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“Eurozone approves new $173B bailout for Greece”

“Eurozone approves new $173B bailout for Greece”.

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“Eurozone approves new $173B bailout for Greece”

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  1. “Eurozone approves new $173B bailout for Greece”

  2. Eurozone finance ministers sealed a deal Tuesday morning for a second bailout for Greece, including €130 billion ($173 billion) in new financing. The finance ministers from the 17 nations that use the euro, known as the Eurogroup, gave Greece the funding it needs to avoid a potential default next month. While this new deal provides some short-term relief for Greece, difficult days lie ahead as the government tries to trim debt to 121% of the country's gross domestic product by 2020. Greece's debt now stands at about 160% of GDP.

  3. In Other News Oil prices rose Monday after Iran cut exports to Britain and France, raising worries that higher gas prices may follow suitThe announcement came just days after Iran threatened to cut supplies to some European Union countries in retaliation for sanctions put in place by the EU and United States. Poachers in search of ivory in northern Cameroon have slaughtered nearly 300 elephants for their tusks since mid-January, according to the country's minister of forestry and wildlife. Minister Ngole Philip Ngwese backed up a claim by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) that an armed gang of Sudanese poachers had killed the free-roaming elephants in the BoubaNdjida National Park, on Cameroon's border with Chad. Park officials say many orphaned elephant calves have been spotted, and concerns are high the babies may soon die of hunger and thirst. Talk about your Fat Tuesday! We've sunk our teeth pretty deeply into Mardi Gras already, but New Orleans isn't the only float in the food parade. Across the U.K., royals and hoi polloi alike flip pancakes in celebration of Shrove Tuesday. The Pennsylvania Dutch fry up fastnachts (a raised doughnut). Folks of Polish descent (and apparently, residents of Michigan) polish off plenty of pączki (extra-rich jelly or cream-filled doughnuts) with great, greasy abandon.

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