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Apache Harmony

Apache Harmony. Developing the Java Platform with Eclipse. Tim Ellison Harmony PMC. Apache Harmony is 1.33 million lines of code. Apache Harmony : JSE API Completeness Map. Missing packages: Swing multi+synth PLAF, RTF support ORB dynamic introspection (Apache Yoko). 20K unit tests.

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Apache Harmony

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Apache Harmony Developing the Java Platform with Eclipse Tim EllisonHarmony PMC

  2. Apache Harmony is 1.33 million lines of code

  3. Apache Harmony : JSE API Completeness Map Missing packages: Swing multi+synth PLAF, RTF support ORB dynamic introspection (Apache Yoko) 20K unit tests

  4. Apache Harmony performance Blackburn, S. M., et al The DaCapo Benchmarks: Java Benchmarking Development and Analysis, OOPSLA '06: Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, (Portland, OR, USA, October 22-26, 2006)

  5. Everything is pluggable beans JSE API XML NIO langutilnetio security Java SE class libraries Launcher Class library VMI (C) Kernel classes (Java) JNI native code JITcompiler Interpreter Memorymanager Threadmanager Trace VM Portability Layer Hardware / Operating System

  6. Passing >95% of Eclipse 3.2 Automated Tests

  7. Demo

  8. Poster Come and talk at the Poster immediately following this session!

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