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A triple erasure Reed-Solomon code, and fast rebuilding. Mark Manasse, Chandu Thekkath Microsoft Research - Silicon Valley Alice Silverberg Ohio State University. 3/12/2014. Motivation. Large-scale storage systems can be expensive to build and maintain
A triple erasure Reed-Solomon code, and fast rebuilding Mark Manasse, Chandu Thekkath Microsoft Research - Silicon Valley Alice SilverbergOhio State University 3/12/2014
Motivation • Large-scale storage systems can be expensive to build and maintain • Erasure codes reduce the system costs below those of mirroring • Erasure codes increase the complexity of recovering from failure • In this talk, we present • Construction of a triple-erasure correcting code • Fast and agile computation for erasure recovery
A triple erasure correcting code • Galois fields • Vandermonde matrices • Definition and determinant • Inductive proof of determinant formula • Reed-Solomon Erasure Codes • Existing practice • Simplified construction for up to three erasures • Definition • Handling 0 or 1 data erasures • Handling 2 or 3 data erasures • Why it stops at three erasures, and works only for GF(2k)
Galois fields • The Galois Field of order pk (for p prime) is formed by considering polynomials in Z/Zp[x] modulo a primitive polynomial of degree k. • Facts • x is a generator of the field (because of primitivity). • Any primitive polynomial will do; all the resulting fields are isomorphic. • We write GF(pk) to denote one such field. • Everything you know about algebra is still true. • In practice, we’ll be interested only in GF(28k), so multiple bytes turn into equivalent-length groups of bytes
Vandermonde matrices • A Vandermonde matrix Vk is of the formand has determinant
Inductive step proving the determinant of a Vandermonde matrix is the product of the differences. Determinant here is 1. Expand on first column; after removing common factors from second through last entries in each column, what’s left is Vk-1, with shifted variables.
Reed-Solomon Erasure Codes 2. Suppose data disks 2,3 and check disk 3 fail. 1. We use an n×(n+k) coding matrix to store data on n data disks and k check disks. (k=3 in our example) 3. Omitting failed rows, we get an invertible n×n matrix R. 4. Multiplying both sides by R-1, we recover all the data.
Existing practice • The use of the identity in the top of the matrix makes the code systematic, which means that data encodes itself • Typically, one takes a matrix with the right properties for the invertibility of submatrices (like a Vandermonde or Cauchy matrix) and diagonalizes it • This produces a matrix, hard to remember or invert, limited to n+k < 257 in GF(256) • A simple trick extends to n+k < 258
A simple triple-erasure code • The matrix to the right is simple: an n×n identity matrix for n < 256, and the first three rows of a transposed Vandermonde matrix of size 3×n, using 1, x, and x2, where x is any generator of the multiplicative group • For k=3, in GF(256), we need n+k < 259
General invertibility background • Consider the matrix after deleting 3 rows • To check invertibility, test the determinant • To compute the determinant • Most rows will contain all zeroes, except for a one in what used to be the diagonal element • Expanding along such a row, we get (up to sign), that the determinant is the determinant of the minor excluding the one’s row and column
Handling 0 or 1 data erasures • If the 3 deleted rows are the check rows, we know how to compute the check values from the data values • Otherwise, what remains is a minor of the Vandermonde rows • If 2 deleted rows are check rows, the remaining minor is a single element, which is a power of x, hence non-zero.
Handling 2 or 3 data erasures, and beyond • If the deleted rows are data rows a, b, and c, the minor is a 3×3 Vandermonde matrix, which is invertible • If one deleted row is a check row, and the others are rows a and b, possible minors are displayed: • The first is Vandermonde, as is the second, after factoring out xa and xb • The third is Vandermonde, but we need to show that x2a and x2b differ • In GF(2k), the order of the multiplicative group is 2k-1, relatively prime to 2, so they do • In other characteristics, 1 has two square roots, so we have to keep b - a small • If we had added more than three check rows, a 3×3 minor generally would not be Vandermonde, and it’s not hard to construct non-invertible minors
Reed-Solomon reconstruction • For each failed disk, the matrix multiplication resolves to a dot-product • If each data source (data disk or check disk) has an associated processor, the multiplications can be performed locally • Accumulating the sum in GF(2k) is just exclusive-or • Want high throughput (so disks are rebuilt quickly), low-latency (so blocks can be delivered on demand, when necessary)
