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AGENDA 21 CONNECTING THE DOTS. The Transformation of America that is Taking Away Our Liberties. Prepared by Richard Rothschild TeamRothschild@aol.com. Democrats also concerned. www.democratsagainstUNagenda21.com. (Actual Headline) DEMOCRATS AGAINST
AGENDA 21CONNECTING THE DOTS The Transformation of America that is Taking Away Our Liberties Prepared by Richard Rothschild TeamRothschild@aol.com
Democrats also concerned • www.democratsagainstUNagenda21.com (Actual Headline) DEMOCRATS AGAINST U. N. AGENDA 21”Carroll County Maryland kicks ICLEI out!”
RNC- RESOLUTION EXPOSING UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 21 • WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control that was initiated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992; and, • WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is being covertly pushed into local • communities throughout the United States of America through the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) through local “sustainable development” policies such as Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, and other “Green” or “Alternative” projects; and, • WHEREAS, this United Nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so-called “sustainable development” views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms; all as destructive to the environment; and, • WHEREAS, according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy, social justice is • described as the right and opportunity of all people to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment which would be accomplished by socialist/communist redistribution of wealth; and, • WHEREAS, according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy National sovereignty is deemed a social injustice; now therefore be • RESOLVED, the Republican National Committee recognizes the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21 and hereby exposes to the public and public policy makers the dangerous intent of the plan; and therefore be it further • RESOLVED , that the U.S. government and no state or local government is legally bound by the United Nations Agenda 21 treaty in that it has never been endorsed by the (U.S.) Senate, and therefore be it further • RESOLVED, that the federal and state and local governments across the country be well informed of the underlying harmful implications of implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 destructive strategies for “sustainable development” and we hereby endorse rejection of its radical policies and rejection of any grant monies attached to it, and therefore be it further • RESOLVED, that upon the approval of this resolution the Republican National Committee shall deliver a copy of this resolution to each of the Republican members of Congress, all Republican candidates for Congress, all Republican candidates for President who qualify for RNC sanctioned debates, and to each Republican state and territorial party office and recommend for adoption into the Republican Party Platform at the 2012 Convention. • As Approved by the Republican National Committee, January 13, 2012
KANSAS CONDEMNS A-21 • The Republican-controlled Kansas House of Representatives on Thursday adopted a resolution condemning the United Nations' Agenda 21 environmental action plan, which focuses on sustainable development. • Kansas lawmakers adopted the non-binding resolution following intense debate over what supporters believe is the U.N.'s attempt to "indoctrinate" the public on sustainability issues and its desire to control the local government planning process.
ALABAMA CONDEMNS A-21 • MONTGOMERY, Alabama -- A bill to bar the state from taking over private property without due process passed the House this morning on a 96-0 vote. • Senate Bill 477, sponsored by Sen. Gerald Dial, R-Lineville, is intended to shelter Alabamians from the United Nations Agenda 21, a sustainable development initiative that some conservatives see as a Trojan horse for the creation of a world government.
TENNESSEE CONDEMNS A-21 • Lawmakers in Tennessee passed a resolution on March 15, 2012 condemning United Nations Agenda 21 as a “destructive and insidious” environmental plan to advance communist agenda under the guise of community planning. • The state House of Representatives voted 72-23 in favor of House Joint Resolution 587, which denounces the non-binding UN Agenda 21
Oath of Office • I will support the Constitutionof the United States; and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of __________, and support the Constitution and Laws thereof...
QUESTION • Have you ever REALLY thought about what this means? • When you took the oath, did you mean it? • Are you prepared to stand, speak, act and defend our Constitutions?
The Crux:Unalienable Rights • We hold these truths to beself-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by theirCreatorwith certainunalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit* of Happiness • 14th Amendment: …nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
A Critical Crossroads. • Will we choose respect for our citizens freedoms or government overreach? Agenda 21 or this… Equity
So many things making so little sense: • EPA drives industries overseas where pollution increases • EPA embraces ethanol while blaming farming for pollution • Master Plans across America overtly ignore property rights • Environmental nooses rob property rights & individual freedoms based on unsettled science, distorted statistics & exaggerated predictions. • Focus on Social Equity eclipsing life-liberty property (Why?) • Municipal Master Plans have become Manifestos • People in tears across America (Why?)
What’s happening? • Radical Environmentalism is not the cause.It is also a vehicle. • Radical Environmentalists have become “the tool” of an anti-American movement that has metastasized and is usurping congressional authority • A CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER: It is as a matter of fact, an anti-American; anti-Free market, anti-Constitutional movement
What if? • What if you wanted to eliminate candy manufacturers from the world? …How would you do it? • Which would be easier… Banning candy or promoting healthy teeth? • And if we were going to promote healthy teeth, shouldn’t we also promote general health and avoidance of diabetes?
