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Thinking and Learning Visually

Thinking and Learning Visually. An Overview. Allows you to create a picture of your ideas and concepts in the form of a diagram. Provides an integrated outlining environment for developing your ideas into organized written documents. Stimulates both visual and linear thinking to…

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Thinking and Learning Visually

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  1. Thinking and Learning Visually

  2. An Overview • Allows you to create a picture of your ideas and concepts in the form of a diagram. • Provides an integrated outlining environment for developing your ideas into organized written documents. • Stimulates both visual and linear thinking to… • deepen understanding of concepts, • increase memory retention, • develop organizational skills, and • tap creativity.

  3. An Overview • Use the same way as most Mac OS and Windows programs. • Use the mouse to drag objects and to select text. • Click and double-click. • Enter information using the keyboard. • Uses two views: • Diagram View • Outline View • Allows the user to move back and forth between views.

  4. Diagram View • Use Diagram View to create a diagram or a map that shows the relationship between ideas or concepts.

  5. Outline View • Use Outline View to create an outline of your ideas or to organize and write a report.

  6. Diagram Types • Create many types of diagrams. • Concept Maps • Idea Maps • Webs • Storyboards • The kind of diagram created in Inspiration depends on the idea being developed.

  7. Concept Maps • A hierarchical diagram used to represent a set of concepts beginning with the most general or most important and then working down to more specific detail. • Key concepts are connected by links that have descriptive words on them explaining the relationship between the concepts. • Often used to illustrate scientific or historical concepts or for other types of knowledge mapping.

  8. Idea Maps • Use an idea map to brainstorm ideas and develop thoughts. • Starts with a main idea or problem in the middle of the screen. • Ideas associated with the main idea in symbols that radiate out from the main idea. • Subtopics or specific details are then added to those ideas. • Idea maps can be used for individual or group brainstorming, planning, problem solving and report writing.

  9. Webs • A visual map that shows how different bits of information relate to each other. • Has a main idea or core concept at the center with different categories of information connected to it. • Ideas, facts and information are connected to the categories to support them. • Webbing is particularly useful when you're analyzing a story or brainstorming ideas for a plan or written report.

  10. Storyboards • A visual way to organize projects such as multimedia presentations or the design of a web page. • Helps plan what is going to be said and shown, and figure out which ideas belong at the beginning, middle and end. • In a storyboard, each symbol can represent a different slide, screen or page.

  11. Use of Outlining • An outline is a hierarchical structure of ideas. • An outline helps to organize written documents, speeches or plans by providing a framework for the ideas and by giving order and flow to the information. • Outlining is particularly useful for planning and structuring information when writing.

  12. Getting Started • Launch Inspiration. • Go to education apps folder. • Double-click on Inspiration 8

  13. Click here to start a new diagram.

  14. Click here to start a new outline.

  15. Click here to open an existing file.

  16. Click here to open a pre-installed template.

  17. Click here to open Inspirations built-in tutorial.

  18. Inspiration Window and Toolbars

  19. File serves many of the same functions as in other Office products.

  20. Edit has many of the same functions as well.

  21. View provides the user with options of how his/her diagram or outline will appear.

  22. Text allows the user to alter how the text appears.

  23. Symbol allows the user change what images are used on a diagram and how they appear on the screen.

  24. Link gives the user control over how his/her ideas connect.

  25. Effect allows the user to change the appearance of his/her diagram.

  26. Tools allows the user to proof his/her work as well as inserting hyperlinks and videos and sounds. • Utility, Window, and Help are not terribly important at this time.

  27. Diagram View The Outline button allows the user to switch to an outline view. When in outline view, the Diagram button is present (more on this later).

  28. The RapidFire button allows the user to rapidly add a symbol to his/her diagram by simply using the keyboard. The symbol can be linked to a previous symbol or not depending on what the user selects.

  29. The Create button allows the user to add another symbol for information. It works just like the RapidFire tool, but uses the mouse rather than the keyboard.

  30. The Link button allows the user to add a link between more information. It works just like the RapidFire tool, but uses the mouse rather than the keyboard.

  31. The Arrange button allows the user to decide how the information will be arranged. Tree Web Split Tree The user can also alter the link style with this tool.

  32. The Note button allows the user to add notes to any symbols on the screen. Once added, notes can be minimized and maximized at will for easy viewing.

  33. The Hyperlink button allows the user to add hyperlinks to his/her diagram or outline.

  34. The Word Guide opens a window that provides the user with information about the selected word.

  35. The Transfer button allows the user to transfer his/her diagram or outline to a word processor.

  36. Outline View The Diagram button allows the user to switch to diagram view.

  37. Some of the outline view tools are the same as when in the diagram view – Notes, Hyperlink, WordGuide, and Transfer.

  38. The Topic and Subtopic buttons allow the user to add information to his/her outline.

  39. The Left and Right buttons allow the user to move information already entered up or down hierarchically.

  40. Let’s Take a Look!

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