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12 th A Lang & Lit D 10/5 H 10/5

12 th A Lang & Lit D 10/5 H 10/5. Indoctrinate U (45 min): finish watching the second half of the film film and answer questions on viewing sheet. Group Discussions (10 min): Discuss the following questions at your tables :

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12 th A Lang & Lit D 10/5 H 10/5

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  1. 12th A Lang & Lit D 10/5 H 10/5 • Indoctrinate U (45 min): finish watching the second half of the film film and answer questions on viewing sheet. • Group Discussions (10 min): Discuss the following questions at your tables: • Do you feel this documentary is insightful? • Do you feel this documentary is fair? • How does the documentary use Logos, Pathos, and Ethos • What is the intended audience for this film? • How might your parents respond to this film? • Journal(15 min): Examine 1 logical, 1 ethical, and 1 emotional argument made by the film and explain how they connect to the cultural context.

  2. 12th A Lang & Lit D 10/3 H 10/4 • Watch Indoctrinate U (45 min): • Do your best to answer the questions on the VIEWING GUIDE as you watch the film • Group Discussions (10 min): • What other documentaries have you seen? • What were the biases of the people who made those documentaries? • What are the ideologies informing Indoctrinate U • Journal(15 min): Do you agree or disagree with the argument that universities are indoctrinating students so they learn a liberal mind-set?

  3. 12th A Lang & Lit D 10/1 H 10/2 • Practice Commentary (70 min): • Take out the commentary texts from last class. • You may NOT speak to your peers during this assessment • You must complete a full commentary by the end of the block • Introduction, Body, Conclusion (5-6 paragraphs) • Write your essay about only 1 of the texts. • Be sure your name and the text # are on the exam packet • Advertorial = Text #1 • Speech = Text #2 • Turn in your exam packet at the end of the period

  4. 12th A Lang & Lit D 9/28 H 9/28 • Commentary Review (30 minutes) • Read Commentary Basics Handout • Review Rubric Criteria: • Understanding of the text • Text type, purpose, contexts (temporal, cultural, ideological) • Quotes!!! • Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features • Diction, tone, syntax, structure, style, technique, semiotics • How the above elements affect a specific audience • Organization and development • Intro: thesis, Body paragraphs (with PEE), Conclusion (so what?) • Language • word choice, syntax, terminology, resister (tone) • Practice Commentary (40 minutes) • Read and discuss the texts in preparation for Mock Exam next class: • There will be a guest teacher so be prepared! • Bring your exam packet and a pen • You will have 70 minutes to write a 5-6 paragraph commentary!

  5. 12th A Lang & Lit D 9/26, H9/27 • Final Copy of Written Task DUE!! • Read over the FOA MAJOR for homework… • Group Speech (70 min) • Finish the speech, making revisions and changing phrases (15 min) • Chose a speaker to give the speech! • A look into the future… • D&H 9/28 – Commentary Review & Practice Pre-writing • D 10/1, H 10/2 – Practice Commentary • D 10/3, H 10/4 – Documentary “Indoctrinate U” • D&H 10/5 – Documentary “Indoctrinate U” • D&H 10/8-9 – Satire (Steven Colbert & “Modest Proposal”) • D&H 10/10-11, 10/12 – FOA (MAJOR) prep time • D&H 10/15-16, 10/17-18, 10/19, 10/22-23, FOA Presentations! -- Fall Break :0) -- • D&H 11/5-6 – Practice Paper 1 (Commentary Review) • D&H 11/7-8 – In Class Timed Commentary (MEDIUM)

  6. 12th A Lang & Lit D 9/24, H9/25 • WORKSHOP • Rationale • Underline the explanation of intended audience & purpose • Circle the explanation of historical/cultural/social context • Box the explanation of text-type conventions • Squiggly underline the explanation of the topic itself • [Bracket] where they address the unit of study (Language in a Cultural Context / Area of Focus) • Task & Content • Consider if the content works well with the text type, and Circle key conventions of the text type. • Underline key phrases that reveal their purpose • Box key phrases that show understanding of their topic • Organization • Squiggly underline the thesis • Number (#1) the points • Language & Style • [Bracket] effective vocabulary choices (jargon, terms, emotive connotations), literary techniques (metaphor, simile, analogy, allusion, imagery, alliteration, hyperbole, etc), and effective syntax (parataxis, hypotaxis, parallel structure, chiasmus, repetition, etc.) • Final Copy DUE D-9/26, H-9/27 (Hard Copy & Turnitin.com) • 12H – 5547707, 12D – 5547709, Password: cook

