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Emotional & Social Development in Infancy & Toddlerhood Chapter 7: (pgs.248-252,256-258,260-283)

Emotional & Social Development in Infancy & Toddlerhood Chapter 7: (pgs.248-252,256-258,260-283). (Infants & Children). Erikson’s Theory of Infant & Toddler Personality. (Allyn & Bacon, 2008). Baby needs to feel confident/secure so they can explore their environment

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Emotional & Social Development in Infancy & Toddlerhood Chapter 7: (pgs.248-252,256-258,260-283)

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  1. Emotional & Social Development in Infancy & ToddlerhoodChapter 7: (pgs.248-252,256-258,260-283) (Infants & Children)

  2. Erikson’s Theory of Infant & Toddler Personality (Allyn & Bacon, 2008) • Baby needs to feel confident/secure so they can explore their environment • Parents need to provide toddlers with suitable guidance & reasonable choices to increase self-confidence & independence

  3. Emotional Development(pg 250) • In infants, feelings/emotions are revealed primarily through facial expressions • Basic emotions:

  4. Infant Basic Emotions (Allyn & Bacon, 2008)

  5. Second, Higher Order of Emotions (pg 253) • 18-24 months old • Become more aware of the self as a separate, unique individual • Self-conscious emotions • __________________ • __________________ • __________________ • __________________ • __________________ • Emotions play an important role in children’s achievement-related & moral behaviors

  6. Development of Temperament (pg 256) • ___________________-individual differences in the quality & intensity of emotional reaction & behavior • 3 types of children: • _____________-40% • Difficult child-10% • Slow-to-warm-up – 15% • Unclassified – 35% (show blends of different temperaments) • Long-term prediction from early temperament is achieved after__________ when the system of emotion, attention, & action is better established

  7. Questions to ponder… • What are the “typical” temperament characteristics for boys? • What are the “typical” temperament characteristics for girls? • Is each child’s temperament decided by genetics (heredity) or by the environment in which they live?

  8. Genetic & Environmental Influences (pg 260) (Allyn & Bacon, 2008)

  9. Development of Attachment (pg 264) • _______________-the strong affectionate tie that humans have for special people in their lives • ______________________________-theory that theinfant’s emotional tie to the caregiver promotes survival • __________ Ethological Theory of Attachment Phases: • Preattachment • Attachment-in-the-making • Clear-cut attachment • Separation anxiety • Formation of a reciprocal relationship

  10. Bowlby’s Ethological Theory of Attachment (pg 265) • _____________________ (birth-6 wks) • built-in signals, such as smiling & crying, help bring newborns close to other humans for comfort • ___________________________(6 wks to 6-8 mths) • respond differently to a familiar caregiver than to a stranger • _______________ attachment(6-8 mths to 18-24 mths) • separation anxiety • _______________________________ (18-24 mths and on…) • toddlers understand their parent’s coming/going/returning • separation protest declines

  11. Security of Attachment Patterns(pg 266) • ____________ Attachment (60%) • use the parents as a secure base; actively seek contact with the parent when he or she returns • ______________ Attachment (15%) • seem unresponsive to the parent and are slow to greet the parent upon reunion • ______________ Attachment (10%) • seek closeness to the parent and are distressed and angry when the parent returns • ___________________________ Attachment (15%) • pattern reflects the greatest insecurity…at reunion, these infants often show confused, contradictory behaviors • most of these children experience extremely negative caregiving (Allyn & Bacon, 2008)

  12. Other Attachments…(pg 274)

  13. Much research shows… (Thompson, 2006,; Thompson, Easterbrooks, & Padilla-Walker, 2003)

  14. Self-Understanding, Awareness,and Control (pg 279)

  15. Helping Toddlers Develop Compliance and Self-Control (pg 283)

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