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Blazars and Neutrinos. C. Dermer (Naval Research Laboratory) Collaborators: A. M. Atoyan (Universite de Montreal) M. Böttcher (Rice University) R. Schlickeiser (Bochum U.) Erice, June 2002
Blazars and Neutrinos C. Dermer(Naval Research Laboratory) Collaborators:A. M. Atoyan (Universite de Montreal)M. Böttcher(Rice University)R. Schlickeiser (Bochum U.) Erice, June 2002 “Transformation Properties of External Radiation Fields, Energy Loss Rates and Scattered Spectra, and a Model for Blazar Variability,” CD and R. Schlickeiser, ApJ, in press, August 20th, 2002 (astro-ph/020280) “High Energy Neutrinos from Photomeson Processes in Blazars,” A. Atoyan and CD, PRL, 87, 22, 1102 (2001) “An Evolutionary Scenario for Blazar Evolution,” M. Böttcher and CD, ApJ, 564, 86 (2002) “X-ray Synchrotron Spectral Hardenings from Compton and Synchrotron Losses in Extended Chandra Jets” 2002, CD and A. Atoyan, ApJ Letters, 2002, 568, L81
Outline • Introduction • Radio Galaxies • Blazars • Standard Blazar Model • Leptonic Models • Radiation Processes (see Dermer and Schlickeiser 2002) • Electron Injection and Energy Losses • Model for Blazar Evolution • Hadronic Models • Photomeson Production • Neutrino Detection • Neutral Beam Formation • Extended Jets
The Evolution of Active Galaxies External Photon field FSRQs, Intense n, n beam p + g p + p0 | n + p+ | 2 g > 1014eV g Rays, cascade FR IIs ~ The nuclear activity in a galaxy evolves in response to the changing environment, which itself imprints its presence on the spectral energy distribution of the galaxy. Dilute clouds BL Lac objects Low luminosity Weak jet No n’s FR Is
FR I: low luminosity, twin jet sources Radio Galaxies 3C 465 3C 296 3C 173.1 FR II: high luminosity, lobe dominated Fanaroff-Riley (1974) Classification Scheme FR I: separation between the points of peak intensity in the two lobes is smaller than half the largest size of the source Edge-darkened, twin jet sources FR II: separation between the points of peak intensity in the two lobes is greater than half the largest size of the source. Edge-brightened hot spots and radio lobes, classical doubles Morphology correlates strongly with radio power at 2x1025 W/Hz at 178 MHz ( 4x1040 ergs s-1), or total radio power of 1042 ergs s-1 Optical emission lines in FR IIs brighter by an order of magnitude than in FR Is for same galaxy host brightness Cyg A
Blazars (see lectures by R. Sambruna for more detail) (Urry and Padovani 1995) L ~1045 x (f/10-10 ergs cm-2 s-1) ergs s-1 L ~5x1048 x (f/10-9 ergs cm-2 s-1) ergs s-1 Class of AGNs which includes optically violently variable quasars; highly polarized quasars, flat spectrum radio sources, superluminal sources BL Lac objects – nearly lineless (equivalent widths < 5 Å: dilute surrounding gas) Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (strong emission lines: dense broad line region clouds) Blazars: radio galaxies where jet is pointed towards us; radio galaxies = misaligned blazars FR Is are parent population of BL Lac objects; FR IIs are parent population of FSRQs Mrk 421, z = 0.31 3C 279, z = 0.538
Finding an order in the SEDs of blazars Blazar SED Sequence FSRQ Epk of synchrotron and Compton components inversely correlated with L BL Lac Sambruna et al. 1996; Fossati et al. 1998
Standard Blazar Model • Nonthermal electron synchrotron and Compton processes • Various sources of soft photons • Relativistic motion accounts for lack of gg attenuation Dermer and Schlickeiser 1994 t-2≡ (tsc/0.01)
Multiwavelength Blazar Spectra Leptonic processes: Nonthermal synchrotron radiation Synchrotron self-Compton radiation, Accretion disk radiation Disk radiation scattered by broad-line clouds
Blazar Variability Location of gamma-ray production site can be measured with GLAST
Blazar Sequence Comparison FSRQ BL Lac • Evolution from FSRQ to BL Lac Objects in terms of a reduction of fuel from surrounding gas and dust