How would you do it? • Get the ADA on your side (a NGO) • Create a health sustainability coordinator that belongs to a U.N. organization that promotes benefits of a candy-free society • Pass laws requiring schools to use healthy diet templates • Require schools to teach the evils of candy
How would you do it? • Explain how Candy consumption consumes too much of the world’s sugar cane supplies. • Publish selective articles “proving” candy is harmful to your health • Endorse organizations that promote healthy eating. Offer smart sugarfree growing awards • Pass resolutions that state, “in the absence of positive proof”, we should err on the side of caution and avoid candy.
How would you do it? • Get non-candy companies to sell alternatives. How? • Offer grants to companies that manufacture healthy desserts. • Offer grants to schools, communities, and businesses that provide healthy desserts in lieu of candy • Promote technology that monitors sugar intake
How would you do it? • Require fund transfers to poor countries to wean them from sugar-based foods. • Create gov’t dietary commissions staffed with anti-sugar political appointees. • Require all members of the dietary commission be trained in proper diets
How would Moore or Gore do it? • Produce a movie about corruption at Hershey’s Chocolate, “Candy and Me” • Produce a movie denigrating the system that enables us to have chocolate in every household, “Capitalism and Candy… How greed is killing America” • Produce a movie on the evils of cavities, “An Inconvenient Tooth”
How would you do it? • Create false moral equivalencies… if you don’t support the banning of candy, you must be cold, callous, and in favor of harming children. • Blame the poor health of children worldwide on wasteful capitalism; and sugar consumption of wealthy nations • Declare the debate is over. Sugar must go
Sustainability has a double meaning… • sustainability with a small “s” (i.e. responsible environmental & energy policies) versus • Sustainability with a Capital “S” • A Socio-economic political movement • From UN Dept of Social & Economic Affairs • Clear Marxist undercurrents • Focus: 3-E’s Environment-Economy-Social Equity
It is a GreenTrojan Horsemasking a Red Agenda • Free market manipulation • Unsustainabeenergy initiatives • Government control of Land-Labor-Capital • Group rights trump individuals’ Private Property Impingements Social Engineering Constitutional Impingements Gov’t in production & consumption Sustainability
Where does it come from? • UN Agenda 21 Sustainability (with Capital “S”) • U.N. + Constitution = Unconstitutional • HOW DID WE GET HERE???
U.S. ADOPTION • “Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced –a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.“ – signed by G.H. Bush, 1992
U.S. ADOPTION • President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order #12852 which created the President's Council On Sustainable Development on June 29 1993. • It’s purpose was to translate the recommendations set forth in Agenda 21 into public policy administered by the federal government. They produced: "Sustainable America - A New Consensus".
President’s Sustainability Council Balanced? You Decide… Membership included: • Twelve Cabinet-level Federal Officials• Jonathan Lash, Pres. World Resources Institute• John Adams, Ex. Dir. National Resources Defense Council• Dianne Dillon-Ridgley, Pres. Zero Population• Michelle Perrault, International V.P., Sierra Club• John C. Sawhill, Pres. The Nature Conservancy• Jay D. Hair, Pres. World Conservation Union (IUCN)• Kenneth L. Lay, CEO, Enon Corporation• William D. Ruckelshaus, Chm., Browning-Ferris Industries & former EPA Administrator
J Gary Lawrence • Clinton’s advisor for Sustainable Development: “Participating in a U.N. advocated planning process would very likely bring out many …right wing conspiracy groups…who would actively work to defeat any elected official…undertaking Local Agenda 21. So we call our process something else, such as “comprehensive planning,” “growth management,” or “smart growth.”
Agenda 21 NationalAdoption Local Implementation President’s Council on Sustainable Development ICLEI (Int’l Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) America’s planning associations Agencies EPA/HUD/DoT Coercion & Complicity Lawsuit “collusion”? Regulatory Tyranny State/Local Planning
A redagenda marketed with pretty green name: “sustainability” • Agenda 21 spread like an INFECTION: UN A21 ICLEI NGO’s State Planners • America’s planning association(s) provide sample ordinances based on ICLEI doctrine that originated in UN Agenda 21 • Municipal Plans become Manifestos. Why can’t we see this? They tricked us…
But despite the bad, good things come from Sustainability.. Right? • “There were orchestras under the Third-Reich that played beautiful music… but this doesn’t change the nature of the Beast.” - Richard Rothschild But how did it get here?
