obscure trivia questions and told to find the answers.
New Library Resources Opposing Viewpoints Sage Journals Online 360 Link