  7. 12th A Lang & Lit H 9/18, D 9/19 • Written Task Topic Proposal DUE!! • JOURNAL (15 min): Consider what aspects of your own background and language use may have made Obama’s speech either relevant and interesting or perhaps foreign and confusing: nationality, personal interest/hobbies, race, gender, class, etc • Ellen DeGeneres’ Commencement Speech (20 min) • Group Speech (50 min) OR Draft Time… • Chose an issue that is important to your group • Write a speech AS A GROUP to inspire the audience to see the issue from your point of view (10 minutes max!) • Consider Persuasive Techniques on the HANDOUT, and also the techniques used by MLK, Obama, and Ellen DeGeneres) • HOMEWORK REMINDER: • Provisional Final Draft DUE D-9/24, H-9/25 • We will workshop these essays; you MUST have a hard copy • Final Copy DUE D-9/26, H-9/27 (Hard Copy & Turnitin)

  8. 12th A Lang & Lit H 9/14, D 9/17 • “I have a Dream” • PowerPoint Questions (15 min) • Watch the Speech (20 min) • Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Address • Watch the Speech (20 min) • PowerPoint Questions (15 min) • HOMEWORK REMINDER: • Topic Proposal DUE D-9/19, H-9/18 • Save a copy for yourself if you need it! • Provisional Final Draft DUE D-9/24, H-9/25 • Final Copy DUE D-9/26, H-9/27 (Hard Copy & Turnitin)

  9. 12th A Lang & Lit H 9/13, D 9/14 • NOTES (15 min): Glory Be, Creed, Contrition • JOURNAL (15 min): What are the similarities between King’s letter and Syjuco’s prayer in terms of audience and purpose? What’s different in terms of tone and technique? • Written Task (10 min): Assignment Overview • Topic Proposal DUE D-9/19, H-9/18 • Provisional Final Draft DUE D-9/24, H-9/25 • 800-1000 word text • 200-300 word rationale. (MEDIUM ASSESSMENT) • Begin Speech (30 min): • MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech • Barack Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Address • Margaret Chase Smith’s “Declaration of Conscience”

  10. 12th A Lang & Lit H 9/11, D 9/12 • JOURNAL (15 min): Chose 1 logical, 1 emotional, and 1 ethical argument from MLK’S letter and explain the Claim, Warrant, and Explanation (or Point, Evidence, Explanation – PEE) for each • Discuss group responses (20 min) • Reading: “Prayer for Tito Sen”- M. Syjuco(35 min) • Mark the text (Tone, Logic, Emotion, Ethics, etc.) • Fill out the reading guide (MINOR ASSESSMENT) • NEXT CLASS - JOURNAL: What are the similarities between King’s letter and Syjuco’s prayer in terms of audience and purpose? What’s different in terms of tone and technique?

  11. 12th A Lang & Lit H 9/7, D 9/10 • JOURNAL (15 minutes): How has the globalization of English affected your life? • New Text Type: Letter (55 minutes) • Read Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” • Read the introduction and make notes on the context, audience, and purpose. • Annotate the text with questions and comments • Underline key passages and striking language • Finish reading and marking for homework!! • Journal (for next class): • Chose 1 logical, 1 emotional, and 1 ethical argument from the letter and explain the Claim, Warrant, and Explanation (or Point, Evidence, Explanation – PEE) for each

  12. 12th A Lang & Lit H 9/6, D 9/7 • Group Project (5 minutes) • Quick rehearsal and run through! • Group Presentations (20 minutes) • Language and Power: Global English (45 minutes) • Read Handout / Discuss • Videos: “Don’t Insist on English”, Wade Davis, Mikey Bustos, How to Learn Singlish

  13. 12th A Lang & Lit H 9/4, D 9/5 • Continue: Language and Gender (30 minutes): Packet • Objects, Nouns, Pronouns, Sayings, Occupations, Symbols • Facebook Profiles • Taboo • Group Project(40 minutes) DUE NEXT CLASS! • Research other gender-based language • Write a script for a short skit that incorporates gender-biased language • 1 character needs to be a political-correctness guru who constantly corrects the gender biased language used by the other characters.