What about Nonthermal Protons and Ions? Nonthermal particles; Intense photon fields Importance of external radiation field for photomeson production in FSRQs Strong photomeson production
Photomeson Neutrino Production Calculations tgg B and d s(e) Bob B K1 0.2 s = 380mb Beq K2 0.5-0.6 s = 120 mb e d 640 Tavecchio + 1998; Atoyan and Dermer 2001
NonthermalProton Spectrum Proton power based on 3-week average spectral fluxes from 3C 279 in 1996 (Wehrle et al. 1998) Nonthermal proton power corresponds to average g–ray luminosity measured from 3C 279 Unlikely to produce UHECRs in the inner jets of blazars
Photomeson production energy-loss timescale • photomeson energy-loss timescales in observer frame for properties derived from 3-week average spectral fluxes from 3C 279 in 1996 (Wehrle et al. 1998) • tvar = 1 day • compare case with no external field d = 7 d = 10 d = 15 Different Doppler factors Atoyan and Dermer 2001
Evolution of the proton distribution 1 day 3 day, 10 day, 21 day, 30 day d = 7
Energy Distributions of Relativistic Protons Proton distribution after 3 weeks, with and without external field Dots: no neutron escape Nonthermal proton accumulation d = 7 d =10 d = 15 Different Doppler factors
Neutrino and g-Ray Fluences d = 7 • Neutrino and g-ray fluences from 3C 279 based on 3-week average spectral fluxes observed in 1996 (Wehrle et al. 1998), with tvar = 1 day d =10 d = 15 Different Doppler factors
Evolution of the Neutrino Flux 1 day 3 day, 10 day, 21 day, 30 day d = 7
3-week average Neutrino Fluxes • Neutrino fluxes from 3C 279 based on 3-week average spectral fluxes observed in 1996 (Wehrle + 1998), with tvar = 1 day • Compare average g-ray fluxes observed during this time: • 5x10-10 ergs cm-2 s-1 • ~ 10% efficiency in neutrinos compared to g rays • what is kpe? d =10 d = 7 d = 15 Different Doppler factors
High Energy Neutrino Physics n Astronomy m
X-rays from the Outer Jet PKS 0637-752 Pair halos (Aharonian, Coppi, and Völk 1994 3C 273 Schwartz et al. 2000; Chartas et al. 2000 Pictor A Cygnus A Wilson et al. 2000 Wilson et al. 2001 Sambruna et al. 2001
-4 en1/2 Pn m en Neutrino detection with km2 exposure en 100 TeV Gaisser, Halzen, and Stanev 1995 d 7 10 15 10 15 10 Three week average No external radiation field No neutron escape
Neutrino detection with km2 exposure d 7 10 15 10 15 10 Parameters derived from 2 day flare of 3C 279 in 1996; tvar = 1 day No external radiation field No neutron escape Predict FSRQ sources of high energy neutrinos
Electromagnetic Cascade Inner Jet SMBH IGM Hot Spot n,g n,g • Photons with energies > 100 TeV are attenuated by CMB and DIIRF background and materialize into e+-e- pairs and produces electromagnetic cascade • Neutron beam more highly directed than jet plasma; pre-accelerates IGM in FSRQs; • Difference between FR I and FR II galaxies • Some beam energy is reprocessed into • rays through Compton scattering, forming pair halos around radio-loud AGN (Aharonian, Coppi, & Völk 1994) Rest of beam energy emerges as X-ray synchrotron jet • Larger magnetic field in hot spot reprocesses directed electron-positron beam energy into synchrotron radiation ? Blazar energy in 30-100 TeV range injected into IGM
Radio Jet Formation Scenario will be tested by Neutrino Telescopes (Neutrinos from FSRQs rather than BL Lacs) and Gamma Ray Telescopes (g-ray halos around FR II galaxies, but not around FR I galaxies; Statistics of BL Lacs and FSRQs)
Galaxy Evolution • Dark matter halos collapse from initial spectrum of density fluctuations • Press-Schechter formalism for collapse on different mass scales • Hierarchical structure formation (bottom-up) • Cluster accretion and subcluster interactions • Infrared luminous galaxies • Galaxy mergers and fueling: evolution of active galaxies • Black Hole/Jet Physics • Formation of jets in FR II and FRI radiogalaxies: importance of neutral beams • Extended X-ray emission from jet sources • Neutrino and g-ray test
Sensitivity of High Energy Telescopes ASCA HESS Chandra