Computational environment • In what follows, we assume that we have a synchronous network of processors, each with an array of data packets • In each time step, each processor can • Receive one packet, and XOR the contents with a known packet for the same array index • Send one packet to another processor or to the final destination
High throughput, but high latency • A bucket brigade of n processors has unit throughput, but linear latency • On step i+k, processor i sends accumulated packet k to processor i+k, and receives packet k+1 from processor i-1, adding the received value to known packet k+1 • Processor 0 only sends • Processor n is the destination • After n steps of latency, processor n receives one packet per step
Low latency, but low throughput • Build an in-place binary tree • Let n = 2k • For i<k, on step rk+i, node 2i(2s+1) sends packet r to node 2i+1s • On step k(r+1), node 0 sends packet r to destination node n • Latency log n+1, throughput 1/k, i.e. 1/log n • Easy doubling of throughput by sending even blocks down, and odd blocks up (since at least half of nodes only send or only receive at each step) Steps 3,6,… Steps 2,5,… Node 0 Node 4 Step 0 Step 0,3,… Node 1 Node 5 Step 1,4,… Step 1,4,… 0 Node 2 Node 6 Step 0,3,… Step 0,3,… 0 Node 3 Node 7
Moderate throughput, moderate latency • Instead of an in-place binary tree, use a rooted binary tree • On step 2(k+l), node 2l(4s+1) sends packet k to node 2l(4s+2) • On step 2(k+l)+1, node 2l(4s+3) sends packet k to node 2l(4s+2) • Throughput ½, latency 2log n, for n = 2k-1 • Output every other step, because of input limits Node 4 Steps 2,4,… Steps 3,5,… Node 2 Node 6 Steps 0,2,… Steps 1,3,… Steps 0,2,… Steps 1,3,… Node 1 Node 3 Node 5 Node 7
General observations • The patterns of communication described so far all combine the values of consecutive nodes • Statically known if incoming block contains values from higher numbered nodes or lower numbered, so can apply XOR left-to-right • Not interesting for a commutative operator like XOR, but this can apply to non-commutative monoids (which don’t arise in erasure codes, but are cool anyway)
Recursive construction: base case • For one node, on step i, send block i from node 0 to destination node 1; this is G0 • For two nodes, on step i, send block i from node 0 to node 1. On step i+1, send block i from node 1 to node 2 • Denote edges in graph as 4-tuples • <step, block, source, destination> • Graph G1 is {<i, i, 0, 1>,<i+1, i, 1, 2>} Steps 0,1,2,… Blocks 0,1,2,… Steps 1,2,3,… Blocks 0,1,2,… Node 0 Node 1 Node 2
Inductive hypotheses for Gk • Nodes from 0 to n=2k • Node 0 is only a source; <i, i, 0, 1> is in Gk for all i (recall: step, block, source, dest) • Node n is only a destination, <i+k+1, i, s, n> in Gk, so log k+1 delay, full throughput • If <i, j, s, d> in Gk, for d < n, then for some t and u d, but u/2 = d/2, either • <i+1, j, t, d> and <i+1, i+1, d, u> are in Gk or • <i+1, j, d, t> and <i+1, i+1, u, d> are in Gk • For all blocks, the edges form an unrooted binary tree; the k-level descendants of a node have node numbers matching the first k bits of the node Node 0 Node 2 Node 4 Node 1 Node 3
Recursive construction: doubling up • Given Gk, produce Gk+1 by doubling the number of nodes to 2n. • Add edges <0, 0, 2s, 2s+1> for s<n, • Looping over i, for every edge <i, b, s, d> in Gk, add an edge to Gk+1 • For {s1, s2}={2s,2s+1} (and similarly d1, d2, d), Gk+1 includes <i, b, s2, s1> and <i, b, d1, d2> (unless d=n, when d1=2n, and d2 is irrelevant) • Add <i+1, b, s1, d1>, and <i+1, i+1, s2 ,s1> • Since every node < n is a source in Gk, all pairs will be connected in some direction in step i+1 0 2 Node 4 Steps i=0,2,4,…: Block i-1 1 3 Block i-2 0 2 Block i inside every bubble Steps i=1,3,5,…: Block i-1 1 3
Chains / step but in-place trees / block 0 2 Node 4 Steps i=0,2,4,…: Block i-1 1 3 Block i-2 0 2 Block i inside every bubble Steps i=1,3,5,…: Block i-1 1 3 0 2 Node 4 Blocks i=0,2,4,…: Step i+1 1 3 Step i+2 0 2 Step i inside every bubble Blocks i=1,3,5,…: Step i+1 1 3
High throughput, low latency • From that recursive construction, we’ve doubled the number of nodes • We sometimes have to add on the left and sometimes on the right, but the inputs accumulated on any input step are always a contiguous subset adjacent to the contiguous subset currently known to the destination, so associativity is sufficient • 2i and 2i+1 are always linked for block b at step b; if we condense some of these nodes, we can reduce the number of nodes to get non-powers of 2
Further results • Current patterns of communication repeat every 2log log n blocks • We have alternative constructions with slightly worse latency, but full throughput, that are much simpler (repeating patterns every 2 or 3 steps) • These constructions require commutativity • Generalizations of rooted tree constructions, improving throughput