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Deep water Horizon Oil Spill. Started the 20th April Capped 15th July Permanently sealed 20th September. What caused it ?. Hydrocarbons shot up and ingnited causing explosion and fire in Deepwater Horizon oil rig . 1- Failure
DeepwaterHorizonOilSpill Startedthe 20th April Capped 15th July Permanentlysealed 20th September
Whatcausedit? • Hydrocarbonsshot up and ingnitedcausingexplosion and fire in DeepwaterHorizonoilrig. • 1- Failure • 2- Loss of control of thepressureonthe fluid in thewell • 3- ¨Blowoutpreventer¨ (sealswell in event of loss of control) failedtoengage.
ArealExtent • about 1,000 miles of shoreline had been affected. Of this stretch, about 200 miles were heavily oiled • http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2010/apr/29/deepwater-horizon-oil-spill-map
Effects • Environmental: • Harm done towildlife: • More than 6,100 deadbirds(2,200 visiblyoiled) • 153 deaddolphins(at least 8 smearedwithcrudeoil) • Sea bedaffected: - mounds of deadorganisms, including coral- oceanfloorcoated in darkbrownslimeabout 4cm deep • Bluefin tuna: dangerbecomingextinct, hatchthroughout time of spill • Whales, dolphins, needtosurfacetobreathe, shrimp, bluecrab, breedingseason in thespring, duringspill
Effects • Economic : • 22.6 billion USD distributed by the company in response to cleanup costs, to displaced workers and businesses (production, processing and transport of oil), and affected state governments • 25 million USD given to the states of Alabama, Florida and Mississippi • 60 million USD used in the construction of barrier islands off the coast of Luisiana • 1.4 billion USD used in cleanup efforts • 6700 compensation claims filled • Lawsuits • 56-84 thousand barrels of oil released daily, money loss by the company • Diminished costumer confidence on the brand • Seafood industry damaged, increase in seafood prices • Chain reaction
Couldithavebeenpredicted? • Marine OilSpills • Releases of crudeoilfromtankers, offshore platforms, drillingrigs and wells. • Spills of refinedpetroleumproducts (gasoline and diesesl) usedbylargerships. • Oilspillscannot be predicted. However, more control measurescould be applied in ordertominimizethishazardousaccident.
Can oilsils be predicted in thefuture? • Oil spills can be prevented with a blowout preventer (BOP). • A blowout preventer is a large, specialized valve used to seal, control and monitor oil and gas wells. • Huge pinchers with blades close around the drill pipe and cut the oil spill off. • The ultimate prevention : • prohibit drilling and extraction anywhere near land • require double hulls before a tanker is allowed within a certain distance of land • reduce dependence on fossil fuels that have to be transported by water by as much as possible.