  14. 12th A Lang & Lit H 8/31, D 9/3 • JOURNAL (15 minutes): What was your favorite presentation and why? (other than your own, of course!) • Hand back grades (MUST RETURN TO MR. C) • Written Reflection- on blog (100 words max, email me a word document!) • This is a minor assessment (10 points) • TEAPCALIM (30 minutes): Our new acronym • “My Knees” and “ISM HS planner” • Begin: Language and Gender (25 minutes): Packet • Objects, Nouns, Pronouns, Sayings, Occupations, Symbols • Facebook Profiles • Taboo

  15. 12th A Lang & Lit H 8/23,24,28, D 8/24, 29,31 • Further Oral Activity: Presentations! • Volunteers, then random order • 8 minutes maximum, followed by 2 minutes Q&A • Be a respectful audience! • Our Goal: 7 presentations per class

  16. 12th A Lang & Lit H 8/16-17, D 8/17-22 • Mr. Cook’s Example FOA: (20 minutes) • The sandwich scene in “Telephone” • Grade me using the Further Oral Activity Rubric: • Knowledge and Understanding of subject • Understanding of language use • Organization • Language • Student Work Time for FOA: (50 minutes) • Be sure to use the concepts and terms we practiced with Gaga • Aim for 8 minutes ( 4 minutes per text) • Use your peers as a resource and sounding board • See Mr. Cook for help when your peers can’t help :0) • HOMEWORK: HAND BACK TEXTS!! • Continue to work on your FOA. Next block is a WORK DAY. • Presentations: H 8/23, D 8/24 [MEDIUM ASSESSMENT]

  17. 12th A Lang & Lit H 8/14, D 8/15 • Prep-Time! (10 minutes) • Gaga Presentations (50 minutes) • Be a respectful audience and stay actively engaged • Presentation Order: • Group 1: Language • Group 2: Semiotics • Group 3: SoapsTone • Group 4: Logos-Pathos-Ethos • Group 5: PEE • HOMEWORK: • Bring your own texts for next class (MLA Bibliography information required!) • 12-H – Read Gaga article…

  18. 12th A Lang & Lit H 8/10, D 8/13 • JOURNAL (15 minutes): Chose one of the Areas Of Focus and explain how Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” uses imagery and language to make a political statement. (Rubric: Ideas, Sentence Fluency, Word Choice) • Supplies Check (Minor Assessment) • Group Presentations (55 minutes) • Prepare a 10 minute presentation for next class analyzing “Telephone” • Make sure each person speaks for at least 2 minutes • NO VISUAL AIDS ALLOWED!! • Group 1: Language • Group 2: Semiotics • Group 3: SoapsTone • Group 4: Logos-Pathos-Ethos • Group 5: PEE • HOMEWORK: • Rehearse your portion of the presentation and be ready • Organize your 3 texts, w/ MLA Bibliography information, for FOA next week… • Read Gaga article…

  19. 12th A Lang & Lit H 8/7, D 8/10 • Introduction: Mr. Cook cookj@ismanila.org(10 minutes) • Course Outline & Rules (10 minutes) • Supplies (DUE Next Class - MINOR ASSESSMENT) • 1” 3 ring binder • 5 dividers [Assignment Sheets, Handouts, Texts, Graded Work, Writing] • 50 pages lined loose-leaf binder paper • Journal [179mm X 252mm] • package of sticky notes • Snowball Fight: Summer Assignment Texts (10 minutes) • Text titles and topic • Area of focus for “Language in a Cultural Context” • Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” (40 minutes) • Guiding questions PowerPoint • HOMEWORK: • Review handouts: Language, Semiotics, SoapsTone, Logos-Pathos-Ethos, PEE • Watch “Telephone” again and ANNOTATE the lyrics • Organize your 3 texts, w/ MLA Bibliography information, for FOA next week…

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