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Energy generated by quantum electronic transitions in an atom

Energy generated by quantum electronic transitions in an atom. Units for Measuring Waves. Frequency = wavelengths/sec = Hertz. AM and FM Radio frequencies. 1 sec. 3 cycles per second = 3 hertz. In general means electromagnetic radiation The speed of light, c, is a constant:

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Energy generated by quantum electronic transitions in an atom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Energy generated by quantum electronic transitions in an atom

  2. Units for Measuring Waves

  3. Frequency = wavelengths/sec = Hertz AM and FM Radio frequencies 1 sec 3 cycles per second = 3 hertz

  4. In general means electromagnetic radiation • The speed of light, c, is a constant: • 2.99792458 x 108meters/second in a vacuum • A measured number!! We will use 3.00x108 m/s • 186,000 miles/second in a vacuum. • This is speed NOT frequency! • The wavelength or frequency of light can be calculated from the formula: c = wavelength (λ) * frequency (f) c = λf

  5. Energy (E) of a single photon is the product of wavelength (f) and Planck’s constant (h). • E = hf • h = 6.63E-34 J-sec • Now combine c = λf and E = hf • f = c/λ so E = hc/λ • We now have three equations in terms of speed, wavelength, frequency and energy that characterize light

  6. Electromagnetic Spectrum

  7. Allelectromagneticradiationiscreatedbyexciting electrons in anatom!

  8. Energy Out Energy In

  9. Electron Transition Producing Light

  10. Different Quantum Transitions Cause Different Wavelengths of Light

  11. VISIBLE LIGHT 380nm 750nm Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange Red

  12. What is the difference between emission and absorption of light?

  13. Very Bright Light Prism

  14. Continuous white light spectrum

  15. Bohr’s Model of the Atom DeBroglie’s Model of the Atom


  17. S - Orbital

  18. P – Orbital P-OrbitalDiagram.exe

  19. D - Orbital

  20. F - Orbital

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