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    3. There is a difference between Physical Activity and Exercise… Physical Activity (PA) Any Body Movement carried out by your skeletal muscles and requiring energy. Exercise (EX) Planned, Structured, Repetitive Movement of your body designed to improve or maintain physical fitness. PA is good for health, but EX IS NECESSARY TO IMPROVE PHYSICAL FITNESS!

    4. Recall that there are 5 components of physical fitness for which we are interested… CR Endurance MS Strength MS Endurance Flexibility Body Composition

    5. To develop your fitness, there are fundamental training principles you must consider for each component… FITT Progressive Resistance Exercise (PRE) Specificity Reversibility Warm-ups & Cool-downs

    6. The FITT principle should anchor all of your fitness programming! Frequency How Often you should workout. Example: 3 runs per week. Intensity How Hard you should workout each session. Example: Each run is performed at 70% of my maximal heart rate. Time How Long you should workout each session. Example: Each run is 20 minutes long. Type The Type of exercise you are performing. Example: I will use RUNNING to improve my fitness.

    7. To apply FITT appropriately, you must also employ the PRE principle. Progressive Resistance Exercise (PRE) Placing Increasing Amounts of Stress on your body will cause adaptations that improve fitness. Example: The legend of Milo

    8. Specificity and Reversibility are also important for fitness development… Specificity Your body will adapt to a Particular Type and Amount of stress placed upon it. Example: Rock Climber Forearms Reversibility Fitness improvements are lost when the Demands on your body are Lowered. Example: “Use it or Lose it!”

    9. and the importance of Warm-ups and Cool-downs cannot be overlooked! Warm-ups are beneficial because they: Safely Prepare your body for EX and PA. Create an opportunity for Optimal performance. Example: Jogging ? Running Cool-downs are necessary to: Safely Transition your body from an exercising to resting state. Improve the Recovery Process. Example: Walking or Stretching After a Workout.

    10. Exercise and application of the training principles manipulates your Metabolism… Metabolism Sum of the Chemical Processes necessary to maintain your body. Food is chemically converted to Fuel for use or storage. Carbohydrates (CHO): immediate fuel and fuel storage. Fats: sustained fuel and fuel storage. Proteins: useful for building processes. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) The Most Basic Form of Usable Energy in your body. ATP synthesized from CrP, CHO, Fats, and Proteins. ATP broken down to release energy for physical work.

    11. and trains your 3 Energy Systems… Anaerobic (Does Not Need Oxygen to produce/use ATP) 1) Immediate Energy System Utilizes stored ATP-CrP for rapid, very high-intensity activity. Energy production limited to ~ 10-30 sec. Example: Lifting heavy weights or sprinting 100m. 2) Glycolytic/Lactic Acid System Breaks down CHOs to produce ATP for short-term, high-intensity activity. Lactic Acid created which can aid or hurt performance. Energy production limited to ~ 30 sec. – 2 or 3 min. Example: Circuit weight training or running 800m.

    12. and trains your 3 Energy Systems… Aerobic (Needs Oxygen to produce ATP) 3) Oxidative System Breaks down CHOs and Fats to produce ATP in cellular mitchondria for sustained low-moderate intensity activity. Energy production extends beyond ~ 2-3 min. Example: Sitting down in class or running a marathon. You’re always using a combination of these three systems – The type of exercise dictates the predominant energy system!

    13. and trains your 3 Energy Systems…

    14. While engaging in a fitness program, you can expect… Initial fitness improvements are usually rapid and substantial. This is typically seen in the first 4-6 weeks. Slower gains with proper, extended training. Proper application of the training principles is critical to elicit improvement after 4-6 weeks. A plateau or decrease in progress with improper training. Incorrect application of the principles and/or doing the same thing forever Will Not Yield Further Improvements in fitness. Eventually, a decline in fitness or an increase in injuries will follow.

    15. So, to optimize your progress you should use Periodization! Periodization Planned Variations in your exercise that cumulatively improve your fitness and performance. It strategically manipulates the fitness principles to optimize training. Periodization is the smartest way to stay in shape! It should be applied to all types of exercise & training!

    16. For example, Periodized vs. Non-Periodized Programs typically yield the following progressions…

    17. In a nutshell the take home message is… There are Basic Training Principles that apply to all forms of exercise and fitness. Exercise trains your Metabolism, or Energy Systems, which yields fitness improvements. Periodization can optimize your fitness progression. Rome wasn’t built in a day! Patience and Persistence will yield great rewards!

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