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Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Presented to: The Aviation Council of Pennsylvania Presented by: T he FAA Safety Team Date: September 18, 2018. FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012.

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Unmanned Aircraft Systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unmanned Aircraft Systems Presented to: The Aviation Council of Pennsylvania Presented by: The FAA Safety Team Date: September18, 2018

  2. FAA Modernization andReform Actof 2012 “Not later than 270 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Transportation … shall develop a comprehensive plan to safely accelerate the integration of civil unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system.”

  3. aircraft communication links control components unmanned aircraft system

  4. the national airspace system FAA definition of the “NAS”: the airspace, navigation facilities and airports of the United States, along with their associated information, services, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, personnel and equipment.

  5. In 2012, no regulations existed to implement the FAA Modernization and Reform Act.

  6. But the statute did includeSection 333 … SEC. 333. SPECIAL RULES FOR CERTAIN UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS. (a) In General. Notwithstanding any other requirement of this subtitle …

  7. And it included Section 334 … SEC. 334. PUBLIC UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS. Not later than 270 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Transportation shall issue guidance …

  8. August 29, 2016 - Part 107the “Small” Commercial UAS Rule

  9. Civil UAS flying today: Hobbyist Commercial Operator < 55 lb Commercial Operator > 55 lb Public Aircraft Operator (PAO)

  10. The Hobbyist:“community based safety guidelines”

  11. The Commercial Operator (< 55 lb): Part 107 need Remote Pilot Certificate visual line-of-sight daylight only 400 feet or below

  12. 107.205   List of regulations subject to waiver. A certificate of waiver issued pursuant to §107.200 may authorize a deviation from the following regulations of this part: (a) Section 107.25—Operation from a moving vehicle or aircraft. However, no waiver of this provision will be issued to allow the carriage of property of another by aircraft for compensation or hire. (b) Section 107.29— Daylight operation. (c) Section 107.31— Visual line of sight aircraft operation. However, no waiver of this provision will be issued to allow the carriage of property of another by aircraft for compensation or hire. (d) Section 107.33—Visual observer. (e) Section 107.35—Operation of multiple small unmanned aircraft systems. (f) Section 107.37(a)—Yielding the right of way. (g) Section 107.39— Operation over people. (h) Section 107.41— Operation in certain airspace. (i) Section 107.51—Operating limitations for small unmanned aircraft.

  13. The Commercial Operator (>55 lb):“333” Waivers

  14. PAO – Public Aircraft Operator

  15. The Future

  16. Part 107 – the sequel

  17. Part One-O-somethingfor < 55lb

  18. Full Integration Into the NAS

  19. Unmanned Aircraft Systems Presented to: The Aviation Council of Pennsylvania Presented by: The FAA Safety Team Date: September18, 2018

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