What’s really in Agenda 21? From U.N. Dept of Economic & Social Affairs • Section 1: Social & Economic Dimensions • Section 2: Conservation & Mgmt of Resources for Development • Section 3: Strengthening the roles of major groups. • Section 4: Means of Implementation • Rio Declarations
Understanding the Bible of Sustainability- Agenda 21 • Pay close attention to the choice of words and emphasis on “Government” in the Agenda 21 “Sustainability” document. • In particular watch for the following: • Gov’t into production and consumption • Gov’t source for all solutions • “Identity Politics” as a means of dividing; conquering; and building consensus against capitalism and private property rights. • Transfer of wealth initiatives and pro-Marxist “bent”. • Emphasis on “the people” rather than individuals
Agenda 21… • “Each country should, in consultation with its youth communities, establish a process to promote dialogue between the youth community and Government… “ • Government determines appropriate levels of production and consumption • Middle class= unsustainable
Agenda 21- Gov’t Centric • 14.41. Governments at the appropriate level, should: • (b) Select combinations of land uses and production systems appropriate to land units through multiple goal optimization procedures, and strengthen delivery systems and local community participation;
Waste Disposal • 21.4. Environmentally sound waste management must go beyond the mere safe disposal or recovery of wastes… by attempting to change unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. QUESTION- How will they do this?
Sustainability Agenda21 SECTION III STRENGTHENING ROLE OF MAJOR GROUPS (Identity Politics) • 24.Global action for women towards sustainable and equitable development • 25.Children and youth in sustainable development • 26.Recognizing and strengthening the role of indigenous people and their communities • 27.Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations: partners for sustainable development • 29.Strengthening the role of workers and their trade unions
Appeal to the proletariat • 29.4. For workers and their trade unions to play a full and informed role in support of sustainable development, Governments and employers should promote the rights of individual workers to freedom of associationand the protection of the right to organize as laid down in ILO conventions…
What has Sustainability become? • Unfortunately, the environmental movement has been hijacked as a convenient excuse to attack capitalism; blame America; transfer wealth; impinge on Constitutional rights; and install a government run socio-economic system. • United Nations paradigm:Capitalism and private property rights are not sustainable, and pose the single greatest threat to the world’s ecosystem and social equity.
Creates an Irreconcilably Incompatible Conflict: • Constitutional Principles: Life-Liberty- Pursuit of Happiness/Property… versus • Sustainability Agenda: Economy – Environment – Social Equity Marxism?
Is it Incompatible? • Social Equity as promulgated means: • 1) Environment trumps economy • 2) Environment trumps unalienable rights • 3) All people should benefit EQUALLY from the earth’s resources. • 4) Government decides the what, where, how, and who will get to use resources. No free market. Not convinced?
Professor Carl J. Circo: University of Arkansas School of Law • Publication: Does Sustainability Require a New Theory of Property Rights (2009)? • “Does sustainability challenge the U.S. property regime? The answer is yes…” • “The critical question is whether U.S. sustainability advocates can muster the theoretical support they need to achieve their social justice objectives.”
Maurice Strong, U.N. Undersecretary of the Rio Earth Summit • "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable.“ • ..."Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"
UN report- Habitat I conference: • “Land … cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributes to social injustice.”
Green Agenda Has Parallels with Excesses of Communism, says Czech President Vaclav Klaus7-28-2011 • Klaus, 70, who has twice been elected as Czech President, is a most important figures in post-communist Europe. His experiences under totalitarian rule have made him exquisitely alert to the erosion of democratic freedoms. • In Sydney… Klaus, an economist who fought against communism, warned of the new threats to our freedom he recognises in the doctrine of global warming. • "I feel threatened now, not by global warming… (but) by the global warming doctrine, which I consider a new dangerous attempt to control and mastermind my life and our lives, in the name of controlling the climate or temperature." • Global warming alarmists "want to change us, they want to change our behaviour, our way of life, our values and preferences. They want to restrict our freedom because they themselves believe they know what is good for us. They are not interested in climate. They misuse the climate in their goal to restrict our freedom. Therefore ...what is in danger is freedom, not the climate".
A better way… • “Property rights mean self-interested monitors. No owned creatures are in danger of extinction. No owned forests are in danger of being leveled. No one kills the goose that lays the golden egg when it is his goose.”-Thomas Sowell
The “mark” of UN Agenda 21 …Three E’s • According to Agenda 21, the objective of Sustainable Development is to integrate: • Environmental policies • Economy • Equity (as in Social Equity) ` … in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity (Capital “S” Sustainability) E E E