Production Planning By Rebecca Allen
Layout • For my radio drama script I had to make sure the script was clear for the actors to be able read, so that they knew when to read, when to pause and what noise to make. How I did this was by having the names of the characters in bold. Also I would have added caption above their lines describing to them the place they were in and what the character was feeling, so that it was heard in their voice. • I made sure that every actor had their own script in a plastic wallet and all the pages where numbered.
Direction • My radio drama is about teenage love lives. In my drama I tried to show both sides to the love story, therefore in the direction , I had to make sure there was enough coverage of both the boys side of the story and the girls. I wanted to give the audience the chance to either feel sympatric towards main character Chris, or feel that his a stalker. • The representation of the characters was very important to my radio drama, therefore in the direction I had to make sure it was perfect. I had to make sure that the actors where guided in the right way, of how I wanted that character to be portrayed.
Target Audience • My target audience for my radio drama, is effectively for 13- 25 year olds. I had to make sure that my targeted age was ranged towards adult content as well as teenagers, because BBC 4 radio main listeners tend to be adults. I’ve attempted to make my radio drama of adult content in that its about young love, and most if not all adults know the feeling of puppy love. • My drama would be successful if played at 8pm in the evening so that no children would be able to listen and adults could enjoy the content freely.
Drafting/ redrafting • Drafting my radio drama script in the beginning I found to be difficult, as I was not sure on how I wanted my idea to be presented. For example what codes and conventions I would be presenting. • After listening to many a radio drama on BBC 4 , I had an idea on how to structure my radio drama, and how to represent a character clearly, so that the audience would be clear of the representation of characters. • Once I had drafted my script, I felt it was still lacking in value. So in my redraft I added much more detail e.g. I decided to make the script have two main characters who the audience shadowed, so that the audience could decide who's side of the love story they where on.
Sound Effects • Club Music • High heeled shoes • Knocking on a door • Texting buttons noise • Car sounds • Money Noises (coins)
Music used • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzvGKas5RsU • TinnieTempah • I used this music, in the very beginning of my radio, in the nightclub where my two main characters Chris and Alicia meet. • I choose this song because its very modern and fan base of this song are teenagers and young adults. I picked a song that is popular by teenagers and adults as my radio drama target age is 13-25. Also the song lyrics has a lot of slang words, a lot are the same to my characters speech.
Use of Silence • I purposely had silence in my radio drama to create effect of awkwardness in a conversation and also to show to the audience a new scene.
Organization of actors and equipment • Trying to organize a radio drama recording was on of the hardest tasks. This was because I had to find a time which suited all actors and make sure I was able to use the equipment. Equipment was also difficult to use as other people where trying to record their radio drama at the same time. I firstly recorded my radio drama on the 26th of march, but disaster struck as when I went to listen to the radio drama I found it had not recorded so I had to schedule a time to re-record. I re-recored my radio drama on the 6 th of April, and it was a success. Using the equipment was difficult in the beging so had to test runs (1,2,1,2) . Also I had to make sure I used the record, pause,play and stop button correctly and not make mistakes of the recording not recording.
Communication through play and blog • I feel my radio drama was successful in communicating the message i wanted. For my radio drama i wanted to show codes and convention of a love story from two different points of view. I feel this was successful as in my radio drama i represented to characters in love and both their sides to the story. • Creating a blog was an easy way to upload all my work, also it made my work open to other students to comment on.
Narrative • My Narrative structure has a beginning , middle but does not have a proper ending in that it’s left at a cliff hanger, where the audience are left wondering what will happen next. I have identified four key characters in my radio drama. I have the two main characters, Chris and Alicia who are in a love relationship together which is clearly represented in the radio drama, and then two side characters who help develop the codes of the two main characters. • I used many narrative codes in my radio drama, to convey meaning to the auidence. For example in some aspects of my radio drama i have made sure that charcter Chris comes across to the auidence as a well moraled young man, sensiteve and respectful, but in other aspects of the radio drama Chris’ character has come across as a stalker, needy and pathetic.
The code of action used in my radio drama is that a boy and a girl meet at a night club, and from a night of passion extends to weeks of unrequited love for Chris and obsessive stalkering for Alicia. • The culture code for my radio drama is urban Britain. In that the characters are British African. Therefore certain codes have been used, to represent their culture e.g. Kissing teeth, use of slang words and type of music the characters listen to. • I have symbolic codes for my radio drama for example in my web page and advert, i have used pictures of an teenager feeling not loved in a relationship, e.g. Having a character who is having relationship problems with a couple who are deeply in love. This was to represent to the audience how the character Chris is feeling, and this is to stereotypically show to the audience the feeling of ‘unrequited love’
Other radio plays. • http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00s8kd0/The_Archers_13_05_2010/ • The Archers is a weekly drama series. It is played on BBC radio 4. the only problem with the archers is the episodes are deleted after a week, so the listeners have to listen weekly so they do not miss parts of the story. • The Drama starts with the classic theme tune of the archers and then goes straight onto the drama.
The drama starts of with two old cockney west county accent men. The two characters are deep in conversation about day to day issues. Also the characters are discussing trying to get products on the black market cheaply ‘ have to put on the old charm’. • The characters are standing in a busy market place selling goods. • The next character that the audience hear is a man of upper class, the audience can tell this because the accent is very well spoken British and uses sayings such as ‘old chap’ ,’oh i say’ and ‘good day’. • The use of sound effects in the archers is the archers is to show the codes and conations of the characters.
Linked stories and websites to my radio drama. • http://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/yorkslincs/series7/stalking_advice.shtml • This websites showed me what victims of stalkers feel like and what they should do to escape from that person. ‘Stalking is defined as a constellation of behaviours in which an individual inflicts upon another repeated unwanted intrusions and communications’. My radio drama is not about a person being stalked but a teenage girl is being dramatic and claiming her boyfriend is stalking her. Young people today use the stalking to freely in the sense • that they claim stalking to be a person ringing and texted them frequently.
http://unrequitedlovehelp.com/ • This website showed me the feelings people feel when the have unrequited love and what measures they will go to, to claim that persons love. • This helped me a lot when writing the character Chris, because i wanted to make sure i represented him as someone with unrequited love to the audience clearly.